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Created June 4, 2009 13:58
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Save csamuel/123631 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// ==UserScript==
// @name OWA MailNotify
// @namespace
// @description Keeps your Exchange OWA session alive and checks mail. Also while composing mail, etc.
// @include https://your-owa-server.tld/exchange/*?Cmd=navbar*
// ==/UserScript==
// Times in seconds
var refreshTime = 60;
var iframeLoadWaitTime = 3;
var iframeFirstLoadWaitTime = 3;
var unread_count = -1;
parent.document.title = "(..loading..) Inbox";
var navbody = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
// Inject an IFRAME into the navbar containing the inbox
navbody.innerHTML = navbody.innerHTML.replace(/$/,'<iframe id="iframeinbox" frameborder=no scrolling=no width=0 height=0 src="Inbox/?Cmd=contents&iframeinbox=1"></iframe>');
// Find the iframe and change its code.
function enter_iframe () {
var iframe = document.getElementById('iframeinbox');
iframe = iframe.contentWindow ? iframe.contentWindow.document : iframe.contentDocument;
iframe = iframe.documentElement || iframe.body;
bolds = iframe.getElementsByTagName("b");
unread = (bolds.length - 4);
// each unread message has 8 bold tags associated with it
if (unread > 0){unread= unread/8;}
// update the title of the parent frameset
if (unread < 0) {
parent.document.title = "(..loading..) Inbox";
} else {
parent.document.title = "("+unread+") Inbox";
if ((unread > unread_count) && (unread_count != -1)) {
// Todo: Do some notification.. Like:
// alert('Youve got mail!');
// or
// or even better. Simply play a sound
unread_count = unread;
//Make timer reload iframe
var tm = setTimeout(reload,refreshTime*1000);
function reload() {
var iframe = document.getElementById('iframeinbox');
iframe.src = iframe.src;
//Wait iframeLoadWaitTime seconds to make sure the iframe is completely loaded.
var tm = setTimeout(enter_iframe, iframeLoadWaitTime*1000);
//--- First run
//Wait iframeFirstLoadWaitTime seconds to make sure the iframe is completely loaded.
var tm = setTimeout(enter_iframe, iframeFirstLoadWaitTime*1000);
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