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Forked from henrik/tmux_cheatsheet.markdown
Last active September 27, 2023 19:37
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tmux cheatsheet

tmux/tmuxinator cheatsheet


As configured in my dotfiles, here and here.

Command line

$ tmux                           -> start new
$ tmux new -s myname             -> start new w/session name
$ tmux a  #  (or at, or attach)  -> attach
$ tmux a -t myname               -> attach to named
$ tmux ls                        -> list sessions
$ tmux kill-session -t myname    -> kill session w/name

Shortcuts (via .oh-my-zsh/plugins/tmux/tmux.plugin.zsh)

  • ta = tmux attach -t
  • ts = tmux new-session -s
  • tl = tmux list-sessions
  • tksv = tmux kill-server
  • tkss = tmux kill-session -t

Quick, oft-used shortcuts (defined in ~/.tmux.conf)

shift-arrow  -> toggle window in arrow direction
alt-arrow    -> toggle pane in arrow direction

Tmux command mode - in tmux, type the prefix (default is ctrl+b, I use ctrl+q) and then:


:new<CR>  -> new session
s         -> list sessions
$         -> name session

Windows (tabs)

l            -> last window
c            -> new window
,            -> name window
w            -> list windows
f            -> find window
&            -> kill window
.            -> move window - prompted for a new number
:movew<CR>   -> move window to the next unused number

Panes (splits)

-          -> horizontal split (defined in ~/.tmux.conf)
|          -> vertical split (defined in ~/.tmux.conf)
Ctrl-q     -> quick swap (defined in ~/.tmux.conf)
o          -> swap panes
q          -> show pane numbers
x          -> kill pane
!          -> kill all panes except current
⍽          -> space - toggle between layouts

Window/pane surgery

(following 4 commands specified in ~/.tmux.conf) h -> stretch/shrink left side of pane j -> stretch/shrink bottom of pane k -> stretch/shrink top of pane l -> stretch/shrink right side of pane :joinp -s :2 -> move window 2 into a new pane in the current window :joinp -t :1 -> move the current pane into a new pane in window 1


[  -> "copy" or "scroll" mode - from here type Fn+Arrow or use mouse scrollwheel
r  -> reload config (defined in ~/.tmux.conf)
d  -> detach
t  -> big clock
?  -> mlist shortcuts
:  -> prompt

Copy & Paste w/the System Clipboard

1. Enter copy mode           $ <prefix> [
2. Enter selection mode      $ v
3. Move to end of selection  $ arrows or hjkl
4. Copy selected text        $ y or <Enter>
5. Paste copied text         $ ctrl+p



  • You can cmd+click URLs to open in iTerm.
  • You can cmd+double-click strings to select w/iTerm (and the cmd+c to copy)
    • HOWEVER: If you are copying text and multiple tmux panes are open, it will copy across panes! This is usually undesirable. It is recommended to use the above copy-paste instructions for copying to the system clipboard from within tmux.


As configured in my dotfiles.

  • mux new [PROJECT] => create new project and open config in editor
  • mux copy [EXISTING] [NEW] => copy existing project to new project and open config in editor
  • mux list => list all projects
  • mux delete [PROJECT] => delete project
  • mux help => more commands + descriptions
  • mux implode => delete all projects
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