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Created February 24, 2012 19:21
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Save ctgswallow/1903110 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# register with cluster_service_discovery
include_recipe "nfs::server"
# I think there's the potential for a chicken-and-egg issue here, where the NFS server doesn't
# know who to set up exports for, and the clients fail mounting an NFS share that has no permissions.
searchenv = node[:pentaho][:nfs_environment] ? node[:pentaho][:nfs_environment] : nil
nfs_clients = all_provider_private_ips_services("nfs-client-for-pentaho", :ignore_cluster => true, searchenv.to_a) "I found #{nfs_clients.count} NFS clients."
nfs_clients.count > 0 ? allowed = nfs_clients.join(" ") : allowed = "*"
nfs_export node[:pentaho][:export_dir] do
allowed allowed
options "rw,no_root_squash"
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Notice the searchenv parameter that gets passed into the all_provider_private_ips_services method. I think, when I patched up the cluster_service_discovery library (site-cookbooks/cluster_service_discovery/libraries/cluster_service_discovery.rb), I...

caught the many-to-one relationship (many NFS clients needing to talk to one NFS server)
but I missed the one-to-many relationship that is also possible (one NFS server serving servers in many environments).

Maybe looping through the override_environment attribute with each would fix the one-to-many relationship?

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I think that if I were to loop through override_environment with each, I would do it in the build_cluster_query method.

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