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Data for the blog post "The Evolution of a ggplot (Vol. 1)"
df_students <- readr::read_csv("")
df_world_tile <- readr::read_csv("") %>%
## Namibias two-digit country code is handled as `NA` - let us fix that
alpha.2 = if_else(name == "Namibia", "NA", alpha.2),
## We are going to split "Americas" into "North America" and "Sout America"
region = if_else(region == "Americas", sub.region, region),
region = if_else(region %in% c("Northern America", "Central America", "Caribbean"),
"North America", region),
region = if_else(region == "Southern America", "South America", region),
## to join both data sets, we need a id column
country_code = alpha.3
df_ratios <- df_students %>%
## Let's keep only the most recent data per country
group_by(country, indicator) %>%
filter(year == max(year)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# Create `NA`s for countries which do not have any data 2012-2018
complete(indicator, nesting(country, country_code)) %>%
## Let's focus on primary education and keep only countries (coded by letters)
indicator == "Primary Education",
str_detect(country_code, "[A-Z]")
) %>%
## merge with world tile map data
full_join(df_world_tile) %>%
) %>%
group_by(region) %>%
mutate(student_ratio_region = median(student_ratio, na.rm = T)) %>%
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