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Last active January 18, 2024 21:02
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Review material for ID529 Students
# Let's Review
# We circulated a survey about what would be the most useful material for us to
# review and revisit, as well as if there are any questions that would be useful
# for us to go over together.
# Overall topics to try to cover:
# - dplyr and data manipulation
# - color in ggplot2
# - pseudocoding
# - time since last recession
# - logistic regression
# - chi squared test
# dependencies ------------------------------------------------------------
# dplyr and data manipulation ---------------------------------------------
# Most requested topic: dplyr and data manipulation
# Remember you can load dplyr with either library(dplyr) or just load the
# whole tidyverse like I've done using library(tidyverse)
# Let's think of what are some of the most important tasks using dplyr and data
# manipulation:
# - Making a new column out of information from other columns
# - Cleaning a single column
# - case_when
# - if_else
# - Creating summaries
# - Filtering data
# - Joining data
# Remember you can access the dplyr cheat sheet here:
View(nhanes_id529) # typically I don't write View() into a script and only run it on the console
# dplyr::mutate
# Cleaning a single column:
# Sometimes we want to create a TRUE/FALSE variable out of a numeric variable:
nhanes_id529 |>
mutate(age_over_45 = age > 45) |>
select(id, age, age_over_45) |>
# Or clean string text using functions from the stringr package:
nhanes_id529 |>
mutate(hispanic = stringr::str_detect(race_ethnicity, pattern = "^Hispanic")) |>
select(id, race_ethnicity, hispanic) |>
# Using case_when in a mutate:
# If we want to create multiple levels to the new column beyond just TRUE/FALSE,
# we could use a case_when:
nhanes_id529 |>
mutate(age_category =
age < 25 ~ "Age: [12, 25)",
age < 50 ~ "Age: [25, 50)",
age < 75 ~ "Age: [50, 75)",
age >= 75 ~ "Age: [75, 80]")) |>
select(id, age, age_category) |>
# Now is a good time to mention that if I wanted to make any of these updates
# to the nhanes_id529 object, I'd have to write them back to the object like so:
nhanes_id529 <- nhanes_id529 |>
mutate(age_category =
age < 25 ~ "Age: [12, 25)",
age < 50 ~ "Age: [25, 50)",
age < 75 ~ "Age: [50, 75)",
age >= 75 ~ "Age: [75, 80]"))
# if_else takes 3 arguments:
# - A conditional value (can be a vector) (TRUE/FALSE)
# - A return value for when the conditional value is TRUE (can be a vector)
# - A return value for when the conditional value is FALSE (also can be a vector).
# dplyr::if_else has the following advantages over the ifelse in base R:
# - if_else checks that the two return values have the same type
# - it has a 'missing' argument for handling NA values
# - it doesn't automatically convert Dates to numeric type
# here's two examples, one not vectorized and one vectorized:
if_else(15 > 5, 'yes', 'no')
if_else(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE),
c('yes', 'affirmative', 'si'),
c('no', 'negative', 'incorrect'))
# when do we use if_else in a mutate?
# suppose we were trying to improve a plot by controlling when we plot a label
# for each point.
# what we might do is construct a column with an indicator for whether or not
# to plot the label and then use an if_else to construct the string for the
# label to be plotted.
df <- data.frame(
x = c(1,2,3,4),
y = c(5,6,7,8),
lgl_plot_label = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE),
name = c('observation 1', 'observation 2', 'observation 3', 'observation 4'))
# suppose I had already created the indicator column lgl_plot_label:
# now I can use if_else to create the label for some points:
df <- df |> mutate(
label = if_else(lgl_plot_label,
# create the string "(x,y)" rounded to 0 digits past the decimal
ggplot(df, aes(x, y, label = label)) +
geom_point() +
geom_text(mapping = aes(x = x+.25))
# creating summaries ------------------------------------------------------
# one of the most useful functions in dplyr is summarize. it let's you
# condense a lot of observations down into summary statistics.
# you can actually use summarize without group_by to just get overall summary
# statistics on whatever columns you want:
# for example, to get the mean age in a dataset:
nhanes_id529 |> summarize(mean_age = mean(age))
# or blood pressure across an entire dataset:
# remember, mean_BP is the individual's mean of probably 3 blood pressure
# measurements
nhanes_id529 |> summarize(mean_bp = mean(mean_BP, na.rm = TRUE))
# but if I want to get those summary statistics broken down by
# some other category, then I want to use group_by() |> summarize()
nhanes_id529 |>
group_by(age_category) |>
summarize(mean_bp = mean(mean_BP, na.rm=TRUE))
# I can use multiple categories to group_by if I want to:
nhanes_id529 |>
group_by(sex_gender, age_category) |>
summarize(mean_bp = mean(mean_BP, na.rm=TRUE))
# I can also have multiple summary statistics
nhanes_id529 |>
group_by(sex_gender, age_category) |>
count = n(), # n() counts the number of observations / rows in the category
mean_bp = mean(mean_BP, na.rm = TRUE),
mean_PFAS_total = mean(PFAS_total, na.rm=TRUE), # sd calculates the standard deviation
sd_bp = sd(mean_BP, na.rm = TRUE),
sd_PFAS_total = sd(PFAS_total, na.rm = TRUE))
# filtering data ----------------------------------------------------------
# sometimes we want to filter our data, like if we ran a survey-based study
# and wanted to impose strict study-inclusion criteria, like we only wanted
# to study those aged 25-74.
# we can use a filter to restrict our data
nhanes_id529 |>
filter(age >= 25, age <= 74) |>
# we could overwrite the data in our R session if we wanted to with something
# like this:
# nhanes_id529 <- nhanes_id529 |>
# filter(age > 25, age <= 74) |>
# head()
nhanes_id529 %<>% filter(age >= 25, age <= 74)
# left join --------------------------------------------------------------
new_labels <- data.frame(
age_category = c("Age: [12, 25)",
"Age: [25, 50)",
"Age: [50, 75)",
"Age: [75, 80]"),
new_label = c('Young Adult', 'Adult', 'Older', 'Oldest'))
nhanes_id529 <- nhanes_id529 |>
left_join(new_labels, by = c('age_category' = 'age_category')) |>
select(id, age, age_category, new_label) |>
# color in ggplot2 --------------------------------------------------------
ggplot(nhanes_id529, aes(x = age, y = mean_BP,
color = sex_gender)) +
geom_point(alpha = .5) +
values = c(
'Female' = '#00b894',
'Male' = '#fd79a8'
nhanes_id529 |>
filter(PFAS_total < 200) |>
aes(x = mean_BP,
y = PFAS_total,
color = age)) +
geom_point() +
palette = 'BrBG',
direction = 1)
# pseudocoding ------------------------------------------------------------
# pseudocode for the COVID OSHA project
# 0. dependencies
# 1. load_data
# covid <- load_covid_data()
# osha <- load_osha_data()
# 2. clean data
# covid <- clean_covid(covid)
# osha <- clean_osha(osha)
# 3. draft function for regional plot
# create_regional_plot <- function(
# region,
# covid,
# osha
# ) {
# inset_plot <- create_inset_map(region)
# # ggplot with two axes
# osha_and_covid_plot <- ggplot() +
# geom_bar(osha, ...) + # stacked bar plot by industry
# geom_line() +
# scale_y_continuous( ... # configure for a second y axis)
# # combine osha and covid plot with the inset
# osha_and_covid_plot_w_inset <- ...
# }
# 4. create 5-panel figure
# cowplot::plot_grid( # not sure how to do layout yet
# create_regional_plot('national', covid, osha),
# create_regional_plot('midwest', covid, osha),
# create_regional_plot('south', covid, osha),
# create_regional_plot('northeast', covid, osha),
# create_regional_plot('west', covid, osha)
# )
# time since last recession -----------------------------------------------
# get time since the most recent recession
recessions <- c(
observation_years <- c(
time_since_most_recent_recession <- function(
observation_years) {
~ . - max(recessions[recessions <= .]))
# example working through intermediate steps:
~ . - max(recessions[recessions <= .]))
# logistic regression -----------------------------------------------------
# let's do a logistic regression on stage two or higher elevated
# blood pressure
nhanes_id529 <- nhanes_id529 |>
mutate(high_blood_pressure = mean_BP >= 140)
logistic_model <- glm(
high_blood_pressure ~ age + sex_gender +
family = binomial(link = 'logit'),
data = nhanes_id529)
gtsummary::tbl_regression(logistic_model, exponentiate = TRUE)
# chi squared test --------------------------------------------------------
observations <- matrix(
c(134, 155, # treated (success, failure)
133, 195), # untreated (success, failure)
byrow = TRUE,
ncol = 2)
colnames(observations) <- c('success', 'failure')
rownames(observations) <- c('treated', 'untreated')
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