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Created May 24, 2016 21:59
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def applyBtnCmd(self, *args):
# Grab and check info from UI lists and scroll areas.
attributes_to_mirror_list = self.driverScroll.getSelectItem()
driven_object_attribute_list = self.objAttrScroll.getSelectItem()
if len(attributes_to_mirror_list) < 1:
cmds.warning( 'No attribute to mirror selected' )
return False
if len(driven_object_attribute_list) < 1:
cmds.warning( 'No driven attribute selected' )
return False
# Organize the data from the UI as necesssary
attrToMirror = attributes_to_mirror_list[0]
driver = cmds.textField(self.driverTxt, query = True, tx = True)
driven = cmds.textField(self.drivenTxt, query = True, tx = True)
drivenObjs = self.objScroll.getSelectItem()
drivenAttr = driven_object_attribute_list[0]
# EC NOTE: What if the user has no object selected?
if not drivenObjs:
cmds.warning( 'No driven objs selected' )
return False
# EC NOTE: Try to avoid try/except whenever possible. Bad python practice.
# EC NOTE:Strip your functionality from your interface so other tools can access this functionality without having to have the UI filled
# out/button clicks etc.
# Do the stuff now.
result, message = process_mirror_sdk( attrToMirror, driver, driven, driven_objs=drivenObjs, drivenAttr = drivenAttr )
if not result:
cmds.warning( message )
return True
def process_mirror_sdk( attr_to_mirror, driver, driven, driven_objs = None, drivenAttr = None ):
# Store existing animation curves
animCurves = cmds.listConnections(
driver + '.{}'.format(attrToMirror),
if not animCurves:
# Early exit.
return False, 'Driver attribute has no connections'
for curve in animCurves:
curve_destination = pm.listConnections(curve, d=True, s=False, scn=True)
if pm.objectType(curve_destination[0], isType='blendWeighted'):
curve_destination = pm.listConnections(curve_destination, d=True, s=False, scn=True)
crvDest_parentCnt = getNumberOfParents(curve_destination)
for obj in drivenObjs:
drivenObj =
drivenObj_parentCnt = getNumberOfParents(drivenObj)
# Instead of just having a conditional that skips the rest of the loop implicity, call it out so the reader is aware.
if drivenObj_parentCnt != crvDest_parentCnt:
# Duplicate animation curve
dupCurve = cmds.duplicate(curve)
# Output driven obj's attr into the dup curve's input
cmds.connectAttr((driven + '.{}'.format(attrToMirror)), (dupCurve[0] + '.input'))
# The attribute to output the curve into
destination_attr = obj + ".{}".format(drivenAttr)
# Check to see if target object already has an incoming connection in given attribute.
# If so, a blendWeighted node has to be created
if cmds.connectionInfo(destination_attr, isDestination=True):
create_blend_weighted_node( dupCurve, destination_attr )
# Output BlendWeighted to target object
cmds.connectAttr(blend_weighted + ".output", destination_attr)
cmds.connectAttr(dupCurve[0] + '.output', destination_attr)
return True, 'Success!'
def create_blend_weighted_node( dupCurve, destination_attr ):
existing_curves = cmds.listConnections(
source = True,
destination = False
blend_weighted = cmds.createNode(
n = destination_attr + "_BLEND",
ss = True
for i in range(len(existing_curves)):
# Break connection b/w existing curve output and destination attr
cmds.disconnectAttr((existing_curves[i] + ".output"), destination_attr)
# Input existing curve output into blendWeighted
cmds.connectAttr((existing_curves[i] + ".output"), blend_weighted + ".input[{}]".format(i))
# Input dup curve into blendWeighted
cmds.connectAttr(dupCurve[0] + '.output', blend_weighted + ".input[{}]".format(i + 1))
return blend_weighted
def getNumberOfParents( obj ):
# Why is this method part of your class? it doesn't rely on any persistant logic.
parentsList = obj[0].getAllParents()
if parentsList:
return len(parentsList)
return 0
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