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Last active July 17, 2023 16:13
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  • Save craigmccauley/fa7494daee3ca73324b56af2776b071f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save craigmccauley/fa7494daee3ca73324b56af2776b071f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Mermaid diagrams in ADO workaround
# This script file regenerates all the generated markdown files.
# This is needed because Azure DevOps (ADO) does not support mermaid charts
# in the preview pane. Once ADO supports this functionality, remove
# this script, delete the generated files, move and rename the template
# files, and update the links that are going to the generated files.
# Requires a directory structure like so
# |- docs
# |- scripts
# |- ConvertFrom-MarkdownTemplate.ps1
# |- templates
# |-
# |- generated
# |- (gets generated)
# Get current directory so we can restore our location later.
$currentDir = Get-Location
# This script stored in /docs/scripts, docs folder is one directory up.
$documentationFolder = "$PSScriptRoot\.."
$templatesFolder = "$documentationFolder\templates"
$generatedFolder = "$documentationFolder\generated"
Set-Location $documentationFolder
# Install needed tools, chocolately, nodejs, and the mermaid charts cli tool.
$overrideReinstall = $false
# Install chocolately if not installed
$chocoVersion = powershell choco -v
if (-not($chocoVersion) -or $overrideReinstall) {
Write-Output 'Chocolatey is not installed, installing...'
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force;
Invoke-Expression ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
} else {
Write-Output "Chocolatey Version $chocoVersion is already installed."
# Install nodejs if not installed
$npmVersion = powershell npm -v
if (-not($npmVersion) -or $overrideReinstall) {
Write-Output 'nodejs is not installed, installing...'
choco install nodejs
} else {
Write-Output "nodejs $chocoVersion is already installed."
# Install mermaid cli if not installed
$npmListArray = npm ls -g --json
$npmJson = $npmListArray -join ' '
$npmObject = ConvertFrom-Json $npmJson
$mermaidVersion = $npmObject.dependencies.'@mermaid-js/mermaid-cli'.version
if (-not($mermaidVersion) -or $overrideReinstall) {
& 'C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.cmd' install -g @mermaid-js/mermaid-cli
} else {
Write-Output "mermaid-cli $mermaidVersion is already installed."
# Check for modified generated files as a sanity check so we don't accidentally wipe out modifications.
git status -s | ForEach-Object {
$gitStatusParts = $_ -split ' '
if ($gitStatusParts[2] -match '/generated/') {
Write-Host "Modified generated files detected.`nDouble check that you have not accidentally modified the generated files manually.`nThen commit or undo the changes to generated files." -ForegroundColor Red
# Delete all generated files
Get-ChildItem -Path $generatedFolder | Remove-Item
# For each * file in the docs\templates folder
# run the mermaid cli tool against it and output to the docs\generated folder
Get-ChildItem -Path $templatesFolder -Name -Include * | ForEach-Object {
$rootFileName = $_ -ireplace '', ''
$outputFileName = $rootFileName + '.md'
# Create the generated .md file with .svg images for the mermaid charts
mmdc -i $templatesFolder\$_ -o $generatedFolder\$outputFileName
# Because we are unable to directly generate a .md file with .png files
# we will generate the pngs and then replace the references in the generated .md file
# see
$pngOutputFileName = $rootFileName + '.png'
# Create png images for the mermaid charts
mmdc -i $templatesFolder\$_ -o $generatedFolder\$pngOutputFileName
# Load generated .md file into a string
$generatedFileContent = Get-Content -Path $generatedFolder\$outputFileName
# Replace .svg references with .png references
$correctedFileContent = $generatedFileContent -replace "($rootFileName[-]\d*.)svg", '$1png'
# Save corrected string back to file
$correctedFileContent | Set-Content -Path $generatedFolder\$outputFileName
# Delete unnecessary svg files
Get-ChildItem -Path $generatedFolder\$rootFileName*.svg | Remove-Item
Set-Location $currentDir
Copy link


Thanks, a lot!

Fantastic :)

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