If you get the below error when running a rails command stop spring spring stop
`setupterm': The terminfo database could not be found. (Reline::Terminfo::TerminfoError)
If you get the below error when running a rails command stop spring spring stop
`setupterm': The terminfo database could not be found. (Reline::Terminfo::TerminfoError)
h = Hash.new(0)
['a','b','b','c'].each{ |e| h[e] += 1 }
{ a: 1, b: 2, c: 1 }
The sidekiq dead queue object has a an item['created_at'] that is an decimal (of unknown meaning is it julian? is it seconds is it a unix time stamp?)
However on the object there is a method for created_at
that will return a Date object.
ds = Sidekiq::DeadSet.new
size = ds.size
ds.each_with_index do |job- indx|
print "\r #{indx} of #{size}"
To set the color of your prompt edit your ~/.gitconfig
file and add the below (with your color choices) at the bottom.
[gitsh "color"]
default = magenta
untracked = yellow
modified = red
If getting an error with installing eventmachine (openssl issue) you can get it installed by using the below.
PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$(brew --prefix [email protected])/lib/pkgconfig" gem install eventmachine -v '1.2.7'