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Created March 26, 2012 23:51
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Save crockpotveggies/2210788 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A mailer trait for sending HTML emails for Play! Framework 2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Created on: 26th March 2012
package notifiers
import org.apache.commons.mail._
import java.util.concurrent.Future
import java.lang.reflect._
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import play.api._
import play.api.Configuration._
import views._
* this class providers a wrapper for sending email in Play! 2.0
* based on the EmailNotifier trait by Aishwarya Singhal
* @author Justin Long
* make sure to include Apache Commons Mail in dependencies
* "org.apache.commons" % "commons-mail" % "1.2"
trait Mailloy {
var notifications = new ThreadLocal[MailloyContext]
val conf = play.api.Play.current.configuration
val smtpHost = conf.getString("").get
val smtpPort = conf.getInt("smtp.port").get
val smtpSsl = conf.getBoolean("smtp.ssl").get
val smtpUser = conf.getString("smtp.user").get
val smtpPass = conf.getString("smtp.pass").get
* Sets a subject for this email. It enables formatting of the providing string using Java's
* string formatter.
* @param subject
* @param args
def setSubject(subject: String, args: AnyRef*) = {
current.subject = String.format(subject, args: _*)
* Defines the sender of this email("from" address).
* @param from
def addFrom(from: String) = {
current.from = from
* Adds an email recipient in CC.
* @param ccRecipients
def addCc(ccRecipients: String*) = {
current.ccRecipients :::= List(ccRecipients: _*)
* Adds an email recipient in BCC.
* @param bccRecipients
def addBcc(bccRecipients: String*) = {
current.bccRecipients :::= List(bccRecipients: _*)
* Adds an email recipient ("to" addressee).
* @param recipients
def addRecipient(recipients: String*) = {
current.recipients :::= List(recipients: _*)
* Defines the "reply to" email address.
* @param replyTo
def setReplyTo(replyTo: String) = {
current.replyTo = replyTo
* Sets the charset for this email.
* @param charset
def setCharset(charset: String) = {
current.charset = charset
* Sets the content type for the email. If none is set, by default it is assumed to be "UTF-8".
* @param contentType
def setContentType(contentType: String) = {
current.contentType = contentType
* Adds a request header to this email message.
* @param key
* @param value
def addHeader(key: String, value: String) = {
current.headers += (key -> value)
* Sends an email based on the provided data. It also validates and ensures completeness of
* this object before attempting a send.
* @param bodyText : pass a string or use a Play! text template to generate the template
* like view.Mails.templateText(tags).
* @param bodyHtml : pass a string or use a Play! HTML template to generate the template
* like view.Mails.templateHtml(tags).
* @return
def send(bodyText: String, bodyHtml: String) = {
// Content type
var email: MultiPartEmail = getEmail(bodyText, bodyHtml)
setAddress(current.from) { (address, name) => email.setFrom(address, name) }
setAddress(current.replyTo) { (address, name) => email.addReplyTo(address, name) }
current.recipients.foreach(setAddress(_) { (address, name) => email.addTo(address, name) })
current.ccRecipients.foreach(setAddress(_) { (address, name) => email.addCc(address, name) })
current.bccRecipients.foreach(setAddress(_) { (address, name) => email.addBcc(address, name) })
current.headers foreach ((entry) => email.addHeader(entry._1, entry._2))
// do the work to prepare sending on SMTP
email.setAuthenticator(new DefaultAuthenticator(smtpUser, smtpPass));
// now flush the stored context and send
* Extracts an email address from the given string and passes to the enclosed method.
* @param emailAddress
* @param setter
private def setAddress(emailAddress: String)(setter: (String, String) => Unit) = {
if (emailAddress != null) {
try {
val iAddress = new InternetAddress(emailAddress);
val address = iAddress.getAddress()
val name = iAddress.getPersonal()
setter(address, name)
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
setter(emailAddress, null)
* Creates an appropriate email object based on the content type.
* @param bodyText
* @param bodyHtml
* @return
private def getEmail(bodyText: String, bodyHtml: String): MultiPartEmail = {
var email: MultiPartEmail = null
if (bodyHtml == null) {
email = new MultiPartEmail();
} else {
email = new HtmlEmail();
if (bodyText != null) {
return email
* Sets a content type if none is defined.
* @param bodyHtml
private def ensureContentTypeDefined(bodyHtml: String) = {
if (current.contentType == null) {
if (bodyHtml != null) {
current.contentType = "text/html";
} else {
current.contentType = "text/plain";
* Gets the current notification context as stored.
* @return
private def current = {
var notification = notifications.get
if (notification == null) {
notification = new MailloyContext
class MailloyContext {
var subject: String = null
var recipients: List[String] = List[String]()
var from: String = null
var ccRecipients: List[String] = List[String]()
var bccRecipients: List[String] = List[String]()
var contentType: String = null
var replyTo: String = null
var charset: String = "utf-8"
var headers: Map[String, String] = Map[String, String]()
* A usage example
import notifiers._
import views._
val mail = new MailloyContext with Mailloy
mail.addRecipient("[email protected]","DeLongey")
mail.addFrom("DeLongey <[email protected]>")
mail.send( html.Mails.welcometxt("DeLongey").body, html.Mails.welcome("DeLongey").body )
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