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Created September 21, 2013 04:59
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(ns debugger-playground.wrap2
(:use [clojure.pprint :only (pprint)])
(:require [ :as trace]
[clojure.set :as set])
;; Lists of functions which can all be wrapped the same way
(def treat-as-function-call
"special forms which can be wrapped as if they were functions (all
elements of the list get evaluated.)"
#{'monitor-enter 'recur 'do 'monitor-exit 'try 'throw 'finally 'if 'def})
(def treat-as-let #{'let* 'letfn* 'loop*})
(def treat-as-deftype* #{'deftype* 'reify*})
(def exclude-initial-elements
"map from special forms to the number of initial elements in their
lists which should not be wrapped."
{'new 1, 'set! 1, 'catch 2})
(def do-not-wrap-constituents
"Special forms whose elements should not be wrapped at all"
#{'quote 'var 'clojure.core/import*})
(declare wrap-function-call wrap-let wrap-deftype*
wrap-ignore-elements wrap-dot wrap-case* wrap-fn*
(def general-wrap-dispatch
"Special forms which need special logic"
{'case* wrap-case*, 'fn* wrap-fn*, '. wrap-dot})
(def do-not-wrap-return-value
"Forms which don't return anything interesting, or which return the
same value as the last executed form they contain, or the form
contained by them."
#{'quote 'clojure.core/import* 'deftype* 'set! 'monitor-enter 'recur
'fn* 'throw 'catch 'finally 'monitor-exit 'def 'var 'let* 'if})
(defn maybe-wrap-return-value [wrapper form]
(if (or (not (seq? form))
(do-not-wrap-return-value (first form)))
(wrapper form)))
(defn wrap-internals [wrapper form]
(let [walker #(walk-wrap wrapper %)]
;; Following deals sensibly with function calls, since
;; function symbol will not be wrapped
(seq? form) (map walker form)
(map? form) (into {} (map #(map walker)) form)
(set? form) (into #{} (map walker form))
(vector? form) (into [] (map walker form))
:else (throw (IllegalArgumentException.)
"Don't know this sequence"))))
(defn walk-wrap [wrapper form]
(if (not (sequential? form))
form ;; Can't walk into it, so not very interesting to trace
(let [invocation (first form)
(treat-as-let invocation)
(wrap-let wrapper form)
(treat-as-deftype* invocation)
(wrap-deftype* wrapper form)
(exclude-initial-elements invocation)
wrapper form (exclude-initial-elements invocation))
(do-not-wrap-constituents invocation)
(general-wrap-dispatch invocation)
((general-wrap-dispatch invocation) wrapper form)
;; At this stage if it starts with a special form, it's one we can
;; wrap as we would a function call.
(wrap-internals wrapper form))]
(maybe-wrap-return-value wrapper wrapped-internals))))
(defn wrap-let [wrapper [invocation bindings & body]]
~(->> bindings
(partition-all 2)
(mapcat (fn [[k v]] [k (walk-wrap wrapper v)]))
~@(map (partial walk-wrap wrapper) body)))
(defn wrap-method [wrapper [methodname args & body]]
"Wrap a method from a deftype*-style declaration"
`(~ methodname ~args ~@(map (partial walk-wrap wrapper) body)))
(defn wrap-deftype* [wrapper
[invocation classname class fields
& remainder]]
(let [kwargs (->> remainder
(partition 2)
(take-while (comp keyword? first))
(reduce into []))
methods (drop (count kwargs) remainder)]
`(~invocation ~classname ~class ~fields ~@(concat kwargs)
~@(map (partial wrap-method wrapper) methods))))
(defn wrap-ignore-elements [wrapper form numignore]
"Wrap everything but the first numignore elements of form"
(let [notwrapped (+ 1 numignore)] ; Exclude special-form symbol
(concat (take notwrapped form)
(map (partial walk-wrap wrapper)
(drop notwrapped form)))))
(defn wrap-dot [wrapper [_ hostexpr mem-or-meth & remainder]]
`(. ~hostexpr
~(if (sequential? mem-or-meth)
;; don't make an external wrap of a (method-symbol
;; args*), but walk into it.
(map (partial walk-wrap wrapper) mem-or-meth)
~@(map (partial walk-wrap wrapper) remainder)))
(defn wrap-case*
[_ symb shift mask default casemap switch-type test-type skip-check]]
`(case* ~symb ~shift ~mask ~(walk-wrap wrapper default)
;; casemap is a map from integers to forms. case* expects
;; an actual map object here, though, so can't just wrap the
;; whole thing, and wouldn't want to anyway.
~(into {} (map (fn [[k v]] [k (walk-wrap wrapper v)]) casemap))
~switch-type ~test-type ~skip-check))
(defn wrap-fn* [wrapper form]
(let [prelude (take-while (complement sequential?) form)
sigs (drop (count prelude) form)
wsigs (map (fn [[bindings & body]]
`(~bindings ~@(map (partial walk-wrap wrapper) body)))
(concat prelude wsigs)))
(defn wrap-if [wrapper [_ & remainder]]
`(~_ ~@(map (partial walk-wrap wrapper) remainder)))
(defn wrapper [form] `(~'w ~form))
(doall (walk-wrap wrapper '(def a "a doc string" (inc b))))
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