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Created December 6, 2016 16:16
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sovereign development environment issues
# Note: I disabled xmpp in site.yml because of
$vagrant destroy -f && vagrant up
==> xenial: VM not created. Moving on...
==> jessie: Forcing shutdown of VM...
==> jessie: Destroying VM and associated drives...
Bringing machine 'jessie' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> jessie: Importing base box 'box-cutter/debian8'...
==> jessie: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==> jessie: Checking if box 'box-cutter/debian8' is up to date...
==> jessie: Setting the name of the VM: sovereign_jessie_1481038318155_73409
==> jessie: Fixed port collision for 22 => 2222. Now on port 2201.
==> jessie: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> jessie: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
jessie: Adapter 1: nat
jessie: Adapter 2: hostonly
==> jessie: Forwarding ports...
jessie: 22 (guest) => 2201 (host) (adapter 1)
==> jessie: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations...
==> jessie: Booting VM...
==> jessie: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
jessie: SSH address:
jessie: SSH username: vagrant
jessie: SSH auth method: private key
jessie: Vagrant insecure key detected. Vagrant will automatically replace
jessie: this with a newly generated keypair for better security.
jessie: Inserting generated public key within guest...
jessie: Removing insecure key from the guest if it's present...
jessie: Key inserted! Disconnecting and reconnecting using new SSH key...
==> jessie: Machine booted and ready!
==> jessie: Checking for guest additions in VM...
==> jessie: Setting hostname...
==> jessie: Configuring and enabling network interfaces...
==> jessie: Mounting shared folders...
jessie: /vagrant => /projects/sovereign
==> jessie: Running provisioner: ansible...
jessie: Running ansible-playbook...
PLAY [all] *********************************************************************
TASK [setup] *******************************************************************
ok: [jessie]
TASK [common : Update apt cache] ***********************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Upgrade all safe packages] **************************************
ok: [jessie]
TASK [common : Install necessities and nice-to-haves] **************************
changed: [jessie] => (item=[u'apache2', u'apt-transport-https', u'apticron', u'build-essential', u'debian-goodies', u'git', u'htop', u'iftop', u'iotop', u'molly-guard', u'mosh', u'python-software-properties', u'ruby', u'screen', u'sudo', u'unattended-upgrades', u'vim', u'zsh'])
TASK [common : timezone - configure /etc/timezone] *****************************
ok: [jessie]
TASK [common : timezone - Set localtime to UTC] ********************************
skipping: [jessie]
TASK [common : timezone - reconfigure tzdata] **********************************
skipping: [jessie]
TASK [common : Apticron email configuration] ***********************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Create decrypted directory (even if encfs isn't used)] **********
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Set decrypted directory permissions] ****************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Install encfs & fuse] *******************************************
changed: [jessie] => (item=[u'encfs', u'fuse', u'libfuse-dev'])
TASK [common : Create encrypted directory] *************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Check if the /encrypted directory is empty] *********************
fatal: [jessie]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": "ls /encrypted/*", "delta": "0:00:00.005798", "end": "2016-12-06 15:33:07.843665", "failed": true, "rc": 2, "start": "2016-12-06 15:33:07.837867", "stderr": "ls: cannot access /encrypted/*: No such file or directory", "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": [], "warnings": []}
TASK [common : If /encrypted is empty, create the encfs there] *****************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : If /encrypted isn't empty, mount it (but only if /decrypted/test doesn't exist)] ***
skipping: [jessie]
TASK [common : Set decrypted directory permissions] ****************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Create main user account] ***************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Give main user account sudo power] ******************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Disable default Apache site] ************************************
ok: [jessie]
TASK [common : Enable Apache headers module] ***********************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Create ServerName configuration file for Apache] ****************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Set ServerName for Apache] **************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Create strong Diffie-Hellman group] *****************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Enable Apache SSL module] ***************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Enable Apache SOCACHE_SHMCB module for the SSL stapling cache] **
ok: [jessie]
TASK [common : Add common Apache SSL config] ***********************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Enable Apache SSL config] ***************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Download LetsEncrypt release] ***********************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Create directory for LetsEncrypt configuration and certificates]
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Configure LetsEncrypt] ******************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Install LetsEncrypt package dependencies] ***********************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Create directory for pre-renewal scripts] ***********************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Create directory for post-renewal scripts] **********************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Create pre-renew hook to stop apache] ***************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Create post-renew hook to start apache] *************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Install crontab entry for LetsEncrypt] **************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Create live directory for LetsEncrypt cron job] *****************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Get an SSL certificate for sovereign.local from Let's Encrypt] **
skipping: [jessie]
TASK [common : Modify permissions to allow ssl-cert group access] **************
skipping: [jessie]
TASK [common : Create live directory for testing keys] *************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Copy SSL wildcard private key for testing] **********************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Copy SSL public certificate into place for testing] *************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Copy SSL CA combined certificate into place for testing] ********
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Create a combined SSL cert for testing] *************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Set permissions on combined SSL public cert] ********************
ok: [jessie]
TASK [common : Install ufw] ****************************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Deny everything] ************************************************
ok: [jessie]
TASK [common : Set firewall rule for DNS] **************************************
ok: [jessie]
TASK [common : Set firewall rule for mosh] *************************************
ok: [jessie]
TASK [common : Set firewall rules for web traffic and SSH] *********************
ok: [jessie] => (item=http)
ok: [jessie] => (item=https)
ok: [jessie] => (item=ssh)
TASK [common : Enable UFW] *****************************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Check config of ufw] ********************************************
ok: [jessie]
TASK [common : Install security-related packages] ******************************
changed: [jessie] => (item=[u'fail2ban', u'whois', u'lynis', u'rkhunter'])
TASK [common : Copy fail2ban configuration into place] *************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Copy fail2ban dovecot configuration into place] *****************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Ensure fail2ban is started] *************************************
ok: [jessie]
TASK [common : Update sshd config for PFS and more secure defaults] ************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Update ssh config for more secure defaults] *********************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Install ntp] ****************************************************
ok: [jessie]
TASK [common : Configure ntp] **************************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Ensure ntpd is running] *****************************************
ok: [jessie]
TASK [common : Ensure ntp is enabled] ******************************************
ok: [jessie]
TASK [common : Ensure required packages are installed] *************************
changed: [jessie] => (item=[u'libpam-google-authenticator', u'libpam0g-dev', u'libqrencode3'])
TASK [common : Update sshd config to enable challenge responses] ***************
ok: [jessie]
TASK [common : Add Google authenticator to PAM] ********************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [common : Generate a timed-based, no reuse, rate-limited (3 logins per 30 seconds) with one concurrently valid code for default user] ***
skipping: [jessie]
TASK [common : Retrieve generated keys from server] ****************************
skipping: [jessie]
TASK [common : pause] **********************************************************
skipping: [jessie]
TASK [common : Install Postgres] ***********************************************
changed: [jessie] => (item=[u'postgresql', u'python-psycopg2'])
TASK [common : Set password for PostgreSQL admin user] *************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Install Postfix and related packages] ***********************
changed: [jessie] => (item=[u'libsasl2-modules', u'postfix', u'postfix-pcre', u'postfix-pgsql', u'postgrey', u'python-psycopg2', u'sasl2-bin'])
TASK [mailserver : Create database user for mail server] ***********************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Create database for mail server] ****************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Copy import.sql] ********************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Create postfix maps directory] ******************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Copy smtp_header_checks.pcre] *******************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Copy] ***********************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Copy] *********************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Copy additional postfix configuration files] ****************
changed: [jessie] => (
changed: [jessie] => (
changed: [jessie] => (
TASK [mailserver : Set firewall rules for postfix] *****************************
changed: [jessie] => (item=smtp)
changed: [jessie] => (item=ssmtp)
changed: [jessie] => (item=submission)
TASK [mailserver : Install Dovecot and related packages] ***********************
changed: [jessie] => (item=[u'dovecot-core', u'dovecot-imapd', u'dovecot-lmtpd', u'dovecot-managesieved', u'dovecot-pgsql', u'dovecot-pop3d'])
TASK [mailserver : Install Postgres for Dovecot] *******************************
ok: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Create vmail group] *****************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Create vmail user] ******************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Ensure mail domain directories are in place] ****************
changed: [jessie] => (item={u'pk_id': 1, u'name': u'sovereign.local'})
TASK [mailserver : Ensure mail directories are in place] ***********************
changed: [jessie] => (item={u'account': u'sovereign', u'domain_pk_id': 1, u'domain': u'sovereign.local', u'password_hash': u'$6$IYJfaF3jvmbAzlSe$1HBkbIdrOTWA31WYon7VSE2xAcFzYSZuVb8d3I0NDWzPxXBaqkHqKs4rLeNO9CVQEKv7wA15QctCyXbdRqFDy.'})
TASK [mailserver : Copy dovecot.conf into place] *******************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Copy additional Dovecot configuration files in place] *******
changed: [jessie] => (item=10-auth.conf)
changed: [jessie] => (item=10-mail.conf)
changed: [jessie] => (item=10-master.conf)
changed: [jessie] => (item=90-antispam.conf)
changed: [jessie] => (item=auth-sql.conf.ext)
TASK [mailserver : Template 10-ssl.conf] ***************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Template 15-lda.conf] ***************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Template dovecot-sql.conf.ext] ******************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Ensure correct permissions on Dovecot config directory] *****
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Set firewall rules for dovecot] *****************************
changed: [jessie] => (item=imaps)
changed: [jessie] => (item=pop3s)
TASK [mailserver : Update post-certificate-renewal task] ***********************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Install OpenDKIM and related packages] **********************
changed: [jessie] => (item=[u'opendkim', u'opendkim-tools'])
TASK [mailserver : Create OpenDKIM config directory] ***************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Create OpenDKIM key directories] ****************************
changed: [jessie] => (item={u'pk_id': 1, u'name': u'sovereign.local'})
TASK [mailserver : Generate OpenDKIM keys] *************************************
changed: [jessie] => (item={u'pk_id': 1, u'name': u'sovereign.local'})
TASK [mailserver : Put opendkim.conf into place] *******************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Put additional OpenDKIM configuration files into place] *****
changed: [jessie] => (item=KeyTable)
changed: [jessie] => (item=SigningTable)
changed: [jessie] => (item=TrustedHosts)
TASK [mailserver : Set OpenDKIM config directory permissions] ******************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Install OpenDMARC milter and related packages] **************
changed: [jessie] => (item=[u'mysql-server', u'python-mysqldb', u'opendmarc'])
TASK [mailserver : Patch opendmarc scripts (] ***
ok: [jessie] => (item=opendmarc-import)
ok: [jessie] => (item=opendmarc-reports)
ok: [jessie] => (item=opendmarc-params)
TASK [mailserver : Patch opendmarc scripts part deux (] ***
ok: [jessie] => (item=opendmarc-reports)
ok: [jessie] => (item=opendmarc-import)
TASK [mailserver : Copy OpenDMARC configuration file into place] ***************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Create OpenDMARC configuration directory] *******************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Copy OpenDMARC ignore hosts file into place] ****************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Copy OpenDMARC defaults file into place] ********************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Create database user for OpenDMARC reports] *****************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Create database for OpenDMARC reports] **********************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Import opendmarc schema] ************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Copy nightly OpenDMARC report generation script into place] *
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Ensure initial report dat file exists with correct permissions] ***
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Activate OpenDMARC report cronjob] **************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Ensure repository key for Rspamd is in place] ***************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Add Rspamd repository] **************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Install Rspamd, Rmilter, and Redis] *************************
changed: [jessie] => (item=[u'rspamd', u'rmilter', u'redis-server'])
TASK [mailserver : Configure rmilter.common] ***********************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Configure rmilter socket] ***********************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Configure rmilter service] **********************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Start redis] ************************************************
ok: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Start rspamd systemd listener] ******************************
ok: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Start rmilter systemd listener] *****************************
ok: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Install Solr and related packages] **************************
changed: [jessie] => (item=[u'dovecot-solr', u'solr-tomcat'])
TASK [mailserver : Work around Debian bug and copy Solr schema file into place]
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Copy tweaked Tomcat config file into place] *****************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Copy tweaked Solr config file into place] *******************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Create Solr index directory] ********************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Download check-rbl] *****************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Install nightly check-rbl cronjob] **************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Install required packages for z-push] ***********************
changed: [jessie] => (item=[u'php-soap', u'php5', u'php5-cli', u'php5-imap'])
TASK [mailserver : Download z-push release] ************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Decompress z-push source] ***********************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Create /usr/share/z-push] ***********************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Copy z-push source files to /usr/share/z-push] **************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Remove downloaded, temporary z-push source files] ***********
changed: [jessie]
[WARNING]: Consider using file module with state=absent rather than running rm
TASK [mailserver : Ensure z-push state and log directories are in place] *******
changed: [jessie] => (item=/decrypted/zpush-state)
changed: [jessie] => (item=/var/log/z-push)
TASK [mailserver : Copy z-push's config.php into place] ************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Create z-push apache alias and php configuration file] ******
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Enable z-push Apache alias and PHP configuration file] ******
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Configure z-push logrotate] *********************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Create directory for mail autoconfiguration virtualhost] ****
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Create directory holding the autoconfig XML file] ***********
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Create the autoconfig XML file] *****************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Configure the mail autoconfiguration virtualhost] ***********
changed: [jessie]
TASK [mailserver : Enable the mail autoconfiguration virtualhost] **************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [webmail : Determine whether roundcube is configured] *********************
ok: [jessie]
TASK [webmail : Install roundcube dependencies] ********************************
changed: [jessie] => (item=[u'php5', u'php5-sqlite', u'php5-mcrypt', u'php5-gd', u'php5-pspell', u'php5-intl', u'php5-curl', u'aspell', u'aspell-en'])
TASK [webmail : Clone roundcube] ***********************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [webmail : Get Composer installer] ****************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [webmail : Copy composer configuration] ***********************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [webmail : Install Composer] **********************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [webmail : Initialize composer] *******************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [webmail : Remove installer directory] ************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [webmail : Install Roundcube configuration] *******************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [webmail : Create db directory] *******************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [webmail : Make logs and temp directories writable by web server] *********
changed: [jessie] => (item=temp)
changed: [jessie] => (item=logs)
TASK [webmail : Make roundcube directory accessible to web server] *************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [webmail : Install sieve plugin configuration] ****************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [webmail : Install global sieve] ******************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [webmail : Install carddav plugin configuration] **************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [webmail : Install Google 2-factor authentication plugin configuration] ***
changed: [jessie]
TASK [webmail : Configure Apache for Roundcube] ********************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [webmail : Enable Roundcube site] *****************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [blog : Create directory for blog HTML] ***********************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [blog : Rename existing Apache blog virtualhost] **************************
ok: [jessie]
TASK [blog : Remove old sites-enabled/sovereign.local symlink (new one will be created by a2ensite)] ***
ok: [jessie]
TASK [blog : Configure the Apache HTTP server for the blog] ********************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [blog : Enable blog site] *************************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [ircbouncer : Install znc] ************************************************
changed: [jessie] => (item=[u'znc'])
TASK [ircbouncer : Create znc group] *******************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [ircbouncer : Create znc user] ********************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [ircbouncer : Ensure pid directory exists] ********************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [ircbouncer : Ensure configuration folders exist] *************************
changed: [jessie] => (item=moddata)
changed: [jessie] => (item=modules)
changed: [jessie] => (item=users)
TASK [ircbouncer : Copy znc service file into place] ***************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [ircbouncer : Create a combined version of the SSL private key and full certificate chain] ***
changed: [jessie]
TASK [ircbouncer : Update post-certificate-renewal task] ***********************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [ircbouncer : Ensure znc user and group can read cert] ********************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [ircbouncer : Check for existing config file] *****************************
fatal: [jessie]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": ["cat", "/usr/lib/znc/configs/znc.conf"], "delta": "0:00:00.004741", "end": "2016-12-06 15:42:20.253134", "failed": true, "rc": 1, "start": "2016-12-06 15:42:20.248393", "stderr": "cat: /usr/lib/znc/configs/znc.conf: No such file or directory", "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": [], "warnings": []}
TASK [ircbouncer : Create znc config directory] ********************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [ircbouncer : Copy znc configuration file into place] *********************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [ircbouncer : Set firewall rule for znc] **********************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [ircbouncer : Ensure znc is a system service] *****************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [owncloud : Install ownCloud dependencies] ********************************
ok: [jessie] => (item=[u'postgresql', u'python-psycopg2'])
TASK [owncloud : Set password for PostgreSQL admin user] ***********************
ok: [jessie]
TASK [owncloud : Create database user for ownCloud] ****************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [owncloud : Ensure repository key for ownCloud is in place] ***************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [owncloud : Add ownCloud repository] **************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [owncloud : Install ownCloud] *********************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [owncloud : Ensure ownCloud directory is in place] ************************
ok: [jessie]
TASK [owncloud : Move ownCloud data to encrypted filesystem] *******************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [owncloud : file] *********************************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [owncloud : Configure Apache for ownCloud] ********************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [owncloud : Enable ownCloud site] *****************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [owncloud : Install ownCloud cronjob] *************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [vpn : Install OpenVPN and dependencies] **********************************
changed: [jessie] => (item=[u'dnsmasq', u'openvpn', u'udev'])
TASK [vpn : Generate RSA keys for the CA and Server] ***************************
changed: [jessie] => (item=ca)
changed: [jessie] => (item=server)
TASK [vpn : Create directories for clients] ************************************
changed: [jessie] => (item=openvpn_clients)
TASK [vpn : Generate RSA keys for the clients] *********************************
changed: [jessie] => (item=openvpn_clients)
TASK [vpn : Set the proper permissions on all RSA keys] ************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [vpn : Generate CA certificate] *******************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [vpn : Generate the OpenSSL configuration that will be used for the Server certificate's req and ca commands] ***
changed: [jessie]
TASK [vpn : Seed a blank database file that will be used when generating the Server's certificate] ***
changed: [jessie]
TASK [vpn : Seed a serial file that will be used when generating the Server's certificate] ***
changed: [jessie]
TASK [vpn : Generate CSR for the Server] ***************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [vpn : Generate certificate for the Server] *******************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [vpn : Generate CSRs for the clients] *************************************
changed: [jessie] => (item=openvpn_clients)
TASK [vpn : Generate certificates for the clients] *****************************
changed: [jessie] => (item=openvpn_clients)
TASK [vpn : Generate HMAC firewall key] ****************************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [vpn : Register CA certificate contents] **********************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [vpn : Register client certificate contents] ******************************
changed: [jessie] => (item=openvpn_clients)
TASK [vpn : Register client key contents] **************************************
changed: [jessie] => (item=openvpn_clients)
TASK [vpn : Register HMAC firewall contents] ***********************************
changed: [jessie]
TASK [vpn : Create the client configs] *****************************************
failed: [jessie] (item=[u'openvpn_clients', u'openvpn_client_certificates.results', u'openvpn_client_keys.results']) => {"failed": true, "item": ["openvpn_clients", "openvpn_client_certificates.results", "openvpn_client_keys.results"], "msg": "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'unicode object' has no attribute 'stdout'"}
RUNNING HANDLER [common : restart ntp] *****************************************
RUNNING HANDLER [common : restart apache] **************************************
RUNNING HANDLER [common : restart fail2ban] ************************************
RUNNING HANDLER [common : restart ssh] *****************************************
RUNNING HANDLER [mailserver : restart postfix] *********************************
RUNNING HANDLER [mailserver : restart dovecot] *********************************
RUNNING HANDLER [mailserver : restart opendkim] ********************************
RUNNING HANDLER [mailserver : restart solr] ************************************
RUNNING HANDLER [mailserver : import sql postfix] ******************************
RUNNING HANDLER [mailserver : restart opendmarc] *******************************
RUNNING HANDLER [ircbouncer : restart znc] *************************************
to retry, use: --limit @/projects/sovereign/site.retry
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
jessie : ok=205 changed=175 unreachable=0 failed=1
Ansible failed to complete successfully. Any error output should be
visible above. Please fix these errors and try again.
==> jessie: The previous process exited with exit code 1.
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