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issue I was having
You have an application that uses a #fetch method to retrieve a collection of data from some external source and a #save method that saves any modified data when you finish. To make updates easier, you have several methods that update the data based on different search criteria. So far, you have something like this:
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def update_data(select_string, block)
data = fetch(select_string)
data.each # you can update or replace this line
def update_by_type(type) # you can update this method
update_data("employee_type = #{type}")
def update_by_location(location) # you can update this method
update_data("employee_location = #{location}")
# Example calls - do not modify these lines
update_by_type("Manager") do |employee|
employee.salary *= 1.25
update_by_location("Oregon") do |employee|
employee.salary *= 1.10
You want to use the #each method in #update_data rather than write an explicit loop, but this means that you somehow need to pass a block through two different methods before you can invoke it. A simple yield won't work in this case.
Finish implementing the #update_data, #update_by_type, and #update_by_location methods.
def update_data(select_string, &block)
data = fetch(select_string)
data.each do |item| # per Ruby documentation
def update_by_type(type, &block) # you can update this method
update_data("employee_type = #{type}", &block)
def update_by_location(location, &block ) # you can update this method
update_data("employee_location = #{location}", &block)
This gave me issue because I know you can pass arguments to a block with yield(arg) within a method. I do not recall seeing using with an argument pass in all my practice problems or challenges only itself . Looking at the documentation shows it is possible The each threw me off because I knew we had to pass an argument but didn't think yield was a appropriate answer.
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