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Created July 27, 2023 10:15
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Python 2 compatible for Qt Creator 11.0.0
# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
from stdtypes import qdump__std__array, qdump__std__complex, qdump__std__once_flag, qdump__std__unique_ptr, qdumpHelper__std__deque__libcxx, qdumpHelper__std__vector__libcxx
from utils import DisplayFormat
from dumper import Children, DumperBase
def qform__std____1__array():
return [DisplayFormat.ArrayPlot]
def qdump__std____1__array(d, value):
qdump__std__array(d, value)
def qdump__std____1__complex(d, value):
qdump__std__complex(d, value)
def qdump__std____1__deque(d, value):
qdumpHelper__std__deque__libcxx(d, value)
def qdump__std____1__list(d, value):
if value.type.size() == 3 * d.ptrSize():
# C++11 only.
(dummy1, dummy2, size) = value.split("ppp")
# Need to count manually.
p = d.extractPointer(value)
head = value.address()
size = 0
while head != p and size < 1001:
size += 1
p = d.extractPointer(p)
d.putItemCount(size, 1000)
if d.isExpanded():
(prev, p) = value.split("pp")
innerType = value.type[0]
typeCode = "pp{%s}" %
with Children(d, size, maxNumChild=1000, childType=innerType):
for i in d.childRange():
(prev, p, val) = d.split(typeCode, p)
d.putSubItem(i, val)
def qdump__std____1__set(d, value):
(proxy, head, size) = value.split("ppp")
d.check(0 <= size and size <= 100 * 1000 * 1000)
if d.isExpanded():
valueType = value.type[0]
def in_order_traversal(node):
(left, right, parent, color, pad, data) = d.split("pppB@{%s}" % (, node)
if left:
for res in in_order_traversal(left):
yield res
yield data
if right:
for res in in_order_traversal(right):
yield res
with Children(d, size, maxNumChild=1000):
for (i, data) in zip(d.childRange(), in_order_traversal(head)):
d.putSubItem(i, data)
def qdump__std____1__multiset(d, value):
qdump__std____1__set(d, value)
def qform__std____1__map():
return [DisplayFormat.CompactMap]
def qdump__std____1__map(d, value):
(proxy, head, size) = value.split("ppp")
d.check(0 <= size and size <= 100 * 1000 * 1000)
# Sometimes there is extra data at the front. Don't know why at the moment.
except RuntimeError:
(junk, proxy, head, size) = value.split("pppp")
d.check(0 <= size and size <= 100 * 1000 * 1000)
if d.isExpanded():
keyType = value.type[0]
valueType = value.type[1]
pairType = value.type[3][0]
def in_order_traversal(node):
(left, right, parent, color, pad, pair) = d.split("pppB@{%s}" % (, node)
if left:
for res in in_order_traversal(left):
yield res
yield pair.split("{%s}@{%s}" % (,[::2]
if right:
for res in in_order_traversal(right):
yield res
with Children(d, size, maxNumChild=1000):
for (i, pair) in zip(d.childRange(), in_order_traversal(head)):
d.putPairItem(i, pair)
def qform__std____1__multimap():
return [DisplayFormat.CompactMap]
def qdump__std____1__multimap(d, value):
qdump__std____1__map(d, value)
def qdump__std____1__map__iterator(d, value):
if d.isExpanded():
with Children(d):
node = value['__i_']['__ptr_'].dereference()['__value_']['__cc']
d.putSubItem('first', node['first'])
d.putSubItem('second', node['second'])
def qdump__std____1__map__const_iterator(d, value):
qdump__std____1__map__iterator(d, value)
def qdump__std____1__set__iterator(d, value):
treeTypeName =[:-len("::iterator")]
treeTypeName =[:-len("::const_iterator")]
treeType = d.lookupType(treeTypeName)
keyType = treeType[0]
if d.isExpanded():
with Children(d):
node = value['__ptr_'].dereference()['__value_']
node = node.cast(keyType)
d.putSubItem('value', node)
def qdump__std____1__set_const_iterator(d, value):
qdump__std____1__set__iterator(d, value)
def qdump__std____1__stack(d, value):
def GetChildMemberWithName(value, name):
members = value.members(True)
for member in members:
if == name:
return member
return None
def GetIndexOfChildWithName(value, name):
members = value.members(True)
for i, member in enumerate(members):
if == name:
return i
return None
class StringLayout:
CSD = 0
DSC = 1
def std_1_string_dumper_v2(d, value):
charType = value['__l']['__data_'].dereference().type
R = GetChildMemberWithName(value, "__r_")
if not R:
raise Exception("Could not find __r_")
# __r_ is a compressed_pair of the actual data and the allocator. The data we
# want is in the first base class.
R_Base_SP = R[0]
if not R_Base_SP:
raise Exception("Could not find R_Base_SP")
Rep_Sp = GetChildMemberWithName(R_Base_SP, "__value_")
if not Rep_Sp:
raise Exception("Could not find __value_")
# Our layout seems a little different
Rep_Sp = Rep_Sp[0]
if not Rep_Sp:
raise Exception("Could not find Rep_Sp")
L = GetChildMemberWithName(Rep_Sp, "__l")
if not L:
raise Exception("Could not find __l")
layout = StringLayout.CSD
if GetIndexOfChildWithName(L, "__data_") == 0:
layout = StringLayout.DSC
short_mode = False
using_bitmasks = True
size = 0
size_mode_value = 0
Short_Sp = GetChildMemberWithName(Rep_Sp, "__s")
if not Short_Sp:
raise Exception("Could not find __s")
Is_Long = GetChildMemberWithName(Short_Sp, "__is_long_")
Size_Sp = GetChildMemberWithName(Short_Sp, "__size_")
if not Size_Sp:
raise Exception("Could not find __size_")
if Is_Long:
using_bitmasks = False
short_mode = Is_Long.integer() == 0
size = Size_Sp.integer()
size_mode_value = Size_Sp.integer()
mode_mask = 1
if layout == StringLayout.DSC:
mode_mask = 0x80
short_mode = (size_mode_value & mode_mask) == 0
if short_mode:
Location_Sp = GetChildMemberWithName(Short_Sp, "__data_")
if using_bitmasks:
size = ((size_mode_value >> 1) % 256)
if layout == StringLayout.DSC:
size = size_mode_value
# The string is most likely not initialized yet
if size > 100 or not Location_Sp:
raise Exception("Probably not initialized yet")
d.putCharArrayHelper(d.extractPointer(Location_Sp), size,
charType, d.currentItemFormat())
Location_Sp = GetChildMemberWithName(L, "__data_")
Size_Vo = GetChildMemberWithName(L, "__size_")
Capacity_Vo = GetChildMemberWithName(L, "__cap_")
if not Location_Sp or not Size_Vo or not Capacity_Vo:
raise Exception("Could not find Location_Sp, Size_Vo or Capacity_Vo")
size = Size_Vo.integer()
capacity = Capacity_Vo.integer()
if not using_bitmasks and layout == StringLayout.CSD:
capacity *= 2
if capacity < size:
raise Exception("Capacity is less than size")
d.putCharArrayHelper(d.extractPointer(Location_Sp), size,
charType, d.currentItemFormat())
def std_1_string_dumper_v1(d, value):
charType = value['__l']['__data_'].dereference().type
D = None
try: # LLDB
D = value[0][0][0][0]
except: # GDB
try: # std::string
D = value[0].members(True)[0][0][0]
except: # std::u16string, std::u32string
D = value[2].members(True)[0][0][0]
layoutDecider = D[0][0]
if not layoutDecider:
raise Exception("Could not find layoutDecider")
size = 0
size_mode_value = 0
short_mode = False
libcxx_version = 14
layoutModeIsDSC = == '__data_'
if (layoutModeIsDSC):
size_mode = D[1][1][0]
if not size_mode:
raise Exception("Could not find size_mode")
if not == '__size_':
size_mode = D[1][1][1]
if not size_mode:
raise Exception("Could not find size_mode")
size_mode_value = size_mode.integer()
short_mode = ((size_mode_value & 0x80) == 0)
size_mode = D[1][0][0]
if not size_mode:
raise Exception("Could not find size_mode")
if == '__is_long_':
libcxx_version = 15
short_mode = (size_mode.integer() == 0)
size_mode = D[1][0][1]
size_mode_value = size_mode.integer()
size_mode_value = size_mode.integer()
short_mode = ((size_mode_value & 1) == 0)
if short_mode:
s = D[1]
if not s:
raise Exception("Could not find s")
if libcxx_version == 14:
location_sp = s[0] if layoutModeIsDSC else s[1]
size = size_mode_value if layoutModeIsDSC else ((size_mode_value >> 1) % 256)
elif libcxx_version == 15:
location_sp = s[0] if layoutModeIsDSC else s[2]
size = size_mode_value
l = D[0]
if not l:
raise Exception("Could not find l")
# we can use the layout_decider object as the data pointer
location_sp = layoutDecider if layoutModeIsDSC else l[2]
size_vo = l[1]
if not size_vo or not location_sp:
raise Exception("Could not find size_vo or location_sp")
size = size_vo.integer()
if short_mode and location_sp:
d.putCharArrayHelper(d.extractPointer(location_sp), size,
charType, d.currentItemFormat())
size, charType, d.currentItemFormat())
def qdump__std____1__string(d, value):
std_1_string_dumper_v2(d, value)
except Exception as eV2:
std_1_string_dumper_v1(d, value)
except Exception as eV1:
d.putValue("Could not parse: %s, %s" % (eV1, eV2))
def qdump__std____1__wstring(d, value):
std_1_string_dumper_v2(d, value)
except Exception as eV2:
std_1_string_dumper_v1(d, value)
except Exception as eV1:
d.putValue("Could not parse: %s, %s" % (eV1, eV2))
def qdump__std____1__basic_string(d, value):
innerType = value.type[0].name
if innerType in ("char", "char8_t", "char16_t"):
qdump__std____1__string(d, value)
elif innerType in ("wchar_t", "char32_t"):
qdump__std____1__wstring(d, value)
d.warn("UNKNOWN INNER TYPE %s" % innerType)
def qdump__std____1__shared_ptr(d, value):
i = value["__ptr_"]
if i.pointer() == 0:
def qdump__std____1__weak_ptr(d, value):
return qdump__std____1__shared_ptr(d, value)
def qdump__std____1__unique_ptr(d, value):
qdump__std__unique_ptr(d, value)
def qform__std____1__unordered_map():
return [DisplayFormat.CompactMap]
def qdump__std____1__unordered_map(d, value):
(size, _) = value["__table_"]["__p2_"].split("pp")
keyType = value.type[0]
valueType = value.type[1]
pairType = value.type[4][0]
if d.isExpanded():
curr = value["__table_"]["__p1_"].split("pp")[0]
def traverse_list(node):
while node:
(next_, _, pad, pair) = d.split("pp@{%s}" % (, node)
yield pair.split("{%s}@{%s}" % (,[::2]
node = next_
with Children(d, size, childType=value.type[0], maxNumChild=1000):
for (i, value) in zip(d.childRange(), traverse_list(curr)):
d.putPairItem(i, value, 'key', 'value')
def qdump__std____1__unordered_set(d, value):
(size, _) = value["__table_"]["__p2_"].split("pp")
valueType = value.type[0]
if d.isExpanded():
curr = value["__table_"]["__p1_"].split("pp")[0]
def traverse_list(node):
while node:
(next_, _, pad, val) = d.split("pp@{%s}" % (, node)
yield val
node = next_
with Children(d, size, childType=value.type[0], maxNumChild=1000):
for (i, value) in zip(d.childRange(), traverse_list(curr)):
d.putSubItem(i, value)
def qdump__std____1__unordered_multiset(d, value):
qdump__std____1__unordered_set(d, value)
def qform__std____1__valarray():
return [DisplayFormat.ArrayPlot]
def qdump__std____1__valarray(d, value):
innerType = value.type[0]
(begin, end) = value.split('pp')
size = int((end - begin) / innerType.size())
d.putPlotData(begin, size, innerType)
def qform__std____1__vector():
return [DisplayFormat.ArrayPlot]
def qdump__std____1__vector(d, value):
qdumpHelper__std__vector__libcxx(d, value)
def qdump__std____1__once_flag(d, value):
qdump__std__once_flag(d, value)
def qdump__std____1__variant(d, value):
index = value['__impl']['__index']
index_num = int(index)
value_type = d.templateArgument(value.type, index_num)
d.putValue("<%s:%s>" % (index_num,
if d.isExpanded():
with Children(d):
d.putSubItem("index", index)
d.putSubItem("value", value.cast(value_type))
def qdump__std____1__optional(d, value):
if value['__engaged_'].integer() == 0:
if d.isExpanded():
with Children(d):
d.putSubItem("engaged", value['__engaged_'])
d.putSubItem("value", value['#1']['__val_'])
def qdump__std____1__tuple(d, value):
values = []
for member in value['__base_'].members(False):
if d.isExpanded():
with Children(d):
count = 0
for internal_value in values:
d.putSubItem("[%i]" % count, internal_value)
count += 1
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