A solution to automate regular, routine, somewhat boring tasks.
Disclaimer: I am not much of a Python programmer by any means, but I have used Ansible for a number of years and using Invoke, and now runner too, has made my ansible workflow better. These are some jumbled notes to share some ideas :)
The programs I am using:
- Invoke - a Python task execution tool & library.
- Ansible - an IT automation and configuration management tool.
- Ansible-runner - a tool and python library that helps when interfacing with Ansible directly or as part of another system.
I prefer to run all my code and tools inside a Virtual Machine, configured with Vagrant, or in a Docker container (configured with a Dockerfile, or with docker-compose).
Inside that VM or Container I use virtual python environment.
the requirements.txt
with the tools:
invoke >= 1.2.0
A setup.sh
to install the tools and activate the virtual env:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 install --user virtualenv
pip3 install --user setuptools
~/.local/bin/virtualenv --system-site-packages ~/virtenv
source ~/virtenv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
You can avoid typing those commands if you run them as part of Vagrant provisioning or in a Dockerfile. This post is not really about platform-independent software or code portability though, its about how useful Invoke is.
When you run invoke
by default it will look for a file called tasks.py
. In my ~/.bash_aliases
file I have this line that will tell Invoke to look for my tasks.py
in this directory, so I can list + run my tasks from any directory.
alias invoke='invoke --search-root=/mnt/code'
What I love about Invoke:
- You can easily chain a bunch of commands together. This lets you integrate some CI/CD type tasks into your local workflow without adding any friction, like using a linter before running some code.
- Lots of command line programs take many long and complicated parameters (like ansible), sometimes you can't quite remember them all if it has been sometime (how did I run that tool to do that setup? Hunting in
or man pages to find out?). - Often you want to run the same lots of the same commands but don't want to type them all out (RSI sucks - are you scrolling up your command history to push enter again?).
- Along with your code can provide someone with a command like
invoke deploy integration
, which seems like magic - avoid doing copy/paste of commands from a deploy_code.txt
So I like to include a tasks.py
in my Ansible code directory - but any code would probably play nicely with Invoke.
If you wanted to install Invoke you could do so with sudo apt install python3-invoke
, or brew install pyinvoke
if that is your your thing, but the recommended way to install the latest stable release is to use pip.
This is a snippet of my /mnt/code/tasks.py
Regular tasks
import os
import ansible_runner
from invoke import task, run
user = os.getuid()
if user == 0:
print ("Do not run as root.")
print('\n --===[ Ansible Control machine tasks ]===-- \n')
# tasks for all/remote hosts
def ansible_ping(c, hostname):
""" Ansible Ping a host in your inventory. Example: invoke ansible-ping proxy001 """
c.run("ansible %s -m ping;" % hostname)
# tasks for localhost (on this VM/Container)
# run the playbook for the Ansible Controler machine with Ansible-runner py interface
# https://ansible-runner.readthedocs.io/en/latest/python_interface.html
def deployer_playbook(c):
""" Run the playbook that configures this control machine with ansible-runner python module. """
print("checking playbook-ansible-controller.yml")
c.run('cd /mnt/code/ansible/ && ansible-lint playbook-ansible-controller.yml -v', pty=True)
print("running playbook-ansible-controller.yml")
r = ansible_runner.run(private_data_dir='/mnt/code/ansible',
print("{}: {}".format(r.status, r.rc))
print("Final status:")
def get_my_ip(c):
""" Find out your IPs """
print("My WAN IP address is: ")
c.run('dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com', pty=False)
print("My Internal IP is: ")
c.run("ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $2}'", pty=False)
# These tasks run a role from "/mnt/code/ansible/roles/ <role name> /" on this local system (ansible control machine) with ansible runner or playbook.
# https://ansible-runner.readthedocs.io/en/latest/standalone.html
def deployer_single_runner(c, rolename):
""" Run a role on ansible control machine with ansible-runner """
print("running the role %s with ansible-runner" % rolename)
c.run('ansible-runner run --inventory /mnt/code/ansible/localhost.ini -r %s -v --roles-path /mnt/code/ansible/roles/ /mnt/code/ansible' % rolename, pty=False)
# https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/cli/ansible-playbook.html
def deployer_single_role(c, rolename):
""" Run a role on ansible control machine with ansible-playbook """
print("Attempting to apply %s role to localhost" % rolename)
c.run('cd /mnt/code/ansible/ && ansible-playbook -i ./localhost.ini -e "runtherole=%s" -v playbook-run-single-role.yml' % rolename, pty=True)
The playbook-run-single-role.yml
file I keep in /mnt/code/ansible/
to run a single role:
- name: single role
hosts: all
gather_facts: True
- "{{ runtherole }}"
Running invoke -l
to list my tasks:
(virtenv) dockeruser@eb26acd3f23b:~$ invoke -l
--===[ Ansible Control machine tasks ]===--
Available tasks:
ansible_ping Ansible Ping a host in your inventory. Example: invoke ansible-ping proxy001
deployer-playbook Run the playbook that configures this control machine with ansible-runner python module.
deployer-single-role Run a role on ansible control machine with ansible-playbook
deployer-single-runner Run a role on ansible control machine with ansible-runner
get-my-ip Find out your IPs
Two different ways to run my Ansible role to install Rclone:
(virtenv) dockeruser@eb26acd3f23b:~$ invoke deployer-single-role rclone
(virtenv) dockeruser@eb26acd3f23b:~$ invoke deployer-single-runner rclone
Now I am only regularly entering 3 commands to run a task I do often, but these are just a couple of examples. You can easily have your own portable aliases with Invoke.
Ansible is a great tool, the output of ansible is not so great. In Ansible.cfg
you can set log_path=/var/log/ansible.log
, but I find the output from runner much more useful.
Ansible-Runner is a component of AWX and Tower, and it is "responsible for running ansible and ansible-playbook tasks and gathers the output from it."
Using runner allows us to capture:
- the cli flags ansible was called with
- all stdout
- the exit code status
- the fact-cache of the system as it was
All information is logged in /mnt/code/ansible/artifacts/ < UUID >/
after a run.
There are great possibilities to do some of your own reporting by sending the output to an external interface. If you are looking for a web interface to Ansible I would suggest using Ara.
If you wanted to provide ansible with SSH-Keys, passwords, environment variables and everything to execute without any human interaction then Runner can also do this - read about "the runner input directory".
- Automation for the people - https://gist.github.com/cube-drone/9e07a36aa63624ca2dda75a1367a53c6
- What is ansible-runner about - https://devops.stackexchange.com/questions/4847/what-is-ansible-runner-about
- If you are developing Ansible roles you need to checkout Molecule - https://molecule.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- Three excellent Python tools to automate repetitive tasks https://pyvideo.org/pycon-us-2019/break-the-cycle-three-excellent-python-tools-to-automate-repetitive-tasks.html
More updates to come, but I hope this has been useful for someone.