A script that replicates all examples in my blog post using Python to get data from the Socrata API: Socrata post
$ python ex004_socrata_api.py
$ chmod u+x ex004_socrata_api.py
$ ./ex004_socrata_api.py
Start Python (or ipython if you like) in the directory containing the ex004_socrata_api.py
$ python
Then import the file and try out a new example by getting trees 6 - 10 from an API query
>>> import ex004_socrata_api as socapi
>>> args = {"$order": ":id", "$limit": 5, "$offset": 5}
>>> next_five_trees = socapi.get_trees(args)
>>> for n, tree in enumerate(next_five_trees):
... print "--Tree {}:\n {}\n".format(n+1, tree)
>>> exit()
That's it, give it a try!