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Created July 31, 2017 19:30
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This is a Julia implementation to solve the Riddler Classic problem this week, whereby you have to make the longest chain of integers according to some rules.
# Cameron Pfiffer
# July 31st, 2017
# Julia Does Numbers 2: The Mathening
# See the link below for information about the challenge.
From Itay Bavly, a chain-link number problem:
You start with the integers from one to 100, inclusive, and you want to organize
them into a chain. The only rules for building this chain are that you can only
use each number once and that each number must be adjacent in the chain to one
of its factors or multiples. For example, you might build the chain:
4, 12, 24, 6, 60, 30, 10, 100, 25, 5, 1, 97
You have no numbers left to place after 97, leaving you with a finished chain
of length 12.
What is the longest chain you can build?
Extra credit: What if you started with more numbers, e.g., one through 1,000?
# Test if x can be followed by y
function valid(x, y, limit)
# Determine if y is a multiple of x
mul = multiples(x, limit) # Get multiples of x
index = findin(mul, y) # Find if y is in the list of x's multiples
if index != [] # If the index isn't zero
#print(mul, "\n")
return true
# Now determine if y is a factor of x
if x % y == 0
return true
return false
function multiples(x, limit)
vals = [0]
for i in 1:limit
#print(i, "\n")
if (i % x == 0) & (i != x)
#print(i, " modulo ", x, " is ", i%x, "\n")
#print(i, " is a multiple of ", x)
append!(vals, i)
if vals == [0]
#print("No multiples of ", x, ".", "\n")
return vals
# Remove y from x
function remove_num(x, y)
index = findin(x, y)
deleteat!(x, index)
return x
function makechain(limit::Int64)
possible = Array(1:limit)
first = rand(possible)
remove = getindex(possible, first)
chain = [first]
#print("First number in the chain is ", chain[1], "\n")
# Pick a random number.
# Check if that number is valid.
# If it isn't pick a new one, until they're all gone.
testPosition = possible
for i in testPosition
v = valid(chain[end], i, limit)
#print("\n", "\nIteration: ", i,"\nRandom Number: ", i, "\nValidity: ", v )
if v == true
append!(chain, i)
return chain
function find_longest(iterations::Int64, limit=100)
longest = []
for i in 1:iterations
chain = makechain(limit)
if length(chain) > length(longest)
longest = chain
return longest
# Change the number in the function call to something else if you want to run more permutations.
longest = find_longest(100000)
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