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Last active December 8, 2020 17:06
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from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from typing import Dict, List, Set
import numpy as np
Instruction = namedtuple("Instruction", ("code", "val", "line"))
Edge = namedtuple("Edge", ("l", "instruction"))
def make_link(tree, inst, fp, instructions, all_instructions):
new_fp = fp + inst.val if inst.code == "jmp" else fp + 1
if new_fp >= len(instructions):
# Reach beyond last instructions, do not create invalid link
next_inst = instructions[new_fp]
edge = Edge(1, next_inst)
def find_shortest_path(tree, instructions, all_instructions):
# Create a graph
for fp, inst in enumerate(instructions):
make_link(tree, inst, fp, instructions, all_instructions)
if inst.code != "acc":
new_code = "jmp" if inst.code == "nop" else "nop"
inst2 = Instruction(new_code, *inst[1:])
edge = Edge(len(instructions), inst2)
make_link(tree, inst2, fp, instructions, all_instructions)
# Initialize search
nodes = all_instructions
dist = {k: 2 ** 30 for k in nodes}
prev_node = {k: None for k in nodes}
dist[instructions[0]] = 0
node_queue = [(dist[node], node) for node in nodes]
# Dijsktra algorithm (could be optimized with a queue)
while len(node_queue) > 0:
imin = np.argmin([d for d, _ in node_queue])
d, u = node_queue.pop(imin)
if u.code == "END":
edges = tree[u]
for edge in edges:
v = edge.instruction
alt_dist = dist[u] + edge.l
old_dist = dist[v]
if alt_dist < old_dist:
v_index = [instr for _, instr in node_queue].index(v)
# heapify(node_queue)
dist[v] = alt_dist
prev_node[v] = u
node_queue.append((alt_dist, v))
# heappush(node_queue, (alt_dist, v))
# Reconstruct the instruction list with the distances (to check)
u = instructions[-1]
op_list = []
while u is not None:
op_list.append((dist[u], u))
u = prev_node[u]
op_list = list(reversed(op_list))
return op_list
def execute_instructions(op_list: List[Instruction]):
acc = 0
for op in op_list:
if op.code == "acc":
acc += op.val
return acc
def main():
with open("input", mode="r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
instructions = []
for i, l in enumerate(lines):
instructions.append(Instruction(l[:3], int(l[3:]), i))
instructions.append(Instruction("END", 0, i))
all_instructions: Set[Instruction] = set()
tree: Dict[Instruction, List[Edge]] = defaultdict(list)
ret = find_shortest_path(tree, instructions, all_instructions)
dist, op_list = zip(*ret)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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