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Forked from valvoline/CacheAsyncImage.swift
Created April 20, 2024 19:15
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// CacheAsyncImage.swift
// Created by Costantino Pistagna on 08/02/23.
import SwiftUI
struct CacheAsyncImage<Content, Content2>: View where Content: View, Content2: View {
private let url: URL?
private let scale: CGFloat
private let transaction: Transaction?
private let contentPhase: ((AsyncImagePhase) -> Content)?
private let contentImage: ((Image) -> Content)?
private let placeholder: (() -> Content2)?
init(url: URL?,
scale: CGFloat = 1.0,
transaction: Transaction = Transaction(),
@ViewBuilder content: @escaping (AsyncImagePhase) -> Content
) {
self.url = url
self.scale = scale
self.transaction = transaction
self.contentPhase = content
self.contentImage = nil
self.placeholder = nil
init(url: URL?,
scale: CGFloat = 1,
@ViewBuilder content: @escaping (Image) -> Content,
@ViewBuilder placeholder: @escaping () -> Content2
) {
self.url = url
self.scale = scale
self.contentImage = content
self.placeholder = placeholder
self.contentPhase = nil
self.transaction = nil
var body: some View {
if let cached = ImageCache[url] {
let _ = print("cached: \(url?.absoluteString ?? "")")
if contentPhase != nil {
} else if contentImage != nil {
} else{
let _ = print("request: \(url?.absoluteString ?? "")")
if contentPhase != nil {
AsyncImage(url: url,
scale: scale,
transaction: transaction ?? Transaction(),
content: { cacheAndRender(phase: $0) })
} else if contentImage != nil && placeholder != nil {
AsyncImage(url: url,
scale: scale,
content: { cacheAndRender(image: $0) },
placeholder: placeholder!)
private func cacheAndRender(image: Image) -> some View {
ImageCache[url] = image
return contentImage?(image)
private func cacheAndRender(phase: AsyncImagePhase) -> some View{
if case .success (let image) = phase {
ImageCache[url] = image
return contentPhase?(phase)
fileprivate class ImageCache{
static private var cache: [URL: Image] = [:]
static subscript(url: URL?) -> Image?{
get {
guard let url else { return nil }
return ImageCache.cache[url]
set {
guard let url else { return }
ImageCache.cache[url] = newValue
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