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Last active February 7, 2025 20:09
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Allocator based on Sebastian Aaltonen's Offset Allocator, for suballocating GPU heaps
package block_allocator
// Allocator based on Sebastian Aaltonen's Offset Allocator:
import "core:fmt"
import "core:math/bits"
import "core:math/rand"
assert_allocator_layout_good :: proc(allocator: ^Block_Allocator) {
block := allocator.blocks[0]
for block.mem_next != BLOCK_UNUSED {
assert(allocator.blocks[block.mem_next].offset == (block.offset + block.size))
assert(block_is_used(block) || block_is_used(allocator.blocks[block.mem_next]))
assert(block.offset < block.offset + block.size)
block = allocator.blocks[block.mem_next]
main :: proc() {
ALLOC_MAX_SIZE :: 256 * 256 * 16
allocator := block_allocator_init(max(u32))
defer block_allocator_destroy(&allocator)
// Stack allocate an array to put allocation info into
allocs: [ALLOCS_COUNT]Block_Allocation
// Initialise the array with allocations
for i in 0 ..< ALLOCS_COUNT {
alloc, ok := block_alloc(&allocator, 1 + u32(rand.int31_max(ALLOC_MAX_SIZE)))
allocs[i] = alloc
// Repeatedly free and allocate half of the allocations
for r in 0 ..< ROUNDS_COUNT {
for i in 1 ..< ALLOCS_COUNT / 2 {
old_alloc := allocs[2 * i + (r % 2)]
if old_alloc.size == 0 {continue}
block_free(&allocator, old_alloc)
for i in 1 ..< ALLOCS_COUNT / 2 {
new_alloc, ok := block_alloc(&allocator, 1 + u32(rand.int31_max(ALLOC_MAX_SIZE)))
if ok {
allocs[2 * i + (r % 2)] = new_alloc
} else {
allocs[2 * i + (r % 2)].size = 0
fmt.println("Allocator integrity validated at all points")
BLOCK_UNUSED :: 0xffffffff // Sentinel value used to denote the ends of linked lists
BLOCK_HEAD_BITS :: 0xf0000000 // This could just be a single bit, but this is readable and we have the bits to spare
BLOCK_HEAD_MASK :: 0x0fffffff // This is simply ~BLOCK_HEAD_BITS
Block_Allocator_Block :: struct {
offset: u32, // Offset of the block in bytes
size: u32, // Size of this block in bytes
bin_prev: u32, // Previous block in a bin's linked-list of blocks, if any, or the bin index | BLOCK_HEAD_BITS if we're the first
bin_next: u32, // Next block in a bin's linked-list of blocks, if any
mem_prev: u32, // Previous block in memory, if any
mem_next: u32, // Next block in memory, if any
Block_Allocator :: struct {
top_bins: u32, // Which of the top log2 bins are resident
bottom_bins: [32]u8, // Which if the bottom linear bins are resident in each top bins
bin_lists: [256]u32, // Start index for the linked-list of blocks in each bin
blocks: []Block_Allocator_Block, // Pre-allocated array of block information
free_blocks: []u32, // Free list of blocks
free_offset: u32, // Current free list start index
Block_Allocation :: struct {
offset: u32,
size: u32,
metadata: u32,
block_allocator_init :: proc(size: u32, max_allocs: u32 = 128 * 1024) -> (allocator: Block_Allocator) {
allocator = Block_Allocator {
top_bins = 0,
free_offset = 0,
for i in 0 ..< 32 {
allocator.bottom_bins[i] = 0
for i in 0 ..< 256 {
allocator.bin_lists[i] = BLOCK_UNUSED
allocator.blocks = make([]Block_Allocator_Block, max_allocs)
allocator.free_blocks = make([]u32, max_allocs)
for i in 0 ..< max_allocs {
allocator.free_blocks[i] = i
insert_block(&allocator, 0, size, BLOCK_UNUSED, BLOCK_UNUSED)
block_allocator_destroy :: proc(allocator: ^Block_Allocator) {
block_alloc :: proc(allocator: ^Block_Allocator, size: u32) -> (alloc: Block_Allocation, ok: bool) {
// Get the indices of the bin that this size fits into
index, top_index, bottom_index := size_to_bin_index(size)
// Now find the smallest resident bin strictly larger than that
bigger_bottoms := allocator.bottom_bins[top_index] & ~((1 << (bottom_index + 1)) - 1)
if bigger_bottoms != 0 {
// The top bin contains a large enough bottom bin, get its index
bottom_index = u32(bits.count_trailing_zeros(bigger_bottoms))
} else {
// The top bin is empty, get the smallest resident top bin bigger
bigger_tops := allocator.top_bins & ~((1 << (top_index + 1)) - 1)
// Check if there's no large enough bin
if bigger_tops == 0 {
alloc = Block_Allocation{0, 0, 0}
ok = false
// Now get the top bin, and the smallest resident bin in that
top_index = bits.count_trailing_zeros(bigger_tops)
bottom_index = u32(bits.count_trailing_zeros(allocator.bottom_bins[top_index]))
index = (top_index << 3) | bottom_index
// Pop the top block off the bin
block_index := allocator.bin_lists[index]
block := &allocator.blocks[block_index]
allocator.bin_lists[index] = block.bin_next
if block.bin_next != BLOCK_UNUSED {
// We have a new, valid, header block. So we need to link it to this bin
allocator.blocks[block.bin_next].bin_prev = BLOCK_HEAD_BITS | index
} else {
// The bottom bin is now empty, zero its corresponding bit
allocator.bottom_bins[top_index] &= ~(1 << bottom_index)
// If all bottom bins are now empty, zero the corresponding top bit
if allocator.bottom_bins[top_index] == 0 {
allocator.top_bins &= ~(1 << top_index)
block.bin_next = BLOCK_UNUSED
block.bin_prev = BLOCK_UNUSED
// Resize the block to just cover the allocation, and insert the rest as a new block
remaining_size := block.size - size
if remaining_size > 0 {
ok = insert_block(allocator, block.offset + size, remaining_size, block_index, block.mem_next)
if !ok {
alloc = Block_Allocation{0, 0, 0}
block.size = size
alloc = Block_Allocation{block.offset, block.size, block_index}
block_free :: proc(allocator: ^Block_Allocator, alloc: Block_Allocation) {
// Free the backing entry for the block, and get its data
// There's no need to remove it, since it's allocated, so not part of any bin lists
block := allocator.blocks[alloc.metadata]
allocator.free_offset -= 1
allocator.free_blocks[allocator.free_offset] = alloc.metadata
// Remove the mem_prev neighbour and claim its memory if its unused
if block.mem_prev != BLOCK_UNUSED && !block_is_used(allocator.blocks[block.mem_prev]) {
prev_block := allocator.blocks[block.mem_prev]
block.offset = prev_block.offset
block.size += prev_block.size
remove_block(allocator, block.mem_prev)
block.mem_prev = prev_block.mem_prev
// Remove the mem_next neighbour and claim its memory if its unused
if block.mem_next != BLOCK_UNUSED && !block_is_used(allocator.blocks[block.mem_next]) {
next_block := allocator.blocks[block.mem_next]
block.size += next_block.size
remove_block(allocator, block.mem_next)
block.mem_next = next_block.mem_next
// Insert a fresh block covering the new range
insert_block(allocator, block.offset, block.size, block.mem_prev, block.mem_next)
block_is_used :: proc(block: Block_Allocator_Block) -> bool {
// A block is used only if it is not part of a bin's linked list, i.e. if bin_next and bin_prev are both BLOCK_UNUSED
return (block.bin_next == BLOCK_UNUSED) && (block.bin_prev == BLOCK_UNUSED)
size_to_bin_index :: proc(size: u32) -> (index, top_index, bottom_index: u32) {
// Top index is 1 less than the smallest power of two which contains size
leading_zeros := bits.count_leading_zeros(size)
top_index = leading_zeros > 28 ? 0 : 28 - leading_zeros
bottom_index = (size >> top_index) & 0x7
index = (top_index << 3) | bottom_index
// Insert a slice of memory as a free block into the appropriate bin's linked list.
insert_block :: proc(allocator: ^Block_Allocator, offset, size, mem_prev, mem_next: u32) -> bool {
// Get the indices of the smallest bin that fully contains a block of this size
index, top_index, bottom_index := size_to_bin_index(size)
// Flip the corresponding bin bits to indicate we have block/s in this bin
allocator.top_bins |= (1 << top_index)
allocator.bottom_bins[top_index] |= (1 << bottom_index)
// Now, allocate a backing entry for the block, fill it out, and insert it into the bin list
if allocator.free_offset == u32(len(allocator.free_blocks)) {return false}
block_index := allocator.free_blocks[allocator.free_offset]
allocator.free_offset += 1
head_block_index := allocator.bin_lists[index]
allocator.blocks[block_index] = {offset, size, BLOCK_HEAD_BITS | index, head_block_index, mem_prev, mem_next}
if head_block_index != BLOCK_UNUSED {allocator.blocks[head_block_index].bin_prev = block_index}
if mem_prev != BLOCK_UNUSED {allocator.blocks[mem_prev].mem_next = block_index}
if mem_next != BLOCK_UNUSED {allocator.blocks[mem_next].mem_prev = block_index}
allocator.bin_lists[index] = block_index
return true
// Removes an existing block from its bin's linked list and free's its backing entry
remove_block :: proc(allocator: ^Block_Allocator, block_index: u32) {
// Free the backing entry for the block
block := allocator.blocks[block_index]
allocator.free_offset -= 1
allocator.free_blocks[allocator.free_offset] = block_index
is_head := (block.bin_prev & BLOCK_HEAD_BITS) != 0
if !is_head {
// We have a valid previous block, simply link it to the next
allocator.blocks[block.bin_prev].bin_next = block.bin_next
if block.bin_next != BLOCK_UNUSED {allocator.blocks[block.bin_next].bin_prev = block.bin_prev}
index := block.bin_prev & BLOCK_HEAD_MASK
top_index := index >> 3
bottom_index := index & 0x7
allocator.bin_lists[index] = block.bin_next
if block.bin_next != BLOCK_UNUSED {
// We have a new, valid, header block. So we need to link it to this bin.
allocator.blocks[block.bin_next].bin_prev = block.bin_prev
// The bin is now empty, zero its corresponding bottom bin bit
allocator.bottom_bins[top_index] &= ~(1 << bottom_index)
// If all bottom bins are now empty, zero the corresponding top bit
if allocator.bottom_bins[top_index] == 0 {
allocator.top_bins &= ~(1 << top_index)
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