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Last active November 30, 2022 19:05
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  • Save crucialfelix/a2813a58e68b034bd28ea09163ffb5f0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save crucialfelix/a2813a58e68b034bd28ea09163ffb5f0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Google Analytics for Next.js with next/router
* analytics.js;
* Copyright 2019 Chris Sattinger
* MIT license - do as thou wilt
* This will send page views on route change to Google Analytics.
* Works with and
import Router from "next/router";
import ReactGA from "react-ga";
* Call this once in App (pages/_app.js) in componentDidMount
* componentDidMount() {
* initGA(process.env.UA);
* }
* Set UA environment variable to your "UA-000000-01"
* This attaches only if process.browser and UA is set.
* @param {string} UA Google Analytics UA code
export const initGA = UA => {
if (UA && process.browser) {
ReactGA.initialize(UA, { debug: !process.env.production });
export const logPageView = () => {
ReactGA.set({ page: window.location.pathname });
export const logEvent = (category = "", action = "", label = "") => {
if (category && action) {
ReactGA.event({ category, action, label });
export const logException = (description = "", fatal = false) => {
if (description) {
ReactGA.exception({ description, fatal });
export function logPageViews() {
logPageView();"routeChangeComplete", () => {
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You could put this file anywhere outside of pages. utils services etc.

Import initGA in (pages/_app.js) and call it in componentDidMount:

  componentDidMount() {

or if you are using a functional App component then useEffect

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