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Created July 13, 2018 22:06
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module Entropy
import Data.List
%default total
data Probability : a -> Nat -> Type where
Occurred : (x : a) -> Probability x bits
begin : Probability [] 0
begin = Occurred []
(>>=) : {xs : List Nat} ->
Probability xs bits ->
(List Nat -> Probability ys bits') ->
Probability (ys <+> xs) (bits + bits')
(>>=) {xs} {ys} _ _ = Occurred (ys <+> xs)
-- Imagine this gives some kind of probabilistic score.
model : Nat -> List Nat -> Nat
--model Z [] = 1 This doesn't compile
model Z xs = 1
model (S k) xs = S (S k)
followedBy : (x : Nat) -> (xs : List Nat) -> Probability [x] (model x xs)
followedBy x xs = Occurred [x]
doe : (xs : List Nat) -> Probability [the Nat 0] (model 0 xs)
doe = followedBy 0
re : (xs : List Nat) -> Probability [the Nat 1] (model 1 xs)
re = followedBy 1
mi : (xs : List Nat) -> Probability [the Nat 2] (model 2 xs)
mi = followedBy 2
fa : (xs : List Nat) -> Probability [the Nat 3] (model 3 xs)
fa = followedBy 3
so : (xs : List Nat) -> Probability [the Nat 4] (model 4 xs)
so = followedBy 4
la : (xs : List Nat) -> Probability [the Nat 5] (model 5 xs)
la = followedBy 5
ti : (xs : List Nat) -> Probability [the Nat 6] (model 6 xs)
ti = followedBy 6
melody : Probability (the (List Nat) [3, 2, 1, 0]) 10
melody = begin >>= doe >>= re >>= mi >>= fa
unconventionalMelody : Probability (the (List Nat) [3, 2, 6, 0]) 15
unconventionalMelody = begin >>= doe >>= ti >>= mi >>= fa
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