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Last active April 5, 2018 05:49
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  Title: Non Resendable Asset
  Authors: Cryptcoin Junkey
  Status: Draft
  Type: Standards
  Created: 2018-04-05


Any user should be able to create assets that can be sent only by owner.


Enables to provide owner controlled assets that can send/collect only by the asset owner.


In some applications, a asset owner will want the asset under his/her control.

For example, promoters will want to use concert ticket as a asset. But they may not want to be sold tickets to another by customers. membership card as a asset are better to controlled by the owner of each asset. Owners of online games may want to manage equipment items in their games by using assets without any real-money-trade.

NEM blockchain supports similar assets as 'untransable mosaic'.


There will be a extended issuance message that contains resendable flag. The default value of resendable is True. An asset can set resendable to False only the first issuance. But any assets issued with resendable == False can be set to True later.

an non resentable asset can't move



  1. Add resentable field into assets table:


  1. When validating a dividened attempt (dividened.validate):
    • Check if (resendable on dividended_asset is True) or (dividended_asset is owned by source).


  1. When validating a issuance attempt (issuance.validate):
    • Check if modifying resendable==True not to False.


  1. When validating a order attempt (order.validate):
    • Check if (resenable on give_asset is True) or (give_asset is owned by source).


collect message

Defines new collect message. On the protocol level, collect message have a same packet as extend_send except follows.

  • ID=3
  • address means the source address that have the collected asset.

When resenable of asset is False and the owner of asset is destination, create_send API returns the transaction that includes collect message.


  1. When validating a send attempt (send.validate):
    • In case normal send messages and resendable==False,
      • Check if sender is the owner of the asset.
    • In case collect message,
      • Check if the message sender is the owner of the asset.
      • Check if quantiry is less than amount in address.


This document is placed in the public domain.

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