This procedure will guide you on the usage of automation tools, in order to release an Application developed within the Terradue Cloud Platform.
- Successfully performed the Application packaging and Github usage procedure.
- Logon on your Sandbox,
- Type:
cd <app-name>
For example
cd my-app
- Configure the git pushing strategy:
git config --global push.default matching
- Type:
- See the following message:
*** Application release for 'my-app'
-> Stage 1. Checking your 'my-app' repository
Please press [ENTER]
- Press [ENTER],
- After the automatic check of the repository, see the message:
-> Stage 1. Checking your 'my-app' repository DONE
-> Stage 2. Setting the release and development versions
Please type the version number you want to release (e.g., 1.0 or 1.0.0) and press [ENTER]:
- Type the version number you want to release, for example 1.0.0,
- See the message:
Please type the version number for your future development activities (e.g., 1.1 or 1.0.1) and press [ENTER]:
- Type the version number you want to use for future development activities, for example 1.0.1,
- See the message:
-> Stage 1. Checking your 'my-app' repository DONE
-> Stage 2. Setting the release and development versions DONE
-> Stage 3. Releasing 'my-app'
You are going to release the version: 1.0.0
The next development version will be: 1.0.1
Do you want to proceed? (Y/n)
- Type Y, then press [ENTER],
- See the message:
-> Stage 1. Checking your 'my-app' repository DONE
-> Stage 2. Setting the release and development versions DONE
-> Stage 3. Releasing 'my-app' DONE
-> Stage 4. Syncronising the remote repository
We are going to push the local changes into the remote repository.
This will enable the Continuos Integration server in packaging and deploying your Application 'my-app' into the Platform's repositories.
Do you want to proceed? (Y/n)
- Type Y, then press [ENTER],
- Congrats, you've just released your Application !