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Created October 26, 2022 09:55
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  • Save croxton/e9c8dc777c9e334c213af280e41fbb8b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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htmx push history
// Create a new history entry for the request
var pushUrl = getClosestAttributeValue(elt, "hx-push-url");
var elementIsBoosted = getInternalData(elt).boosted;
if (pushUrl || elementIsBoosted) {
// If hx-push-url is explicitly defined (and not "true" or "false"),
// we already know what the final URL should be.
// For boosted elements the final URL will be the same as the request path.
if (elementIsBoosted || pushUrl === "true" || pushUrl === "false") {
// Fallback to path
pushUrl = path;
if (pushUrl === null || finalPathForGet) {
// Otherwise use the current url to create a new history
// entry *without* changing the location url.
// The response will change (replaceState) the final URL
pushUrl = currentPathForHistory;
// Create a history entry
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