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Oh my god Hamlet I just saw a fucking vampire!

Cristian Prieto cprieto

Oh my god Hamlet I just saw a fucking vampire!
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cprieto / populate_fact_keyword.sql
Last active May 2, 2018 16:53 — forked from obedespinoza/populate_fact_keyword.sql
This is the data population for the first prototype
INSERT INTO poc_dw.campaign_types (name) VALUES ('NONE');
INSERT INTO poc_dw.campaign_types (name) VALUES ('OTHER');
INSERT INTO poc_dw.campaign_types (name) VALUES ('MOBILE NEW FEED');
INSERT INTO poc_dw.campaign_types (name) VALUES ('DESKTOP NEW FEED');
INSERT INTO poc_dw.campaign_types (name) VALUES ('RIGHT SIDE HAND');
INSERT INTO poc_dw.campaign_types (name) VALUES ('SITE LINK');
INSERT INTO poc_dw.campaign_types (name) VALUES ('ACQUISITION');
INSERT INTO poc_dw.campaign_types (name) VALUES ('QUOTES');
INSERT INTO poc_dw.campaign_types (name) VALUES ('CONTENT');
var acctPauseNote = string.Format("paused by the system because balance is {0:c2}", dAcctBalance);
using Machine.Specifications;
using Moq;
using That = Moq.It;
using It = Machine.Specifications.It;
namespace Webdevelopment.Hif.Impression
public abstract class TrackingSpecificationContext