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Created January 21, 2016 06:26
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Charles' Fairly Vanilla LaTeX Thesis Template Using Memoir
%% Using glossaries package for acronyms
\DeclareGraphicsRule{.tif}{png}{.png}{`convert #1 `dirname #1`/`basename #1 .tif`.png}
% Subcaption package - made sure the fonts work.
%\usepackage{showframe} % Good for checking table borders
%% Memoir Styling
\OnehalfSpacing % Might be needed for examination copy
% Chapter style preset.
%% Section Headings
% Part styles
% Section headings
% Normal headings
% Chapter footer
% hopefully title page footers
% Title page instructions
\postauthor{\par\end{flushright}\vskip 0.5em}
% Bibliography name
\renewcommand\bibname{Reference List}
% Section Settings
% Table of contents styles
%% Extra URL style from ---- somewhere?
% llt: Define a global style for URLs, rather that the default one
\makeatletter \def\url@leostyle{%
\makeatother \urlstyle{leo}
%% Acronym entries using glossaries
% Acronym entries:
\newacronym{ML}{ML}{Machine Learning}
\newacronym{DSP}{DSP}{Digital Signal Processing}
%% TODO: add more.
%% A few custom commands
% For referencing distant things: e.g., see
% Figure~\refpageref{fig:distant-figure} produces "e.g., see Figure
% 1.1 (p. 11)
\newcommand{\refpageref}[1]{\ref{#1} (p.~\pageref{#1})}
% For citing: Author et al.'s (2009) work on hustle and bustle...
\newcommand{\citepos}[1]{\citeauthor{#1}'s \citeyearpar{#1}}
% Fake Glossary command (needed for using pandoc)
%% Just using built-in memoir title page capability.
\title{Thesis Title}
\author{Joe Bloggs}
Abstract goes here
keywords, go, here.
Write the thesis.
A bunch of stuff.
All worked out!
% Uncomment to add bibliography
Some extra stuff.
Copy link

My PhD thesis template; mainly using memoir functions.

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