this is a list tutorials for building web application using backbone.js and yeoman. We are building a Photo Gallery JS App from Backbone Fundamentals
- Node.js
- install from source
- install via package manager
- Yeoman
$ yeoman init backbone
TODO find out if [Modernizr] is included in
yeoman init backbone:app
js libraries
- jquery
- backbone
- lodash what: functional programming library
testing TODO rnd differences expect VS chai
Build file Gruntfile.js what: build file configuration for Grunt See: TODO rnd, if we can use all grunt commands with yeoman similar to
inApache Maven
Project metadata /package.json what: metadata about your project, e.g. name, author, version, etc Node Package Manager use it. similar to
inApache Maven
"name" : "underscore",
"description" : "JavaScript's functional programming helper library.",
"homepage" : "<a href=""</a",
"keywords" : ["util", "functional", "server", "client", "browser"],
"author" : "Jeremy Ashkenas <<a href="mailto:[email protected]"[email protected]</a>",
"contributors" : [],
"dependencies" : [],
"repository" : {"type": "git", "url": "git://"},
"main" : "underscore.js",
"version" : "1.1.6"
create a model 'photo'
- domain specific
- manage structured application data
- examples: Book, Author, Person, Email, etc
$ yeoman init backbone:model photo
bbTut.Models.PhotoModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
// default attributes for the model
defaults: {
'src': 'placeholder.png',
'caption': 'A default image',
'isViewed': false,
'tags' : []
initialize: function() {
console.log('init photo model...');
- edit
<!-- [...] -->
<script src="scripts/models/photo-model.js"></script>
- edit
window.bbTut = {
Models: {},
Collections: {},
Views: {},
Routers: {},
init: function() {
console.log('Hello from Backbone!');
new bbTut.Models.PhotoModel({
src: 'placeholder.png',
caption: 'Me at google i/o 2012',
tags: ['#io12', '#io2012']
$ yeoman server
- open Chrome
- open Chrome Developer Console
Hello from Backbone! main.js:7
init a photo model. photo-model.js:9
{"src":"placeholder.png","caption":"Me at Google I/O 2012","isViewed":false,"tags":["#io2012, #me, #google"]} photo-model.js:10
A collection is a set of models.
- grouping mechanismn
- instead to 'watch' each model, 'watch' collection.
$ yeoman init backbone:collection photo
bbTut.Collections.PhotoCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: bbTut.PhotoModel,
// return all photos that have been viewed.
viewed: function() {
return this.filter(function(photo) {
return photo.get('isViewed');
// return all photos that have _not_ been viewed.
unviewed: function() {
// see:
return this.without.apply(this, this.viewed());
- edit
<!-- [...] -->
<script src="scripts/models/photo-model.js"></script>
- edit
window.bbTut = {
Models: {},
Collections: {},
Views: {},
Routers: {},
init: function() {
console.log('Hello from Backbone!');
new bbTut.Models.PhotoModel({
src: 'me_at_io.png',
caption: 'Me at google i/o 2012',
tags: ['#io12', '#io2012']
new bbTut.Collections.PhotoCollection([{
src: 'me_at_io.png',
caption: 'Me at google i/o 2012',
tags: ['#io12', '#io2012']
src: 'fiz-karlsruhe-building.png',
caption: 'FIZ Karlsruhe Main Building',
tags: ['#fiz']
$(document).ready(function() {
$ yeoman server
- open Chrome
- open Chrome Developer Console
Hello from Backbone! main.js:7
init a photo model. photo-model.js:9
{"src":"placeholder.png","caption":"Me at Google I/O 2012","isViewed":false,"tags":["#io2012, #me, #google"]} photo-model.js:10
- visual representation of model.
- views observe models, models notify changes, views update themselves.
- user interact with views.
- reading example: seeing image, read the caption, read a list of tags.
- editing example: edit caption, replace image source, remove tag.
- 'dumb' : limited knowledge of models.
$ yeoman init backbone:view photo
- create large HTML Markup in Memory through string concatenation is expensive
var html = "<ul>";
for(var x=0; x < people.length; ++x){
var person = people[x];
html += "<li>" + + "</li>";
<li> <%= => </li>
- JS templating libs: Handlebar, Mustache, HAML, etc
- storage
- inline, within script tags
- using custom type : 'text/template'
- e.g.
- inline, within script tags
<script type="text/template">
Hello <%= =>
- external files
- enables just-in-time loading
<li class="photo">
<img class="source" src="{{src}}"/>
<div class="meta-data">
<li class="photo">
<img class="source" src="{{src}}"/>
<div class="meta-data">
- avoid collisions with other object and variables in global namespaces. Example???
- JS does not have namespace feature
- workaround: use closures
- Single global variables
- Object Literals
- Nested Namespacing
Hi there! My name is Addy Osmani. I wrote Backbone Fundamentals and helped create Yeoman. It's really interesting to see someone trying to write a tutorial using parts of both projects :)
I was wondering - would you be interested in expanding on this tutorial into something we could include in the book?
In recent times, I've updated the Basics section to focus more on creating a Todo application, but you could just as easily do the same with a similar workflow here.
e.g show folks how to create each of the files needed for views, routes and so on (we have a TodoMVC backbone app over at which could be used for the code example population.
Let me know if that would be of interest :)