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Last active January 4, 2016 21:39
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  • Save ctaggart/8682871 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ctaggart/8682871 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
SourceLink CodePlex TFS/SVN Demo using SLNTools
#r "packages/FAKE/tools/FakeLib.dll"
#load "packages/SourceLink.Fake/tools/Fake.fsx"
open System
open System.IO
open Fake
open Fake.AssemblyInfoFile
open SourceLink
let revision = "72529"
let versionAssembly = ""
let versionFile = ""
Target "Clean" (fun _ -> !! "**/bin/" ++ "**/obj/" |> CleanDirs)
Target "AssemblyInfo" (fun _ ->
CreateCSharpAssemblyInfo "AssemblyInfoCommon.cs"
[ Attribute.Version versionAssembly
Attribute.FileVersion versionFile ]
Target "Build" (fun _ ->
!! "CWDev.SLNTools.Core.dll/CWDev.SLNTools.Core.dll.csproj"
|> MSBuildRelease "" "Rebuild" |> ignore
Target "SourceLink" (fun _ ->
use repo = new GitRepo(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__)
!! "CWDev.SLNTools.Core.dll/CWDev.SLNTools.Core.dll.csproj"
|> Seq.iter (fun f ->
let proj = VsProj.LoadRelease f
logfn "source linking %s" proj.OutputFilePdb
let files = proj.Compiles -- "../AssemblyInfoCommon.cs"
repo.VerifyChecksums files
proj.VerifyPdbChecksums files
proj.CreateSrcSrv "!svn/bc/{0}/Main/%var2%" revision (repo.Paths files)
Pdbstr.exec proj.OutputFilePdb proj.OutputFilePdbSrcSrv
Target "NuGet" (fun _ ->
let bin = if isTfsBuild then "../bin" else "bin"
Directory.CreateDirectory bin |> ignore
NuGet (fun p ->
{ p with
Version = versionFile
WorkingDir = "CWDev.SLNTools.Core.dll/bin/Release"
OutputPath = bin
}) "CWDev.SLNTools.Core.dll/CWDev.SLNTools.Core.nuspec"
==> "AssemblyInfo"
==> "Build"
==> "SourceLink"
==> "NuGet"
RunTargetOrDefault "NuGet"
nuget.exe restore
if not exist packages\FAKE\tools\Fake.exe (
nuget.exe install FAKE -OutputDirectory packages -ExcludeVersion
if not exist packages\SourceLink.Fake\tools\Fake.fsx (
nuget.exe install SourceLink.Fake -OutputDirectory packages -ExcludeVersion -Prerelease
packages\FAKE\tools\FAKE.exe build.fsx %*
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package >
<authors>Christian Warren</authors>
<description>'Tools for SLN File' make it easier for developers to compare, merge or filter the ".sln" files generated by Visual Studio.</description>
<file src="CWDev.SLNTools.Core.dll" target="lib\net20" />
<file src="CWDev.SLNTools.Core.pdb" target="lib\net20" />
<file src="CWDev.SLNTools.Core.xml" target="lib\net20" />
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