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Forked from tasuten/Dockerfile
Created February 1, 2018 15:00
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FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y build-essential curl
# NodeJS >= 6.0
RUN curl -sL | bash -
RUN apt-get install -y nodejs
# ttfautohint
RUN apt-get install -y ttfautohint
# otfcc depends on premake5
RUN curl -sLo premake5.tar.gz
RUN tar xvf premake5.tar.gz && mv premake5 /usr/local/bin/premake5 && rm premake5.tar.gz
# otfcc
RUN curl -sLo otfcc.tar.gz
RUN tar xvf otfcc.tar.gz && mv otfcc-0.8.4 otfcc
WORKDIR /tmp/otfcc
RUN premake5 gmake && cd build/gmake && make config=release_x64
WORKDIR /tmp/otfcc/bin/release-x64
RUN mv otfccbuild /usr/local/bin/otfccbuild
RUN mv otfccdump /usr/local/bin/otfccdump
RUN rm -rf otfcc/ otfcc.tar.gz
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cowboy commented Feb 1, 2018


$ docker build -t iosevka . 
$ docker run --name build -v /path/to/cloned/Iosevka/:/tmp -i -t iosevka /bin/bash


$ npm install
# Build "Iosevka Term" version without ligatures (terminal + gvim)
$ make custom-config design='term' && make custom
# Build "Iosevka" version
$ make

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hacooke commented Aug 30, 2019

Hi! I've not actually used docker before so I have a quick question on this - - does it need to be on Ubuntu to run? And what should this file be named as in order for the first command, building the docker image, to work?

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