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Created March 28, 2023 07:01
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Go linters configuration, the right version.
# See:
# Depends on your hardware, my laptop can survive 8 threads.
concurrency: 8
# I really care about the result, so I'm fine to wait for it.
timeout: 30m
# Fail if the error was met.
issues-exit-code: 1
# This is very important, bugs in tests are not acceptable either.
tests: true
# In most cases this can be empty but there is a popular pattern
# to keep integration tests under this tag. Such tests often require
# additional setups like Postgres, Redis etc and are run separately.
# (to be honest I don't find this useful but I have such tags)
- integration
# Up to you, good for a big enough repo with no-Go code.
# - src/external_libs
# When enabled linter will skip directories: vendor$, third_party$, testdata$, examples$, Godeps$, builtin$
# Skipping `examples` sounds scary to me but skipping `testdata` sounds ok.
skip-dirs-use-default: false
# Autogenerated files can be skipped (I'm looking at you gRPC).
# AFAIK autogen files are skipped but skipping the whole directory should be somewhat faster.
# - "protobuf/.*.go"
# With the read-only mode linter will fail if go.mod file is outdated.
modules-download-mode: readonly
# Till today I didn't know this param exists, never ran 2 golangci-lint at once.
allow-parallel-runners: false
# Keep this empty to use the Go version from the go.mod file.
go: ""
# Set to true runs only fast linters.
# Good option for 'lint on save', pre-commit hook or CI.
fast: false
# Check for pass []any as any in variadic func(...any).
# Rare case but saved me from debugging a few times.
- asasalint
# I prefer plane ASCII identifiers.
# Symbol `∆` instead of `delta` looks cool but no thanks.
- asciicheck
# Checks for dangerous unicode character sequences.
# Super rare but why not to be a bit paranoid?
- bidichk
# Checks whether HTTP response body is closed successfully.
- bodyclose
# Check whether the function uses a non-inherited context.
- contextcheck
# Check for two durations multiplied together.
- durationcheck
# Forces to not skip error check.
- errcheck
# Checks `Err-` prefix for var and `-Error` suffix for error type.
- errname
# Suggests to use `%w` for error-wrapping.
- errorlint
# Checks for pointers to enclosing loop variables.
- exportloopref
# As you already know I'm a co-author. It would be strange to not use
# one of my warmly loved projects.
- gocritic
# Forces to put `.` at the end of the comment. Code is poetry.
- godot
# Might not be that important but I prefer to keep all of them.
# `gofumpt` is amazing, kudos to Daniel Marti
- gofmt
- gofumpt
- goimports
# Allow or ban replace directives in go.mod
# or force explanation for retract directives.
- gomoddirectives
# Powerful security-oriented linter. But requires some time to
# configure it properly, see
- gosec
# Linter that specializes in simplifying code.
- gosimple
# Official Go tool. Must have.
- govet
# Detects when assignments to existing variables are not used
# Last week I caught a bug with it.
- ineffassign
# Even with deprecation notice I find it useful.
# There are situations when instead of io.ReaderCloser
# I can use io.Reader. A small but good improvement.
- interfacer
# Fix all the misspells, amazing thing.
- misspell
# Finds naked/bare returns and requires change them.
- nakedret
# Both require a bit more explicit returns.
- nilerr
- nilnil
# Finds sending HTTP request without context.Context.
- noctx
# Forces comment why another check is disabled.
# Better not to have //nolint: at all ;)
- nolintlint
# Finds slices that could potentially be pre-allocated.
# Small performance win + cleaner code.
- prealloc
# Finds shadowing of Go's predeclared identifiers.
# I hear a lot of complaints from junior developers.
# But after some time they find it very useful.
- predeclared
# Lint your Prometheus metrics name.
- promlinter
# Checks that package variables are not reassigned.
# Super rare case but can catch bad things (like `io.EOF = nil`)
- reassign
# Drop-in replacement of `golint`.
- revive
# Somewhat similar to `bodyclose` but for `database/sql` package.
- rowserrcheck
- sqlclosecheck
# I have found that it's not the same as staticcheck binary :\
- staticcheck
# Is a replacement for `golint`, similar to `revive`.
- stylecheck
# Check struct tags.
- tagliatelle
# Test-related checks. All of them are good.
- tenv
- testableexamples
- thelper
- tparallel
# Remove unnecessary type conversions, make code cleaner
- unconvert
# Might be noisy but better to know what is unused
- unparam
# Must have. Finds unused declarations.
- unused
# Detect the possibility to use variables/constants from stdlib.
- usestdlibvars
# Finds wasted assignment statements.
- wastedassign
# Detects struct contained context.Context field. Not a problem.
- containedctx
# Checks function and package cyclomatic complexity.
# I can have a long but trivial switch-case.
# Cyclomatic complexity is a measurement, not a goal.
# (c) Bryan C. Mills /
- cyclop
# Abandoned, replaced by `unused`.
- deadcode
# Check declaration order of types, consts, vars and funcs.
# I like it but I don't use it.
- decorder
# Checks if package imports are in a list of acceptable packages.
# I'm very picky about what I import, so no automation.
- depguard
# Checks assignments with too many blank identifiers. Very rare.
- dogsled
# Tool for code clone detection.
- dupl
# Find duplicate words, rare.
- dupword
# I'm fine to check the error from json.Marshal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- errchkjson
# All SQL queries MUST BE covered with tests.
- execinquery
# Forces to handle more cases. Cool but noisy.
- exhaustive
- exhaustivestruct # Deprecated, replaced by check below.
- exhaustruct
# Forbids some identifiers. I don't have a case for it.
- forbidigo
# Finds forced type assertions, very good for juniors.
- forcetypeassert
# I might have long but a simple function.
- funlen
# Imports order. I do this manually ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- gci
# I'm not a fan of ginkgo and gomega packages.
- ginkgolinter
# Checks that compiler directive comments (//go:) are valid. Rare.
- gocheckcompilerdirectives
# Globals and init() are ok.
- gochecknoglobals
- gochecknoinits
# Same as `cyclop` linter (see above)
- gocognit
- goconst
- gocyclo
# TODO and friends are ok.
- godox
# Check the error handling expressions. Too noisy.
- goerr113
# I don't use file headers.
- goheader
# 1st Go linter, deprecated :( use `revive`.
- golint
# Reports magic consts. Might be noisy but still good.
- gomnd
# Allowed/blocked packages to import. I prefer to do it manually.
- gomodguard
# Printf-like functions must have -f.
- goprintffuncname
# Groupt declarations, I prefer manually.
- grouper
# Deprecated.
- ifshort
# Checks imports aliases, rare.
- importas
# Forces tiny interfaces, very subjective.
- interfacebloat
# Accept interfaces, return types. Not always.
- ireturn
# I don't set line length. 120 is fine by the way ;)
- lll
# Some log checkers, might be useful.
- loggercheck
# Maintainability index of each function, subjective.
- maintidx
# Slice declarations with non-zero initial length. Not my case.
- makezero
# Deprecated. Use govet `fieldalignment`.
- maligned
# Enforce tags in un/marshaled structs. Cool but not my case.
- musttag
# Deeply nested if statements, subjective.
- nestif
# Forces newlines in some places.
- nlreturn
# Reports all named returns, not that bad.
- nonamedreturns
# Deprecated. Replaced by `revive`.
- nosnakecase
# Finds misuse of Sprintf with host:port in a URL. Cool but rare.
- nosprintfhostport
# I don't use t.Parallel() that much.
- paralleltest
# Often non-`_test` package is ok.
- testpackage
# Compiler can do it too :)
- typecheck
# I'm fine with long variable names with a small scope.
- varnamelen
# gofmt,gofumpt covers that (from what I know).
- whitespace
# Don't find it useful to wrap all errors from external packages.
- wrapcheck
# Forces you to use empty lines. Great if configured correctly.
# I mean there is an agreement in a team.
- wsl
# I'm biased and I'm enabling more than 100 checks
# Might be too much for you. See
- diagnostic
- experimental
- opinionated
- performance
- style
# These 3 will detect many cases, but they do sense
# if it's performance oriented code
- hugeParam
- rangeExprCopy
- rangeValCopy
# Report `a := b.(MyStruct)` when `a, ok := ...` should be.
check-type-assertions: true # Default: false
# Report skipped checks:`num, _ := strconv.Atoi(numStr)`.
check-blank: true # Default: false
# Function to skip.
- io/ioutil.ReadFile
- io.Copy(*bytes.Buffer)
- io.Copy(os.Stdout)
- fieldalignment # I'm ok to waste some bytes
# No naked returns, ever.
max-func-lines: 1 # Default: 30
json: snake # why it's not a `snake` by default?!
yaml: snake # why it's not a `snake` by default?!
xml: camel
bson: camel
avro: snake
mapstructure: kebab
# See also
# I prefer the simplest one: `line-number` and saving to `lint.txt`
# The `tab` also looks good and with the next release I will switch to it
# (ref:
# There are more formats which can be used on CI or by your IDE.
format: line-number:lint.txt
# I do not find this useful, parameter above already enables filepath
# with a line and column. For me, it's easier to follow the path and
# see the line in an IDE where I see more code and understand it better.
print-issued-lines: false
# Must have. Easier to understand the output.
print-linter-name: true
# No, no skips, everything should be reported.
uniq-by-line: false
# To be honest no idea when this can be needed, maybe a multi-module setup?
path-prefix: ""
# Slightly easier to follow the results + getting deterministic output.
sort-results: true
# I found it strange to skip the errors, setting 0 to have all the results.
max-issues-per-linter: 0
# Same here, nothing should be skipped to not miss errors.
max-same-issues: 0
# When set to `true` linter will analyze only new code which are
# not committed or after some specific revision. This is a cool
# feature when you're going to introduce linter into a big project.
# But I prefer going gradually package by package.
# So, it's set to `false` to scan all code.
new: false
# 2 other params regarding git integration
# Even with a recent GPT-4 release I still believe that
# I know better how to do my job and fix the suggestions.
fix: false
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In wild world snake_case is more popular (in JS/TS and as a result JSON ecosystem). That's why most of the JSON that I met in my life are snake-cased.

However, that's not a rule or a guideline, more like an observation. Both are fine (JSON spec don't mention this either)

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