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Last active May 26, 2022 15:57
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/* */
CREATE TEMP FUNCTION fingerprint(sql STRING, matchMD5Checksum BOOL, matchEmbeddedNumbers BOOL)
function fingerprint(sql, matchMD5Checksum, matchEmbeddedNumbers) {
let query = sql;
// special cases
if (/^SELECT \/\*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE \*\/ \* FROM `/.test(query)) {
return 'mysqldump';
if (/\/\*\w+\.\w+:[0-9]\/[0-9]\*\//.test(query)) {
return 'percona-toolkit';
if (/^administrator command: /.test(query)) {
return query;
const matchedCallStatement = query.match(/^\s*(call\s+\S+)\(/i);
if (matchedCallStatement) {
return matchedCallStatement[1].toLowerCase();
// shorten multi-value INSERT statement
const matchedMultiValueInsert = query.match(/^((?:INSERT|REPLACE)(?: IGNORE)?\s+INTO.+?VALUES\s*\(.*?\))\s*,\s*\(/is);
if (matchedMultiValueInsert) {
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
query = matchedMultiValueInsert[1];
// multi line comment
query = query.replace(/\/\*[^!].*?\*\//g, '');
// one_line_comment
query = query.replace(/(?:--|#)[^'"\r\n]*(?=[\r\n]|$)/g, '');
// USE statement
if (/^use \S+$/i.test(query)) {
return 'use ?';
// literals
query = query.replace(/([^\\])(\\')/sg, '$1');
query = query.replace(/([^\\])(\\")/sg, '$1');
query = query.replace(/\\\\/sg, '');
query = query.replace(/\\'/sg, '');
query = query.replace(/\\"/sg, '');
query = query.replace(/([^\\])(".*?[^\\]?")/sg, '$1?');
query = query.replace(/([^\\])('.*?[^\\]?')/sg, '$1?');
query = query.replace(/\bfalse\b|\btrue\b/isg, '?');
if (matchMD5Checksum) {
query = query.replace(/([._-])[a-f0-9]{32}/g, '$1?');
if (!matchEmbeddedNumbers) {
query = query.replace(/[0-9+-][0-9a-f.xb+-]*/g, '?');
} else {
query = query.replace(/\b[0-9+-][0-9a-f.xb+-]*/g, '?');
if (matchMD5Checksum) {
query = query.replace(/[xb+-]\?/g, '?');
} else {
query = query.replace(/[xb.+-]\?/g, '?');
// collapse whitespace
query = query.replace(/^\s+/, '');
query = query.replace(/[\r\n]+$/, '');
query = query.replace(/[ \n\t\r\f]+/g, ' ');
// to lower case
query = query.toLowerCase();
// get rid of null
query = query.replace(/\bnull\b/g, '?');
// collapse IN and VALUES lists
query = query.replace(/\b(in|values?)(?:[\s,]*\([\s?,]*\))+/g, '$1(?+)');
// collapse UNION
query = query.replace(/\b(select\s.*?)(?:(\sunion(?:\sall)?)\s\1)+/g, '$1 /*repeat$2*/');
// limit
query = query.replace(/\blimit \?(?:, ?\?| offset \?)?/, 'limit ?');
// order by
query = query.replace(/\b(.+?)\s+ASC/gi, '$1');
return query;
return fingerprint(sql, true, true);
fingerprint(textPayload, true, true) fp,
count(*) as num,
max(query) as raw_query_sample
DATE(timestamp, "Asia/Tokyo") = "2022-05-22"
group by
order by
num desc
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