I hereby claim:
- I am ctkirkman on github.
- I am ctkirkman (https://keybase.io/ctkirkman) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is A8A3 C930 7CB1 C2E9 B956 6E83 1F60 624E 8725 25D6
To claim this, I am signing this object:
import binascii | |
import re | |
def rtf_to_text(rtf): | |
def clear_cmd(rtf_parsed): | |
if rtf_parsed.get("cmd") == "f" and rtf_parsed.get("lvl") == 1: | |
encoding = rtf_parsed.get("fonts").get(rtf_parsed.get("cmd") + rtf_parsed.get("arg"), {}).get("encoding", "1252") | |
rtf_parsed["encoding"] = encoding | |
elif rtf_parsed.get("cmd") == "ansicpg": |
import hashlib | |
import lxml.etree as ET | |
import olefile | |
import magic | |
from io import BytesIO | |
from oletools import oleobj | |
from oletools.olevba3 import VBA_Parser | |
from operator import itemgetter | |
from zipfile import ZipFile |
import hashlib | |
from io import BytesIO | |
from zipfile import ZipFile | |
from operator import itemgetter | |
def read_zip(contentBytes): | |
zip_metadata = dict() | |
file_list = None | |
errors = None |
import magic | |
def read_magic(contentBytes): | |
magicType = None | |
try: | |
with magic.Magic() as m: | |
magicType = m.from_buffer(contentBytes) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print("libmagic") | |
print(str(e)) |
def parse_chunked(data): | |
result = b"" | |
state = "header" | |
while data: | |
if state == "header": | |
chunk, data = data.split(b"\r\n", 1) | |
length = int(chunk.strip(), 16) | |
if length == 0: | |
state = "finished" | |
else: |
import pathlib | |
import cgi | |
def parse_multipart(data, headers): | |
result = list() | |
content_type, options = cgi.parse_header(headers.get("Content-Type")) | |
if options.get("boundary") is not None: | |
result = data.split(b"--" + options.get("boundary").encode()) | |
for r in result[1:]: |
$CaView = New-Object -Com CertificateAuthority.View.1 | |
[void]$CaView.OpenConnection("SERVER\CA") | |
$templates = @{} | |
Get-ADObject -SearchBase (Get-ADRootDSE).ConfigurationNamingContext -filter {objectclass -eq "pKICertificateTemplate"} -Properties "CN", "DisplayName", "msPKI-Cert-Template-OID" | %{ $templates.add($_."msPKI-Cert-Template-OID",$_."DisplayName") } | |
$columns = @( | |
"Binary Certificate", | |
"Certificate Effective Date", | |
"Certificate Expiration Date", |
Verifying that "ctkirkman.id" is my Blockstack ID. https://onename.com/ctkirkman |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object: