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Notifications do not get to me. Ping direct

Brian Crosby croz1007

Notifications do not get to me. Ping direct
  • JustBCroz, LLC
  • Ohio
  • 02:28 (UTC -05:00)
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croz1007 / all_success_calls.ex
Created February 13, 2019 22:16
defmodule SendRequest do
@moduledoc """
First, make sure you add HTTPoison to your mix.exs dependencies:
def deps do
[{:httpoison, "~> 0.10.0"}]
@doc """

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am croz1007 on github.
  • I am croz1007 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCQn8Z5fTAohO5eo608_9jqp_tMCwhl4nX6yJETRwRrRgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Lunch meeting


  • Matt
  • Ben
  • Jon
  • Brian

"Carpet Sample" Apps

From Brian:

  1. What is the overall vibe between MP and Arcadia? MP Feels it is very good and we have a very nice looking app with all of the bells and whistles we could deliver in the time given so far. We need to know so we can plan for our people for next projects and work with Arcadia or other clients.
  2. We have spent a week trying to massage this new data to 1) get it more current so the app could use it, 2) expand it to be more than 3 months as the app needs to be able to hit data for the past 30/90/365 days, and 3) understand the spltting up of the providerActivity data file into now two files and how to use this in the strutcure of the app. We provided the data model and the S3 file structure and it was largely not followed which has caused this reworking of the app.
  3. A large amount of work performed was done so because of the app design and function changing on the fly with very little specifications provided. This is fine, but it has added to the timeframe to complete work on the project. Examples
croz1007 /
Last active May 23, 2018 20:45
Process for on boarding


  • Arcadia Id: This is the id of a tenant. The id comes from Arcadia and is the id for that tenant already used in other Arcadia applications.
  • Location Id: This is the id of a clinic location under a Tenant used to group the data files for that location. This is also the value of the directory under the tenant on s3.
    • This allows us to pick and choose which Data Sources users have access to when setting them up in the system.
    • Example: Tenant 1234 has 3 locations. Each location may have a number assigned by Tenant (ie. Office 14, Office 32, etc.) or Arcadia can just create them nummerically.

Process Flow

Set up the Tenant

First round of notes


  1. Graph spacing - We still need to work out the spacing of the charting

    • When selecting Dr. Jennifer Jones, the gantt chart data overlaps the time bar above the chart
    • When selecting Dr. Hardy Harriet, the time bar is pushed to the left and partially out of view.
  2. Need to wire up to the data sources so providers match. Currently still using the data from Demo app and the providers in dropdown are different than the ones in the heatmap graph.

croz1007 / gist:0c1a682c63d36087652770ede14c0858
Created February 14, 2017 20:26
Flatten array without Ruby#flatten
def my_flat(a)
arr = []
if a.instance_of? (Array)
a.each do |b|
if b.instance_of? (Array)
arr += {|c| c }
arr << b
MyMBPro:~ skip1007$ gem install rails
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::EACCES)
Permission denied @ rb_sysopen - /Users/skip1007/.rbenv/versions/2.1.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/rails-4.0.4/