Brussels, 13rd October 2016
- You successfully performed the Open Data Tools - Session 1: Working with Cloud resources.
- Open a browser,
- Visit,
- Click on the button Generate a new API key,
- Type your Terradue's Cloud password,
- Click on the button copy to clipboard,
- Logon on the Developer Cloud Sandbox,
- Type:
export APIKEY=<paste here the API key value>
- Open a browser,
- Visit http://sandbox-ip,
- Click on the link Oozie Web Console,
- Copy the workflow Job Id value,
- Access the Developer Cloud Sandbox,
- Type:
export WORKFLOW=<paste here the workflow Job id value>
- Access the Developer Cloud Sandbox,
- Type:
enclosure=$( opensearch-client "http://$HOSTNAME/sbws/wps/sen2cor/$WORKFLOW/results/search" enclosure )
echo $enclosure
- Type:
local_result=$( ciop-copy -f -O /tmp/ "$enclosure" )
echo $local_result
- Visit,
- See the previous results.
- Access the Developer Cloud Sandbox,
- Type:
identifier=$( basename $local_result )
echo $identifier
curl -u $USER:$APIKEY -XPUT "$USER/$identifier" -T "$local_result"
- Type:
password=<paste here the password provided by your instructor>
curl -u "melodies-training:$password" -XPUT -H "Content-type:image/tiff" --data-binary @$local_result "$USER-$identifier/file.geotiff"
- Open a browser,
- Visit
- Access the Developer Cloud Sandbox,
- Type:
opensearch-client "http://$HOSTNAME/sbws/wps/sen2cor/$WORKFLOW/results/search"
- Type:
sh /application/util/
- Open a browser,
- Visit,
- Search for your identifier value,
- Click on the link enclosure.
- Visit the link provided by your instructor.