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Last active July 18, 2023 10:14
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Get ChatGPT to encourage me TODO things

Given the title of I was hoping the article was going to present a robot that would actually do my TODOs.

Which is a great idea; a TODO app that actually does your todos.

As a first step, I took the list of TODO app criticisms (nicely stated in the article) and asked ChatGPT to generate a list of generic strategies.

Then I fed it my "troublesome" list of TODOs and asked it to apply the strategies specifically to each task to encourage me.

These were in some cases helpful, some a bit off, but all of them gave a spark of randomness to the list I've been ignoring and that made it engaging.

I could easily turn this into a little cli and run it from Obsidian with my perpetual list of things I won't do. Like an arcade game, you would run it, get surprised and then just jump on whatever it suggested.

The primary objective of the AI should be to keep us little monkeys engaged.

Here are some criticisms and problems with TODO apps (source ):

Willpower needed to make decisions is a limited resource. And most TODO apps are lazy and don’t consider the impact on your willpower. You want to postpone a task? Please enter the exact date to postpone this to. Which project to add this to? Tags? Subtasks? The amount of things one can customize is really large, but making all this decisions has a cost.

Long lists are overwhelming. TODO apps are all about lists. And these lists tend to get large when the tasks inflow exceeds the tasks outflow (i.e. every modern knowledge worker’s queue). Looking at the ever-growing list of things that need to get done is not inspiring to say the least. As the lists get longer, there’s less and less chance that anything from it will get done, which also decreases the motivation to look into these lists. Removing stuff without getting it done is also painful, it requires a complex emotional and rational decision to be made (see the point about the willpower above).

Sense of accomplishment is important but rare in the digital world. When you mark a task as done in your TODO app, it just hides it. That’s it, no reward, no sense of accomplishment (unless you make your own). I think that’s why some people like Trello or pen-and-paper TODO list: when you get something done, you can see a card moved or a text crossed out. An artifact that proves there was a task here, and now it’s done. Now you are one step closer to your goal.

We need to trust our systems. GTD works only when you follow the rules. If you let your inbox grow unbound, the whole point about GTD gets lost and you also start losing trust in GTD. Another negative feedback loop. I’ve never seen a TODO app that lets you recover from this downward spiral.

Tasks are not the same. Get milk, write an essay, plan a vacation, reconnect with a friend. These are things of different magnitude, different emotional connection, different context and time commitment. Some tasks aren’t even tasks, e.g. simply items to keep track of or be reminded of. But TODO apps treat them the same. They get the similar looking rows neatly organized in a unified interface.

Sometimes humans need help. A little nudge here and there can make a huge difference. It’s also very personal: different things work for different types of people. I’ve made a list of strategies to help me get things done, and ended up with 13 items (things like “extract the next smallest step as a separate task” or “work on it for just 2 minutes”). Thirteen! Guess how many nudges all my TODO apps have? Zero (except the deadline push notification reminder which just adds anxiety).

Context is important. We are tired in the evening and have less willpower. Getting a small task done first thing in the morning can boost our confidence and energy levels. Work tasks are better be hidden during the weekend. Sophisticated TODO apps have the flexibility to do this, but they require a lot of investment in configuration

Generate a list of generic strategies to approach difficult tasks.

When approaching difficult tasks, here are some generic strategies that can be helpful:

  1. Break it down: Divide the task into smaller, more manageable subtasks. This helps to reduce overwhelm and provides a clear roadmap for progress.

  2. Prioritize: Determine the order of importance for your tasks. Focus on the most critical or time-sensitive ones first to ensure you're making progress where it matters most.

  3. Set specific goals: Clearly define what you want to achieve with the task. Having a specific goal in mind provides clarity and helps you stay focused.

  4. Time management: Allocate dedicated time blocks for working on the task. Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique (working for focused intervals followed by short breaks) to enhance productivity and maintain focus.

  5. Seek support: Don't hesitate to reach out for help or delegate certain aspects of the task to others if possible. Collaborating with colleagues or seeking advice from experts can lighten the load and provide fresh perspectives.

  6. Gather resources: Identify the tools, information, or resources you need to complete the task effectively. Make sure you have everything you require before diving in.

  7. Eliminate distractions: Minimize potential interruptions or distractions during your work sessions. Find a quiet space, turn off notifications, and create a conducive environment for concentration.

  8. Find motivation: Understand the underlying reasons and motivations behind the task. Connect with your personal or professional goals to generate enthusiasm and drive.

  9. Visualize success: Imagine the positive outcomes and benefits of completing the task. Visualizing success can boost motivation and provide a sense of accomplishment even before you begin.

  10. Take breaks: Give yourself regular breaks to recharge and avoid burnout. Stepping away from the task momentarily can help you come back with a fresh perspective and renewed energy.

  11. Learn from past experiences: Reflect on previous difficult tasks you've tackled successfully. Identify strategies that worked well for you in the past and apply them to your current situation.

  12. Seek inspiration: Look for inspiration from others who have faced similar challenges. Read success stories, listen to podcasts, or engage with communities or forums that share insights and strategies for overcoming difficult tasks.

  13. Practice self-care: Take care of your physical and mental well-being. Get enough sleep, maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and manage stress effectively. When you feel your best, you're better equipped to handle difficult tasks.

Here is a list of things TODO:

  • Prepare and send Taxes #finance ⏳ 2023-06-06 📅 2022-10-01 (2022-07-06 > inbox)
  • Fix django-ajax-selects for Django 4.1 ⏳ 2023-04-19 (2023-04-16 > INBOX)
  • Print passwords if this computer should die. ⏳ 2023-06-27 (2023-06-22 > Thu 22 June 2023 [[2023-W25]])
  • register new tracks on BMI ⏳ 2023-07-11 (2023-07-10 > INBOX)
  • update the EP liner notes ⏳ 2023-07-14 (2023-07-13 > GOAL)

For each of these, suggest a specific action to take that will encourage me, get something done on the task (if it sounds big) or get it done (if it's small)

Sure! Here are specific actions you can take for each task to encourage progress or completion:

  1. Prepare and send Taxes:

    • Break it down: Create a checklist of all the required documents and information needed to complete the tax filing.
    • Set aside dedicated time: Allocate a specific time slot to gather and organize the necessary tax documents.
    • Complete one section: Start by tackling one section or category of the tax filing, such as income or deductions.
  2. Fix django-ajax-selects for Django 4.1:

    • Research solutions: Spend some time exploring online forums, developer communities, or official documentation to find potential solutions or updates related to the issue.
    • Debugging session: Set aside a focused session to investigate the problem, analyze error logs, and try to identify the root cause of the issue.
    • Reach out for assistance: If you're unable to fix the problem independently, seek help from the Django community or colleagues who may have expertise in the area.
  3. Print passwords:

    • Document passwords: Create a secure document or password manager to store all your important passwords. Start by noting down passwords for essential services or accounts.
    • Backup strategy: Research and set up a reliable backup strategy for your computer and files, including services like Backblaze.
    • Test recovery: Perform a test recovery scenario to ensure you can retrieve passwords or access important information if your computer were to fail.
  4. Register new tracks on BMI:

    • Gather necessary information: Collect all the required details about the new tracks, such as titles, composers, and publishing information.
    • Complete registration form: Visit the BMI website and fill out the registration form with the accurate information for each track.
    • Submit registration: Follow the submission instructions provided by BMI to finalize the registration process.
  5. Update the liner notes:

    • Break it down: Divide the task into smaller sections based on the number of liner notes you need to update.
    • Prioritize: Start with the liner notes that are most urgent or time-sensitive.
    • Set a writing session: Dedicate a specific period to focus solely on updating the liner notes, aiming to complete a certain number of notes within that session.

Remember to adapt these suggestions to your workflow and preferences. It's important to find approaches that work best for you and keep you motivated to make progress on your tasks.

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