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# Cfr.
# ... and
# ... and
import argparse
import functools
import itertools
import collections
import math
import operator
import sys
import time
import timeit
def is_primo(n):
#by nuzzopippo
lst_range = [x for x in range(2, n+1)]
lim = int(math.sqrt(n))
pivot = 2
while pivot <= lim:
for i in range(len(lst_range)):
if lst_range[i]:
if lst_range[i] != pivot and lst_range[i] % pivot == 0:
lst_range[i] = 0
pivot += 1
primes = [x for x in lst_range if x != 0]
#if n in primes:
# return True
#return False
return primes
def prime_sieve(n):
#based on is_primo__refact3
#Sieve of Eratosthenes, modified
if n < 3 and n != 2:
return []
elif n == 2:
return [2]
lst = list(x for x in range(3, n+1, 2))
lst.insert(0, 2)
lim = int(math.sqrt(n))
pivot = 1
m = lst[pivot]
while m <= lim:
for i in range(pivot+1, len(lst)):
x = lst[i]
if x and not x % m:
lst[i] = 0
pivot += 1
m = lst[pivot]
lst = list(i for i in lst if i)
return lst
def prime_sieve2(n):
#Sieve of Eratosthenes, modified
if n < 2:
return []
up = n+1
lst = list(x for x in range(up))
lst[1] = 0
lim = int(math.sqrt(n))
pivot = 2
while lst[pivot] <= lim:
for i in range(pivot+pivot, up, pivot):
lst[i] = 0
for p in range(pivot+1, up):
if lst[p] != 0:
pivot = p
return list(x for x in lst if x)
def prime_sieve3(n):
# Euler's sieve, a kind of...
if n < 2:
return []
up = n + 1
lst = list([x, 1] for x in range(up))
lst[0][1] = lst[1][1] = 0
lim = int(math.sqrt(n))
pivot = 2
m = lst[pivot][0]
while m <= lim:
for i in range(pivot, up):
lst[m*lst[i][0]][1] = 0
except IndexError:
for p in range(pivot+1, up):
if lst[p][1] != 0:
pivot = p
m = lst[pivot][0]
return list(x for x,mark in lst if mark)
def prime_sieve3w(n): ########XXXXXTODOOOOOO
# wheeeeeeel...
raise NotImplementedError("to be written... :-D")
if n < 2:
return []
basis = [2,3,5]
p = product(basis)
wheel = []
for i in range(6, p+1):
if all(gcd(i, n) for n in basis):
def is_primo_elementary(n):
#by nuzzopippo, modified
if n < 2:
return False
for d in range(2, int(math.sqrt(n)) + 1):
if n % d == 0:
return False
return True
def is_prime(x):
if x < 2 or (x!=2 and not x%2):
return False
elif x in (2, 3, 5, 7):
return True
a = 3
limite = math.sqrt(x)
while a <= limite:
if not (x % a):
return False
a += 2
return True
def is_prime__mod(x):
if x < 2:
return False
elif x in (2, 3, 5, 7):
return True
for n in (2, 3, 5, 7):
if not x % n:
return False
limite = int(math.sqrt(x))
for a in range(11, limite+1, 2):
if not x % a:
return False
return True
def is_prime__mod2(x):
if x < 2:
return False
elif x in (2, 3, 5, 7):
return True
for n in (2, 3, 5, 7):
if not x % n:
return False
return all(x%a for a in range(11, int(x**.5)+1, 2))
def is_prime_wiki(n: int) -> bool:
Primality test using 6k+-1 optimization."""
if n <= 3:
return n > 1
if not n%2 or not n%3:
return False
i = 5
stop = int(n**0.5)
while i <= stop:
if not n%i or not n%(i + 2):
return False
i += 6
return True
def is_prime_wiki__mod(n: int) -> bool:
Primality test using 6k+-1 optimization."""
b = (2,3,5)
if n in b:
return True
if n < 2 or any(n%x==0 for x in b):
return False
i = 5
stop = int(n**0.5)+1
for i in range(5, stop, 6):
if n % i == 0 or n % (i + 2) == 0:
return False
return True
# utility funcs #
def gcd(x, y): # math.gcd !!!:-D
"""Return the greatest common divisor of *x* and *y*."""
if y == 0:
return x
r = x % y
while r:
x, y = y, r
r = x % y
return y
def product (numbers):
Returns the product of the elements in `numbers' or 1 if empty
it = iter(numbers)
tot = next(it)
except StopIteration:
return 1
for i in it:
tot *= i
return tot
def product_ (numbers):
Returns the product of the elements in `numbers' or 1 if empty
return functools.reduce(operator.mul, numbers)
except TypeError:
return 1
# others utility funcs #
def _fake (f, arg):
return f(arg)
def _check_prime (f, arg): # for sieves
return arg in f(arg)
def _check_primes_list (f, arg): # for prime check
return list(i for i in range(arg+1) if f(i))
# test times #
def verify_time_is_prime(funcs, n):
print('Tempi per verificare se %d è primo:' % n)
report = 'Funzione {:<20} | risultato {} | tempo: {:.10f}'
for f, wrap in funcs:
start = time.time()
result = wrap(f, n)
end = time.time()
print(report.format(f.__name__, result, end - start))
def verify_time_primes_list(funcs, n):
print('Tempi per verificare i numeri primi fino a %d:' % n)
report = 'Funzione {:<20} || tempo: {:.10f}'
for f, wrap in funcs:
start = time.time()
wrap(f, n)
end = time.time()
print(report.format(f.__name__, end - start))
# test: cmp #
def _test_compare (funcs, data, ttype):
_ttype = ('numbers', 'nrange')
if ttype not in _ttype:
raise ValueError("'ttype' must be one of %s".format(_ttype))
elif ttype == _ttype[0]:
_dtypef = ('({},..,{})'.format(data[0], data[-1])
if len(data) > 1
else '({})'.format(data[0]))
_dtypef = '[0..{}]'.format(max(data))
print("Test compare ({}|{}): ".format(ttype, _dtypef), end='')
sys.stdout.flush() # bha!
for (f1, w1), (f2, w2) in itertools.combinations(funcs, 2):
if ttype == _ttype[0]:
for i in data:
assert w1(f1, i) == w2(f2, i), "({}) | {} <> {}".format(
i, f1.__name__, f2.__name__)
elif ttype == _ttype[1]:
for i in range(max(data)):
assert w1(f1, i) == w2(f2, i), "({}) | {} <> {}".format(
i, f1.__name__, f2.__name__)
# some more tests #
def _test_ufuncs():
print('Test funcs for __eq__:', end=' ')
for i in range(int(time.time() % 1000)):
assert product(list(range(i))) == product_(range(i))
j = int(time.time() % 100)
assert gcd(i, j) == math.gcd(i, j)
print('Test for speed...')
# --- product*
n = 10
funcs = 'product product_'.split()
setup = 'from __main__ import {}'.format(','.join(funcs))
stmt = 'for i in range(10, 10000): {}(range(i))'
report = 'function {:<10}|{:.5}s'
for f in funcs:
t = timeit.Timer(stmt=stmt.format(f), setup=setup).timeit(number=n)
print(report.format(f, t / n))
# --- gcd*
n = 100
__m, __n = int(time.time() % 10), - int(time.time() % 100)
setup = 'from __main__ import gcd, math, time'
stmt = 'for a, b in zip(range(10, int(10e5), __m), range(int(10e7), 10, __n)):{}(a, b)'
for f in 'gcd math.gcd'.split():
t = timeit.Timer(stmt=stmt.format(f), setup=setup, globals=locals()).timeit(number=n)
print(report.format(f, t / n))
# cmdline parsing #
def get_parsed (funclist):
p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
p.add_argument('-f', '--funcs',
dest='flist', choices=funclist, nargs='+',
default=funclist, metavar='funcname',
help='funcs to run (default: all). Choices from: %(default)s')
p.add_argument('-n','--numbers', dest='numbers',
default=(63977, 779591, 1007683), type=int, nargs='+', metavar='N',
help='run test choice (-p, -s, or both) with this numbers')
p.add_argument('-p','--prime', dest='check_is_prime', action='store_true',
help='run check (or test, with -t) for single primes (passed with -n)')
p.add_argument('-s','--sieve-list', dest='check_prime_list', action='store_true',
help='run check (or test, with -t) for generation of primes up to numbers passed with -n')
p.add_argument('-t','--test', dest='test', action='store_true',
help='run test for specified -p or -s options.')
p.add_argument('-T','--more-test', dest='test_more', action='store_true',
help='test on some others utility functions')
return p.parse_args()
if __name__ == '__main__':
# list of [function, wrapper for single prime test, wrapper for prime list generation]
_funcs_wrap = [(is_primo_elementary, _fake, _check_primes_list),
(is_prime, _fake, _check_primes_list),
(is_prime__mod, _fake, _check_primes_list),
(is_prime__mod2, _fake, _check_primes_list),
(is_prime_wiki, _fake, _check_primes_list),
(is_prime_wiki__mod, _fake, _check_primes_list),
#(is_primo, _check_prime, _fake), # tooooo slow
(prime_sieve, _check_prime, _fake),
(prime_sieve2, _check_prime, _fake),
(prime_sieve3, _check_prime, _fake),
#(prime_sieve3w, _check_prime, _fake),
_flist = [f[0].__name__ for f in _funcs_wrap]
funcs_wrap_p = []
funcs_wrap_plist = []
args = get_parsed(_flist)
for fname in args.flist:
for f, wp, wl in _funcs_wrap:
if f.__name__ == fname:
if args.check_is_prime:
funcs_wrap_p.append((f, wp))
if args.check_prime_list:
funcs_wrap_plist.append((f, wl))
if args.test:
if args.check_is_prime:
_test_compare(funcs_wrap_p, args.numbers, 'numbers')
if args.check_prime_list:
_test_compare(funcs_wrap_plist, args.numbers, 'nrange')
if args.test_more:
if (args.test or args.test_more):
if args.check_is_prime:
for n in args.numbers:
verify_time_is_prime(funcs_wrap_p, n)
if args.check_prime_list:
for n in args.numbers:
verify_time_primes_list(funcs_wrap_plist, n)
crap0101@orange:~/test$ python3 -f is_prime is_prime__mod is_prime_wiki -ps
Tempi per verificare se 63977 è primo:
Funzione is_prime | risultato True | tempo: 0.0000257492
Funzione is_prime__mod | risultato True | tempo: 0.0000131130
Funzione is_prime_wiki | risultato True | tempo: 0.0000290871
Tempi per verificare se 779591 è primo:
Funzione is_prime | risultato True | tempo: 0.0000774860
Funzione is_prime__mod | risultato True | tempo: 0.0000422001
Funzione is_prime_wiki | risultato True | tempo: 0.0000438690
Tempi per verificare se 1007683 è primo:
Funzione is_prime | risultato True | tempo: 0.0000896454
Funzione is_prime__mod | risultato True | tempo: 0.0000472069
Funzione is_prime_wiki | risultato True | tempo: 0.0000495911
Tempi per verificare i numeri primi fino a 63977:
Funzione is_prime || tempo: 0.1354715824
Funzione is_prime__mod || tempo: 0.0866899490
Funzione is_prime_wiki || tempo: 0.0751483440
Tempi per verificare i numeri primi fino a 779591:
Funzione is_prime || tempo: 4.2491497993
Funzione is_prime__mod || tempo: 2.3829643726
Funzione is_prime_wiki || tempo: 2.1068589687
Tempi per verificare i numeri primi fino a 1007683:
Funzione is_prime || tempo: 5.9754381180
Funzione is_prime__mod || tempo: 3.3913729191
Funzione is_prime_wiki || tempo: 3.0249435902
crap0101@orange:~/test$ python3 -f is_prime is_prime__mod is_prime_wiki -pstT -n 999
Test compare (numbers|(999)): OK
Test compare (nrange|[0..999]): OK
Test funcs for __eq__: OK
Test for speed...
function product |3.7849s
function product_ |2.709s
function gcd |0.2056s
function math.gcd |0.051126s
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