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Last active December 24, 2022 00:48
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My personal Prompt Style for Powershell
$ESC = [char]27
switch ($env:ComputerName) {
"TIMSYOGA" {$computerName = "TY"}
"TIMSTOWER" {$computerName = "TT"}
default {$computerName = $env:ComputerName}
function ExitCode {
if (-not($?)) {
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
return " {" + $LASTEXITCODE + "}";
return "";
function OnBranch {
Try {
$consoleOut = $((git branch) -match "^\*\s+(?<Branch>\S+)");
if ($consoleOut) {
if ($consoleOut -ne "True") {
$consoleOut = ($consoleOut -match "^\*\s+(?<Branch>\S+)");
return " on " + "$ESC[38;5;163m" + $Matches.Branch + "$ESC[0m";
Catch {}
return "";
function ViaNode {
Try {
if (Get-Item -Path "package.json") {
$nodeVersion = $(node -v);
return " via $ESC[38;5;2mNode " + $nodeVersion + "$ESC[0m";
return "";
Catch {
return "";
function ViaRust {
Try {
if (Get-Item -Path "Cargo.toml") {
$rustVersion = $((rustc -V) -match "rustc (?<Version>\S+)");
return " via $ESC[38;5;166mRust " + $Matches.Version + "$ESC[0m";
return "";
Catch {
return "";
function global:prompt {
"PS" +
"$ESC[38;5;1m" +
(ExitCode) +
" " +
"$ESC[38;5;33m" +
$env:UserName +
"@" +
$computerName +
"$ESC[0m" +
":" +
"$ESC[38;5;214m" +
("$pwd").Replace("$home", "~") +
"$ESC[0m" +
(OnBranch) +
(ViaNode) +
(ViaRust) +
"`n" +
"> "
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