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Instructions for setting up a Miscreated Self Hosted Server

Self Hosted Servers

During the entire beta phase of Miscreated self hosted servers are NOT officially supported and will mostly likely be changed during each update.

Due to the fact that self hosted server admins can adjust item spawns the Items tab on Amalgamated kiosks is disabled on self hosted servers - the Skins tab remains fully functional.

It's recommended server admins join our community Discord server for help: - Help requests go in the #server-admin-help channel.


NOTE: This document describes the manual steps needed for setting up a Miscreated server. It is highly suggested most users instead use Spafbi's Simplified Miscreated Server Setup script to handle setup, updating, and running of the server.

  • From within Steam install the Miscreated Dedicated Server from Library-> Tools -> Miscreated Dedicated Server
  • Once the Dedicated Server is installed navigate to where the server was installed SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\MiscreatedServer\Bin64_dedicated Right Click on the MiscreatedServer.exe select Send To -> Desktop (Create Shortcut)
  • Right click the created desktop shortcut and choose Properties
  • In the Target input append the following options and change them to your needs:
    • +sv_maxplayers 50 +map islands -sv_port 64090 +http_startserver +sv_servername "My Miscreated Server"
    • Make sure to have a space in between the file path and the string above.
  • Click Ok to Apply the Settings
  • Double Click Miscreated Dedicated Server desktop shortcut to launch the server.

NOTE: Any server trying to pretend to be an official server will have the IP address permanently blocked and will be unable to run. NO exceptions.


Connecting to your Server

After you've installed the server and have launched the server you can connect to your server.

  • In order to connect to your own local server right click Miscreated from your Games Library and Click Create Desktop Shortcut
  • Right Click on the new Desktop Shortcut and in the URL input replace it with the follow (Changing your IP as needed)
  • steam://rungameid/299740/connect +connect localhost
  • Launch the game through the new shortcut and you will be automatically connected to the server when it is running.

Performance Concerns

The Miscreated server can currently use up to 4GB of ram when the game is fully loaded (a lot of information gets dynamically loaded as the server runs). An additional 30MB of RAM will be used for each concurrent player. On a fully loaded 50 player server expect the server to use up to around 6GB of RAM. Servers are forced to restart every 24 hours. Use the value "schedule_shutdown_utc" mentioned below to set an exact time each day.

Server Database

All of the data for each server will be saved in a miscreated.db (SQLite) file in the root install folder. It's strongly recommended you do NOT edit the miscreated.db file - you could destroy all persistent data for your server by doing so. It's strongly recommended you backup the miscreated.db file on a regular basis.

Additional command line options

the leading - or + is required

  • -sv_bind x.x.x.x (to specify which interface to use in a multihomed server. If you only have one network card, you do not need to bind an ip)
  • -sv_port x (default is 64090 - the game will use the starting port and the 4 ports after it as well, so default is using ports 64090-64094 - both UDP and TCP are used)
  • -mis_whitelist (add if you want the server to only allow whitelisted steamids to be able to connect to it)
  • +http_startserver (starts the remote console system so admins can issue rcon commands to alter the server while running - see below)

hosting.cfg File

Additional server configuration values can be added to a hosting.cfg file in the root install folder. The use of some of the following options could drastically affect the performance of your server. Do NOT edit the existing system.cfg or dedicated.cfg files, only add and edit to a hosting.cfg file. Replace the X for the commands below with your custom value.

  • sv_servername="X" - The server name that's displayed in the server browser window - this overrides the server name specified in the command line
  • http_password=X - The password used to connect via rcon
  • g_pinglimit=X - Max ping a player can have before being kicked (0=disabled), default: 1000
  • g_pingLimitTimer=X - Time in seconds after which a player will be kicked if they are over the specified ping limit, default: 15
  • g_gameRules_Camera=X - Server enforced camera rules, 0=both, 1=first person only, 2=third person only in vehicle
  • wm_disable=X - Completely disable the weather management system
  • wm_timeScale=X - Scale time of day speed, default: 1
  • wm_timeScaleWeather=X - Scale of weather speed, default: 1
  • wm_timeScaleNight=X - Scale of night speed (relative to day), default: 4
  • wm_timeOffset=X - Time offset to system time, negative = random offset, use 24-x for real negative offsets (as positive numbers), default: 0
  • wm_forceTime=X - Force the server time to a specific 24-hour time, default: -1 (disabled), can be from 0.0 through 24.0
  • sv_noBannedAccounts=X - Don't allow any banned steam accounts to join (or those with a private profile), default: 0
  • sv_maxuptime=X - Maximum server uptime until restart in hours, default: 24 (whitelisted), 12 otherwise - cannot exceed 24 hours
  • schedule_shutdown_utc X - Hard shutdown of the game at the specified UTC hour, can have multiples of these in the hosting.cfg file if wanted
  • sv_motd="X" - Server motd to display when players join the server
  • sv_url="X" - Server url to display when players join the server - just a second motd line really
  • sv_msg_conn=X - Announce connections in chat (whitelisted feature only), default: 0
  • sv_msg_death=X - Announce deaths in chat (whitelisted feature only), default: 0
  • g_gameRules_bases=X - Server enforced base placement rules, default: 1 (0=no bases, 1=restricted zones, 2=bases everywhere(whitelisted feature only))
  • g_playerHealthRegen=X - Health regeneration speed, default: 0.111
  • g_playerFoodDecay=X - Food decay speed, default: 0.2777
  • g_playerFoodDecaySprinting=X - Food decay speed when sprinting, default: 0.34722
  • g_playerWaterDecay=X - Water decay speed, default: 0.4861
  • g_playerWaterDecaySprinting=X - Water decay speed when sprinting, default: 0.607638
  • g_playerInfiniteStamina=X - Enable infinite stamina, default: 0
  • g_craftingSpeedMultiplier=X - Scalar to accelerate crafting times, default: 1
  • asm_disable=X - Disable the AI spawner manager system, default: 0
  • asm_percent=X - Set the AI spawner location percentage, default: 33 (max is 90) - this helps control the AI spawn density
  • asm_maxMultiplier=X - Set the multiplier for the AI spawner max amount, default: 1 (max 5)
  • asm_hordeCooldown=X - Set the min cooldown on spawning hordes, default (in seconds): 900
  • pcs_maxCorpses=X - Set the maximum number of player corpses, default: 20
  • pcs_maxCorpseTime=X - Set the maximum time before a player corpse will despawn, default (in seconds): 1200
  • steam_inventory_enable=X - Configure the Steam inventory (kiosk system), 1 enabled, 0 disabled

Remote Console (RCON) Access

Rcon allows a server admin to remotely administer a server. The best way to use rcon access is to download and use our tool that's located at: You can also use our web interface at:

Useful rcon commands:

  • status - Display the status of all playes and connections
  • wm_startPattern X - Force start a weather pattern (all connected players will be notified - see weather pattern list below)
  • mis_ban_steamid 64BITSTEAMID - Ban Player
  • mis_ban_status - Display the ban list
  • mis_ban_remove 64BITSTEAMID - Remove from ban list
  • mis_kick X 64BITSTEAMID - Kick from server
  • mis_whitelist_add 64BITSTEAMID - Add to whitelist
  • mis_whitelist_remove 64BITSTEAMID - Remove from whitelist
  • mis_whitelist_status X - Display the current whitelist
  • sv_say X - Send a message to all connected players (appears at the top of the screen)
  • sv_chat X - Send a chat message to all connected players (appears in the chat window)
  • do_shutdown X - Do a restart with announcements in x seconds (default: 60 seconds, min: 45 seconds, max: 600 seconds)

Weather Patterns

used with wm_startPattern, the missing values are transitional patterns

  • 1: ClearSky
  • 2: LightRain
  • 3: HeavyRainThunder
  • 4: HeavyStorm
  • 7: TornadoRainThunder
  • 9: LightFog
  • 10: MediumFog
  • 11: HeavyFog
  • 12: TheMist
  • 15: RadStorm
  • 18: NuclearFlashFreeze
  • 21: Snow
  • 24: ClearSkyWindy
  • 25: ClearSkyStormy
  • 26: StormyDistantThunder
  • 27: MediumRain
  • 28: HeavyRain
  • 29: AcidRain
  • 31: Blizzard

There is also an advanced faction system that server admins can use. You can view the details at the bottom of our server help page located here:

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Spafbi commented Mar 15, 2019

Making your server available to others

As previously stated, by default the Miscreated server will use ports 64090-64094. If you wish for your server to be reachable by others, as well as usable with the RCON functions on, you will need to forward those ports (for both TCP and UDP) on your firewall/router to the internal IP address of the system on which your Miscreated server is running.

If you specified a value other than 64090 for the -sv_port setting, then you will need to adjust the values to port + 4. For example, if you specify -sv_port 32000, then you will need to open ports 32000-32004.

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Kidzi1 commented Jan 25, 2020

Not able to join my own dedicated server

Hi. I've installed dedicated server in my local network. It runs, name is visible in Server browser but I can't join it. Game crashes or returns to Server browser after 'synchronizing world state ...'
Ports are forwarded on router (default 64090-64094 both TCP and UDP), server IP is even set to be DMZ. I don't think it's antivirus or firewall of server, because ... I CAN join it forcing steam to connect to local IP !!
It's obviously something about router - but I'm not sure what else should I configure ... Minecraft server is running on the same machine with no problems. Any ideas ?

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I recommend just using this script and having it all work out of the box for you. Then tweak the configuration as needed.

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Hello, i have followed the setup of this page, my server run and is online, i've scheduled a restart at 4am utc, it work fine but my server doesn't restart automaticly !! I don't know what is the problem, i've done some search on Google but without issue of my problem, can you help me pls?

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The devs must have missed it but instead of
steam://rungameid/299740/connect +connect localhost
you have to use
steam://rungameid/299740/connect/+connect localhost
(don't forget the '/' after connect)

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None of the above is working now looks to be taken down

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csprance commented Feb 19, 2021

It's still up and should still work just fine. Nothing has changed with the way self hosted servers are run.

The / after the url makes no difference from my tests in chrome and firefox.

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It's still up and should still work just fine. Nothing has changed with the way self hosted servers are run.

The / after the url makes no difference from my tests in chrome and firefox.

Not sure what you're referring to but I'm referring to the Miscreated shortcut in the desktop not chrome/firefox url
But the '/' fixed my connecting issue to my self-hosted server

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terryjoel1 commented Feb 20, 2021 via email

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Do Miscreated servers work with Radmin VPN? its kind of like opening port, but connects everyone to a certain "server" which makes it seem like we are on the same internet and it works for everything but this. My question I guess is I cant even get people in my house hold to join the server. and when i typed in status, it came up with my desktop name for the ip.

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With the "/" correction pointed out by a previous commenter, the Miscreated Dedicated Server instructions work great in 2023! Now I am able to play Miscreated like DayZ, by starting a local server and playing in what is essentially a single player mode. Just what I was looking for, thank you!

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