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Last active December 19, 2015 22:08
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Triangle kata in elixir with some parallel map awesomeness
# gem install guard
# gem install guard-shell
# guard - watch the Magic™
guard 'shell', :elixirc_bin => "/usr/local/elixirc" do
watch(/(.+\.ex$)/) { |m| `elixirc #{m[0]}` }
guard 'shell', :elixir_bin => "/usr/local/elixir" do
watch(/(.+\.exs)/) { |m| `elixir #{m[0]}` }
defmodule Maps do
def map([], _), do: []
def map([h|t], func), do: [ func.(h) | map(t, func) ]
def child(element, func, parent) do
parent <- func.(element)
defp spawn_children(collection, func) do
map collection, fn element -> spawn(__MODULE__, :child, [element, func, self]) end
defp collect_results(pids) do
map pids, fn _ -> receive do: ( value -> value) end
def pmap(collection, func) do
collection |> spawn_children(func) |> collect_results
defmodule IClassifyShapes do
defp slow(result, delay) do
:timer.sleep delay
defp slow(result) do
slow(result, 1000)
def classify( {a,b,c} ) when a == b and b == c, do: :equilateral
def classify( {a,b,c} ) when a == b or b == c or a == c, do: slow(:isosceles, 1100)
def classify( {a,b,c} ) when a != b and b != c, do: slow(:scalene)
def classify( [h|t] ), do: [classify(h) | classify(t)]
def classify( [] ) do
IO.puts 'asdf'
def classify( _ ), do: :unclassified
triangles = [
{ 9, 10, 11 },
{ 9, 10, 11 },
{ 9, 10, 11 },
{ 9, 10, 11 },
{ 9, 10, 11 },
{ 9, 10, 11 },
{ 9, 10, 11 },
{ 10, 11, 11 },
{ 10, 11, 10 },
{ 11, 11, 10 },
{ 12, 12, 12 },
IO.inspect triangles |> Maps.pmap fn x -> IClassifyShapes.classify(x) end
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You might ask why the slow block around scalene and isosceles. I did that to validate the asynchrony. Take it out if it pleases you.

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