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Created July 3, 2011 21:57
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Save cryptix/1062654 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
sending stuff from company to device with hybrid crypto and signing
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cPriv=Company.private.pem # lives at Company HQ
cPub=Company.public.pem # live inside the device
dPriv=Device.private.pem # lives inside the device
dPub=Device.public.pem # lives at Company HQ
function encANDsend {
echo "# 1. come up with SKey"
openssl rand -out skey 240
echo '# 2. encrypt blob with AES using SKey'
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -e -salt -in $blob -out blob.ciphered -kfile skey
echo '# 3. encrypt skey with RSA using the device public key'
openssl rsautl -encrypt -pubin -inkey $dPub -in skey -out skey.ciphered
echo '# 4. sign both ciphered files'
openssl dgst -sha1 -sign $cPriv -out skey.sig skey.ciphered
openssl dgst -sha1 -sign $cPriv -out blob.sig blob.ciphered
echo '# 5. pack up'
tar -cvf ${1}.tar blob.ciphered blob.sig skey.ciphered skey.sig
echo '# housekeeping'
rm skey{,.ciphered,.sig}
rm blob{.ciphered,.sig}
function recvANDdec {
wdir=$(openssl rand -hex 12)
echo '# 1. unpacks a tar'
mkdir $wdir && cd $wdir;
tar -xvf ../$tar
echo '# 2. expects these 4 files inside'
for f in blob.ciphered blob.sig skey.ciphered skey.sig
if test -f $f;
echo "Found $f"
echo "Error - $f missing"
#exit 1
echo '# 3. check signatures against company.public.pem'
openssl dgst -sha1 -verify ../$cPub -signature blob.sig blob.ciphered || (echo 'Error - Blob didnt verify' && exit 2)
openssl dgst -sha1 -verify ../$cPub -signature skey.sig skey.ciphered || (echo 'Error - SKey didnt verify' && exit 2)
echo '# 4. decrypt skey with cevice private key'
openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey ../$dPriv -in skey.ciphered -out skey
echo '# 5. decrypt blob with skey'
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -salt -in blob.ciphered -out blob -kfile skey
echo '# exit wdir'
cd ..
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