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Forked from DanTup/VS References Yuml.ps1
Last active December 10, 2015 23:28
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dependecy graph yuml generator for c# projects fork from Tweaked because my powershell gave some errors about missing values for Mandatory attribute and ValueFromPipeline
function Get-ProjectReferences
dir $rootFolder -Filter *.csproj -Recurse |
# Exclude any files matching our rules
where { $excludeProjectsContaining -notlike "*$($_.BaseName)*" } |
Select-References $excludeProjectsContaining
function Select-References
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True, Mandatory=$True)]
if($excludeProjectsContaining -like $_.BaseName){
$projectName = $_.BaseName
[xml]$projectXml = Get-Content $_.FullName
$ns = @{ defaultNamespace = "" }
$projectXml |
# Find the references xml nodes
Select-Xml '//defaultNamespace:ProjectReference/defaultNamespace:Name' -Namespace $ns |
# Get the node values
foreach { $_.node.InnerText } |
# Exclude any references pointing to projects that match our rules
where { $excludeProjectsContaining -notlike "*$_*" } |
# Output in format
foreach { "[" + $projectName + "] -> [" + $_ + "]" }
$excludedProjects = "MockImplementation", "MyProject.IntegrationTests","MyProject.UnitTests"
Get-ProjectReferences "C:\development\negentwee\NegenTwee\src\Shared" -excludeProjectsContaining $excludedProjects | Out-File "C:\development\negentwee\NegenTwee\Project-References.txt"
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