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Created February 23, 2015 21:47
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Manacher's Algorithm
def longestPalindrome(self, s):
pt = 0
temp = s
while pt < len(temp):
temp = temp[:pt]+"#"+temp[pt:]
pt += 2
temp = temp + "#"
# the up-to-date longest center of palindrome
center = 0
# r is for range from the current longest center of palindrome
r = 0
register = [0]*len(temp)
for i in range(1, len(temp)-1):
mirror = 2*center-i
if r > i:
register[i] = min(r-i, register[mirror])
register[i] = 0
# expand from the current mid-point whenever possible
while i+1+register[i]<len(temp) and temp[i+1+register[i]]==temp[i-1-register[i]]:
register[i] += 1
# check if the current range is the longest
if i+register[i]>r:
center = i
r = i + register[i]
radius = max(register)
center = [i for i, j in enumerate(register) if j==radius][0]
return s[(center-radius)/2:(center+radius+1)/2]
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