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Last active September 8, 2022 15:30
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Save crstauf/0917df51455efa1a61058c050565fe72 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Description: MU-Plugin of CLI command to purge WooCommerce data.
* Plugin URI:
* Author: Caleb Stauffer
* Author URI:
if ( !defined( 'WP_CLI' ) || !WP_CLI )
* Purge WooCommerce data.
class CSSLLC_Purge_WooCommerce_Data {
const POST_TYPES = array(
const STEPS = 7;
const DEFAULT_LIMIT = 10000000;
protected $sql;
protected $args;
protected $assoc_args;
* Construct.
* @param wpdb $sql
function __construct( $sql ) {
$this->sql = $sql;
* Purge WooCommerce order and customer data.
* [--limit=<value>]
* : Query limit.
* ---
* default: 10000000
* ---
* [--yes]
* : Answer yes to the confirmation message.
* @param array $args
* @param array $assoc_args
* @uses wp_get_environment_type()
* @uses $this->execute()
function __invoke( array $args, array $assoc_args = array() ) {
if ( 'production' === wp_get_environment_type() ) {
WP_CLI::warning( 'Not permitted to run on production environment.' );
WP_CLI::confirm( 'Are you sure you want to purge WooCommerce data?', $assoc_args );
$this->args = $args;
$this->assoc_args = wp_parse_args( $assoc_args, array(
'limit' => self::DEFAULT_LIMIT,
) );
do_action( 'cssllc_after_purge_woocommerce_data', $this->args, $this->assoc_args );
* Execute!
* @uses $this->truncate_tables()
* @uses $this->delete_meta_data()
* @uses $this->delete_order_notes_meta()
* @uses $this->delete_order_notes()
* @uses $this->delete_objects()
* @uses $this->delete_customers()
* @uses $this->delete_customers_meta()
* @return void
protected function execute() : void {
WP_CLI::success( 'Purged WooCommerce data' );
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* 1. Truncate tables.
* @return void
protected function truncate_tables() : void {
WP_CLI::log( 'Truncating tables' );
$unprefixed_table_names = array(
foreach ( $unprefixed_table_names as $unprefixed_table_name ) {
$table_name = $this->sql->prefix . $unprefixed_table_name;
$results = $this->sql->query( "TRUNCATE TABLE `$table_name`" );
if ( false === $results ) {
WP_CLI::warning( sprintf( 'Unable to truncate `%s` table', $table_name ) );
WP_CLI::debug( $this->sql->last_error );
WP_CLI::debug( sprintf( 'Truncated table `%s`', $table_name ) );
WP_CLI::debug( 'Truncated tables' );
* 2. Delete order and coupon meta data.
* @return void
protected function delete_meta_data() : void {
WP_CLI::log( 'Deleting meta data' );
$placeholders = array_fill( 0, count( self::POST_TYPES ), '%s' );
$placeholders_string = implode( ', ', $placeholders );
$sub_query = $this->sql->prepare(
"SELECT `ID` FROM `{$this->sql->posts}` WHERE `post_type` IN ( $placeholders_string )",
$query = $this->sql->prepare(
"DELETE FROM `{$this->sql->postmeta}` WHERE `post_id` IN ( $sub_query ) LIMIT %d",
$results = $this->sql->query( $query );
if ( false === $results ) {
WP_CLI::warning( 'Unable to purge meta data' );
WP_CLI::debug( $this->sql->last_error );
} else
WP_CLI::debug( 'Purged meta data' );
* 3. Delete order notes meta.
* @return void
protected function delete_order_notes_meta() : void {
WP_CLI::log( 'Deleting order notes meta' );
$placeholders = array_fill( 0, count( self::POST_TYPES ), '%s' );
$placeholders_string = implode( ', ', $placeholders );
$sub_sub_query = $this->sql->prepare(
"SELECT `ID` FROM `{$this->sql->posts}` WHERE `post_type` IN ( \n\t\t\t$placeholders_string \n\t\t)",
$sub_query = "SELECT `comment_ID` FROM `{$this->sql->comments}` WHERE `comment_post_ID` IN ( \n\t\t$sub_sub_query \n\t)";
$query = $this->sql->prepare(
"DELETE FROM `{$this->sql->commentmeta}` WHERE `comment_id` IN ( \n\t$sub_query \n) LIMIT %d",
$results = $this->sql->query( $query );
if ( false === $results ) {
WP_CLI::warning( 'Unable to delete order notes meta' );
WP_CLI::debug( $this->sql->last_error );
} else
WP_CLI::debug( 'Deleted order notes meta' );
* 4. Delete order notes
* @return void
protected function delete_order_notes() : void {
WP_CLI::log( 'Deleting order notes' );
$placeholders = array_fill( 0, count( self::POST_TYPES ), '%s' );
$placeholders_string = implode( ', ', $placeholders );
$sub_query = $this->sql->prepare(
"SELECT `ID` FROM `{$this->sql->posts}` WHERE `post_type` IN ( \n\t\t$placeholders_string \n\t)",
$query = $this->sql->prepare(
"DELETE FROM `{$this->sql->comments}` WHERE `comment_post_ID` IN ( \n\t$sub_query \n) LIMIT %d",
$results = $this->sql->query( $query );
if ( false === $results ) {
WP_CLI::warning( 'Unable to delete order notes' );
WP_CLI::debug( $this->sql->last_error );
} else
WP_CLI::debug( 'Deleted order notes' );
* 5. Delete the order and comment objects
* @return void
protected function delete_objects() : void {
WP_CLI::log( 'Deleting objects' );
$values = self::POST_TYPES;
$placeholders = array_fill( 0, count( $values ), '%s' );
$placeholders_string = implode( ', ', $placeholders );
$values[] = $this->assoc_args['limit'];
$query = $this->sql->prepare(
"DELETE FROM `{$this->sql->posts}` WHERE `post_type` IN ( $placeholders_string ) LIMIT %d",
$results = $this->sql->query( $query );
if ( false === $results ) {
WP_CLI::warning( 'Unable to delete objects' );
WP_CLI::debug( $this->sql->last_error );
} else
WP_CLI::debug( 'Deleted objects' );
* 6. Delete user accounts for customers
* @return void
protected function delete_customers() : void {
WP_CLI::log( 'Deleting customers' );
$sub_query = $this->sql->prepare(
"SELECT `user_id` FROM `{$this->sql->usermeta}` WHERE `meta_key` = %s AND `meta_value` IN ( %s, %s )",
serialize( array( 'customer' => true ) ),
serialize( array( 'subscribed_customer' => true ) )
$query = $this->sql->prepare(
"DELETE FROM `{$this->sql->users}` WHERE `ID` IN ( $sub_query ) LIMIT %d",
$results = $this->sql->query( $query );
if ( false === $results ) {
WP_CLI::warning( 'Unable to delete customers' );
WP_CLI::debug( $this->sql->last_error );
} else
WP_CLI::debug( 'Deleted customers' );
* 7. Delete user meta for customers
* @return void
protected function delete_customers_meta() : void {
WP_CLI::log( 'Deleting customers meta' );
$table_name = '_wc_cleanup_customer_ids';
$drop_temp_query = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS `$table_name`";
$create_query = $this->sql->prepare(
"CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `$table_name`\n" .
"SELECT `user_id` FROM `{$this->sql->usermeta}` WHERE `meta_key` = %s AND `meta_value` IN ( %s, %s ) LIMIT %d",
serialize( array( 'customer' => true ) ),
serialize( array( 'subscribed_customer' => true ) ),
( $this->assoc_args['limit'] / 10 )
$delete_query = "DELETE a.* FROM `{$this->sql->usermeta}` a WHERE `user_id` IN ( SELECT `user_id` FROM `$table_name` )";
foreach ( array(
) as $query ) {
$results = $this->sql->query( $query );
if ( false === $results ) {
WP_CLI::warning( 'Unable to delete customers meta' );
WP_CLI::debug( $this->sql->last_error );
} else
WP_CLI::debug( 'Deleted customers meta' );
global $wpdb;
WP_CLI::add_command( 'purge-woocommerce-data', new CSSLLC_Purge_WooCommerce_Data( $wpdb ) );
* In no way do I guarantee the accuracy or comprehensiveness of these queries to do exactly what you want on your own server.
* I have written them down for my own personal record, and you are free to use at your own discretion.
* Recommended corrections and improvements are welcome in the comments.
* 1. Truncate tables.
TRUNCATE TABLE `wp_actionscheduler_actions`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `wp_actionscheduler_claims`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `wp_actionscheduler_groups`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `wp_actionscheduler_logs`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `wp_wc_order_stats`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `wp_wc_webhooks`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `wp_woocommerce_order_items`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `wp_woocommerce_payment_tokens`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `wp_woocommerce_sessions`;
* 2. Delete order and coupon meta data.
* Note the LIMIT is for performance reasons;
* you may be able to increase, or you may need
* to decrease, with consideration to server specs.
DELETE FROM `wp_postmeta` WHERE `post_id` IN (
SELECT `ID` FROM `wp_posts` WHERE `post_type` IN (
) LIMIT 100000;
* 3. Delete order notes meta.
* Note the LIMIT is for performance reasons;
* you may be able to increase, or you may need
* to decrease, with consideration to server specs.
DELETE FROM `wp_commentmeta` WHERE `comment_id` IN (
SELECT `comment_ID` FROM `wp_comments` WHERE `comment_post_ID` IN (
SELECT `ID` FROM `wp_posts` WHERE `post_type` IN (
) LIMIT 100000;
* 4. Delete order notes.
* Note the LIMIT is for performance reasons;
* you may be able to increase, or you may need
* to decrease, with consideration to server specs.
DELETE FROM `wp_comments` WHERE `comment_post_ID` IN (
SELECT `ID` FROM `wp_posts` WHERE `post_type` IN (
) LIMIT 100000;
* 5. Delete the order and comment objects.
* Note the LIMIT is for performance reasons;
* you may be able to increase, or you may need
* to decrease, with consideration to server specs.
DELETE FROM `wp_posts` WHERE `post_type` IN (
) LIMIT 100000;
* 6. Delete user accounts for customers.
DELETE FROM `wp_users` WHERE `ID` IN (
SELECT `user_id` FROM `wp_usermeta` WHERE
`meta_key` = 'wp_capabilities'
AND `meta_value` IN ( 'a:1:{s:8:"customer";b:1;}', 'a:1:{s:19:"subscribed_customer";b:1;}' )
) LIMIT 100000;
* 7.1. Delete temporary table of customer user IDs.
DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS `_wc_cleanup__customer_ids`;
* 7.2. Create temporary table of next 25,000 user IDs with only `customer` or `subscribed_customer` role.
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `_wc_cleanup__customer_ids`
SELECT `user_id` FROM `wp_usermeta` WHERE
`meta_key` = 'wp_capabilities'
AND `meta_value` IN ( 'a:1:{s:8:"customer";b:1;}', 'a:1:{s:19:"subscribed_customer";b:1;}' )
LIMIT 25000;
* 7.3. Delete user meta of customer user IDs in temporary table.
DELETE a.* FROM `wp_usermeta` a WHERE `user_id` IN (
SELECT `user_id` FROM `_wc_cleanup__customer_ids`
/** Repeat steps 7.1 - 7.3 until completed. */
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Thank you for this, saved me a lot of trouble!

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crstauf commented Sep 8, 2022

Thank you for this, saved me a lot of trouble!

@andrewladlow Welcome! 🙇‍♂️

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