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Last active November 16, 2022 14:22
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''' - A simple number guessing game.
import random
# Define min and max to the range of numbers for the human to guess.
min = 1
max = 10
print("I am thinking of a number between", min, "and", max)
print("Can you guess my number?")
# Pick a secret, random number for the human to guess
secret = random.randint(min, max)
#print("The secret number is", secret)
# Loop until the game ends.
while True:
ans = input("What is your guess? [type Q to give up and quit] : ")
if ans.upper() == 'Q':
if not ans.isdigit():
print("That is not a valid number! Please try again.")
guess = int(ans)
if guess < secret:
print("No. Your guess was too low.")
elif guess > secret:
print("No. Your guess was too high.")
print("Correct! You guessed my number!")
# The game is over!
print("Thank you for playing my game.")
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