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Last active August 1, 2016 04:30
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Tic tac toe with Elm
import Array exposing (Array, get)
import Html exposing (Html, div, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (style)
import Html.App as Html
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Maybe exposing (withDefault)
import Random
import String
main : Program Never
main =
{ init = (init 3)
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
type Player = Dot | Cross
type alias Location = (Int, Int)
type alias Cell =
{ location: Location
, owner: Maybe Player
type alias Model =
{ board: Array (Array Cell)
, order: Int
, turn: Player
, over: Bool
, winningLine: Maybe (Array Cell)
init : Int -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
init n =
let model =
{ board = makeBoard n
, order = n
, over = False
, turn = Cross
, winningLine = Nothing
in (model, Cmd.none)
makeBoard : Int -> Array (Array Cell)
makeBoard n = (makeRow n) (Array.fromList [0..n - 1])
makeRow : Int -> Int -> Array Cell
makeRow n r =
let mapper =
\c -> { location = (r, c)
, owner = Nothing
in mapper (Array.fromList [0..n - 1])
getWinner : Model -> Model
getWinner model =
let indexes = Array.fromList [0..model.order - 1]
rows = Array.toList model.board
columns = getColumn (Array.toList indexes)
diagonals =
[ (\x -> getCell x x) indexes
, (\x -> getCell (model.order - 1 - x) x) indexes]
winningLines = List.filter winningLine (rows ++ columns ++ diagonals)
getColumn c = (flip getCell c) indexes
getCell r c = case (Array.get c (getRow r)) of
Just cell -> cell
_ -> { location = (r, c), owner = Nothing }
getRow x = withDefault Array.empty (Array.get x model.board)
winningLine l =
(getOwners l) == allDots || (getOwners l) == allCross
getOwners = .owner
allDots = Array.repeat model.order (Just Dot)
allCross = Array.repeat model.order (Just Cross)
in if List.isEmpty winningLines
then model
else { model | over = True
, winningLine = List.head winningLines }
type Msg = Play Location
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
Play location -> ((model |> (updateBoard location)
>> getWinner
>> toggleTurn), Cmd.none)
toggleTurn : Model -> Model
toggleTurn model =
let newTurn = case model.turn of
Cross -> Dot
Dot -> Cross
in { model | turn = newTurn }
updateBoard : Location -> Model -> Model
updateBoard location model =
{ model |
board = ( (updateCell location model)) model.board }
updateCell : Location -> Model -> Cell -> Cell
updateCell location model cell =
if cell.location == location
then { cell | owner = Just model.turn }
else cell
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model = Sub.none
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
[ style [ ("height", "960px")
, ("width", "640px")
, ("margin", "auto")
, ("position", "relative")
[renderArena model]
renderArena : Model -> Html Msg
renderArena model =
div [ style [ ("position", "absolute")
, ("top", "100px")
, ("background", "#FCFCFC")
(Array.toList ( (renderRow model) model.board))
renderRow : Model -> Array Cell -> Html Msg
renderRow model row =
div [ style [ ("clear", "both") ]]
(Array.toList ( (renderCell model) row))
renderCell : Model -> Cell -> Html Msg
renderCell model cell =
let size = (floor (640/toFloat model.order) - (model.order * 4))
px = (toString size) ++ "px"
fontSize = (toString ((toFloat size) / 2)) ++ "px"
highlight = case model.winningLine of
Nothing -> "#EEE"
Just line -> if Array.isEmpty (Array.filter ((==) cell) line)
then "#EEE"
else "#A2E195"
styleCfg = [ ("height", px)
, ("width", px)
, ("float", "left")
, ("margin", "5px")
, ("font-size", fontSize)
, ("text-align", "center")
, ("vertical-algin", "middle")
, ("line-height", px)
, ("border", "1px solid #999")
cellFilter c = c.location == cell
in case cell.owner of
Just Dot -> div [ style (("background", highlight) :: styleCfg) ]
[ text "●" ]
Just Cross -> div [ style (("background", highlight) :: styleCfg) ]
[ text "✘" ]
Nothing -> div [ style styleCfg
, onClick (Play cell.location)] []
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