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Created July 1, 2010 18:45
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def using(*args, &block)
case args.first
when Hash # Maven hash mapping
using :maven, *args
when Binding # Erb binding
using :erb, *args
when Symbol # Mapping from a method
raise ArgumentError, "Unknown mapping type: #{args.first}" unless respond_to?("#{args.first}_transform", true)
configure(*args, &block)
when Regexp # Mapping using a regular expression
raise ArgumentError, 'Expected regular expression followed by mapping hash' unless args.size == 2 && Hash === args[1]
@mapper_type, @config = *args
unless args.empty? && block.nil?
raise ArgumentError, 'Expected proc, method or a block' if args.size > 1 || (args.first && block)
@mapper_type = :callback
config = args.first || block
raise ArgumentError, 'Expected proc, method or callable' unless config.respond_to?(:call)
@config = config
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