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Created January 24, 2013 04:52
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open System;
exception ParseError of string
(* A token represent a single element of the parse tree *)
type Token =
| EOFToken
| NumberToken of double
| IdentifierToken of string
| OperatorToken of char
| AssignmentToken
| LeftParenToken
| RightParenToken
| NewlineToken
| InvalidToken
lex parses a list of characters into a list of tokens
acc should be [] when called
let rec lex acc data : Token list =
match data with
| [] -> acc
| c :: rest ->
match c with
| '(' -> lex (LeftParenToken :: acc) rest
| ')' -> lex (RightParenToken :: acc) rest
| '=' -> lex (AssignmentToken :: acc) rest
| '+' | '-' | '/' | '*' | '^' ->
lex (OperatorToken(c) :: acc) rest
| '.' | '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' ->
readNum acc data
| '\r' | '\n' ->
lex (NewlineToken :: acc) rest
| ' ' | '\t' ->
lex acc rest
| any ->
if Char.IsLetter c then
readIdent acc data
InvalidToken :: acc
and readNum acc data : Token list =
let rec readNumInner (s : char list) data : (double * char list) =
match data with
| [] -> Double.Parse(String.Concat(Array.ofList(List.rev s))), []
| c :: rest ->
match c with
| '.' | '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' ->
readNumInner (c :: s) rest
| any -> Double.Parse(String.Concat(Array.ofList(List.rev s))), data
let tmp = readNumInner [] data
lex (NumberToken(fst tmp) :: acc) (snd tmp)
and readIdent acc data : Token list =
let rec readIdentInner (s : char list) data : (string * char list) =
match data with
| [] -> String.Concat(Array.ofList(List.rev s)), []
| c :: rest ->
if Char.IsLetterOrDigit c then
readIdentInner (c :: s) rest
String.Concat(Array.ofList(List.rev s)), data
let tmp = readIdentInner [] data
lex (IdentifierToken(fst tmp) :: acc) (snd tmp)
An expression is actually a tree structure of tokens and other expressions
SingleValue tokens are immediate values (and UnaryExpressions might as well be)
BinaryExpressions have a left and right to be evaluated before applying an
operand to the result of each
type Expression =
| NoValue
| SingleValue of Token
| UnaryExpression of Token * Expression
| BinaryExpression of Expression * Token * Expression
let rec skipParens left right : (Token list * Token list) =
match right with
| RightParenToken :: rest -> List.append left [RightParenToken], rest
| LeftParenToken :: rest ->
let tmp = skipParens (List.append left [LeftParenToken]) rest
skipParens (fst tmp) (snd tmp)
| t :: rest ->
skipParens (List.append left [t]) rest
| [] ->
raise (ParseError("Unexpected EOF"))
split should be called through splitExp, but it takes a list of
tokens, finds the rightmost operator with the lowest precedence,
and splits the tokens into two lists around that operator
let rec split curr currVal left right bestLeft bestRight : (Token list * Token list) =
match right with
| t :: rest ->
match t with
| LeftParenToken ->
let tmp = skipParens (List.append left [LeftParenToken]) rest
split curr currVal (fst tmp) (snd tmp) bestLeft bestRight
| RightParenToken ->
raise (ParseError("Unexpected )"))
| OperatorToken('^') ->
if currVal <= 5 then
split t 5 (List.append left [t]) rest (List.append left [t]) rest
split curr currVal (List.append left [t]) rest bestLeft bestRight
| OperatorToken('*') | OperatorToken('/') ->
if currVal <= 10 then
split t 10 (List.append left [t]) rest (List.append left [t]) rest
split curr currVal (List.append left [t]) rest bestLeft bestRight
| OperatorToken('+') | OperatorToken('-') ->
if currVal <= 20 then
split t 20 (List.append left [t]) rest (List.append left [t]) rest
split curr currVal (List.append left [t]) rest bestLeft bestRight
| any -> split curr currVal (List.append left [t]) rest bestLeft bestRight
| [] -> bestLeft, bestRight
let splitExp tokens : (Token list * Token list) =
split InvalidToken 0 [] tokens tokens []
let rec slowLast<'a> acc l : ('a * 'a list) =
match l with
| [] -> Unchecked.defaultof<'a>, []
| x :: [] -> x, acc
| x :: xs -> slowLast (List.append acc [x]) xs
let rec isParenWrapped n tokens =
if List.length tokens = 0 then
match tokens.Head with
| RightParenToken ->
if n = 0 then
tokens.Tail.Length = 0
isParenWrapped (n - 1) tokens.Tail
| LeftParenToken -> isParenWrapped (n + 1) tokens.Tail
| _ -> isParenWrapped n tokens.Tail
let rec parseExp (tokens : Token list) : Expression =
if tokens.Length > 0 && tokens.Head = LeftParenToken && isParenWrapped 0 tokens.Tail then
parseExp (snd (slowLast [] tokens.Tail))
else if tokens.Length > 0 && (fst (slowLast [] tokens)) = NewlineToken then
parseExp (snd (slowLast [] tokens))
let tmp = splitExp tokens
match tmp with
| [], [] -> NoValue
| x :: [], [] -> SingleValue(x)
| x :: [], y when x = OperatorToken('-') -> UnaryExpression(x, parseExp y)
| x, [] | [], x ->
raise (ParseError("unexpected state"))
| x, y ->
let tmp = slowLast [] x
BinaryExpression(parseExp (snd tmp), fst tmp, parseExp y)
type Statement =
| OutputStatement of Expression
| AssignmentStatement of string * Expression
let rec parse assign acc tmp tokens : Statement list =
match tokens with
| [] ->
if tmp = [] then
if assign = "" then
List.append acc [OutputStatement(parseExp tmp)]
List.append acc [AssignmentStatement(assign, parseExp tmp)]
| NewlineToken :: rest ->
if tmp = [] then
parse assign acc tmp rest
if assign = "" then
parse "" (List.append acc [OutputStatement(parseExp tmp)]) [] rest
parse "" (List.append acc [AssignmentStatement(assign, parseExp tmp)]) [] rest
| IdentifierToken(s) :: AssignmentToken :: rest ->
if assign = "" && tmp = [] then
parse s acc [] rest
raise (ParseError("Unexpected assignment"))
| x :: xs ->
parse assign acc (List.append tmp [x]) xs
let rec printExp prefix exp =
match exp with
| NoValue -> printfn ""
| SingleValue(t) -> printfn "%s%A" prefix t
| UnaryExpression(t, e) ->
printfn "%s%A" prefix t
printExp (prefix + "\t") e
| BinaryExpression(l, t, r) ->
printExp (prefix + "\t") l
printfn "%s%A" prefix t
printExp (prefix + "\t") r
let rec evalExp exp (store : System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string,double>) : double =
match exp with
| SingleValue(NumberToken(t)) -> t
| SingleValue(IdentifierToken(t)) -> store.[t]
| UnaryExpression(OperatorToken('-'), ex) -> -1.0 * (evalExp ex store)
| BinaryExpression(ex1, OperatorToken(o), ex2) ->
match o with
| '+' -> (evalExp ex1 store) + (evalExp ex2 store)
| '-' -> (evalExp ex1 store) - (evalExp ex2 store)
| '*' -> (evalExp ex1 store) * (evalExp ex2 store)
| '/' -> (evalExp ex1 store) / (evalExp ex2 store)
| '^' -> (evalExp ex1 store) ** (evalExp ex2 store)
| other -> raise (ParseError("Unknown operator"))
| other -> raise (ParseError("Empty Expression"))
let main argv =
let store = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string,double> ()
while true do
let st = List.head <| parse "" [] [] (List.rev (lex [] (List.ofArray (Console.ReadLine().ToCharArray()))))
match st with
| OutputStatement(ex) ->
printfn "%F" <| evalExp ex store
| AssignmentStatement(s, ex) ->
store.[s] <- (evalExp ex store)
| e -> printfn "Couldn't evaluate"
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