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Last active March 1, 2016 16:57
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var YTThumbQuality = {
_default: "default",
mqdefault: "mqdefault",
sddefault: "sddefault",
hqdefault: "hqdefault"
var qpNotification = {
enabled: true,
notificationTimeout: 5000,
getPermission: function(callback) {
if (typeof Notification == 'undefined') {
return false;
Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) {
if (callback !== undefined)
showNotification: function(title, message, iconPath) {
if (qpNotification.enabled)
iconPath = iconPath == undefined ? "" : iconPath;
qpNotification.getPermission(function(permission) {
if (permission !== 'granted') return;
var notification = new Notification(title, {
icon: iconPath,
body: message,
notification.onclick = function () {
// hide after a given time
setTimeout(function() {
}, qpNotification.notificationTimeout);
showQpNotification: function(e) {
var song =;
var title = song.title;
var ytid = song.cid;
var iconPath = "//"+ytid+"/"+YTThumbQuality._default+".jpg";
qpNotification.showNotification("musiqpad", title, iconPath);
test: function() {
qpNotification.showQpNotification({next:{song:{title: "This is a test title", cid: "OmP9tWixLoI"}}});
atMe: function(dataError, data, dataParent) {
var me =;
var myId = me.uid;
var username = me.un;
if (data.uid != myId && data.message.indexOf(username) > -1)
var them =;
qpNotification.showNotification("Mention From: "+them.un, data.message);
API.on(API.DATA.EVENTS.ADVANCE, qpNotification.showQpNotification);
API.on(API.DATA.EVENTS.CHAT, qpNotification.atMe);
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