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Created September 2, 2016 07:19
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Feed this your GPT.bin, and out it shoots a partition.xml
# Author : n0fate
# E-Mail [email protected], [email protected]
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Using structures defined in Wikipedia('')
import sys,os,getopt
import random,math
import struct
import hashlib
import uuid
import zlib
if sys.version_info < (2,5):
sys.stdout.write("\n\nERROR: This script needs Python version 2.5 or greater, detected as ")
print sys.version_info
sys.exit() # error
LBA_SIZE = 512
## gpt parser code start
def get_lba(fhandle, entry_number, count):*entry_number)
fbuf =*count)
return fbuf
def unsigned32(n):
return n & 0xFFFFFFFFL
def get_gpt_header(fhandle, fbuf, lba):
fbuf = get_lba(fhandle, lba, 1)
gpt_header = struct.unpack(GPT_HEADER_FORMAT, fbuf)
crc32_header_value = calc_header_crc32(fbuf, gpt_header[2])
return gpt_header, crc32_header_value, fbuf
def make_nop(byte):
nop_code = 0x00
pk_nop_code = struct.pack('=B', nop_code)
nop = pk_nop_code*byte
return nop
def calc_header_crc32(fbuf, header_size):
nop = make_nop(4)
clean_header = fbuf[:OFFSET_CRC32_OF_HEADER] + nop + fbuf[OFFSET_CRC32_OF_HEADER+4:header_size]
crc32_header_value = unsigned32(zlib.crc32(clean_header))
return crc32_header_value
def an_gpt_header(gpt_header, crc32_header_value, gpt_buf):
md5 = hashlib.md5()
md5 = md5.hexdigest()
signature = gpt_header[0]
revision = gpt_header[1]
headersize = gpt_header[2]
crc32_header = gpt_header[3]
reserved = gpt_header[4]
currentlba = gpt_header[5]
backuplba = gpt_header[6]
first_use_lba_for_partitions = gpt_header[7]
last_use_lba_for_partitions = gpt_header[8]
disk_guid = uuid.UUID(bytes_le=gpt_header[9])
part_entry_start_lba = gpt_header[10]
num_of_part_entry = gpt_header[11]
size_of_part_entry = gpt_header[12]
crc32_of_partition_array = gpt_header[13]
print '<?xml version="1.0"?>'
print '\t<configuration>'
print '\t\t<!-- Primary GPT header: -->'
print '\t\t<!-- MD5: %s -->' %md5
print '\t\t<!-- Signature: %s -->' %signature
print '\t\t<!-- Revision: %d -->' %revision
print '\t\t<!-- Header Size: %d -->' %headersize
if crc32_header_value == crc32_header:
print '\t\t<!-- CRC32 of header: %X (VALID) => Real: %X -->'%(crc32_header, crc32_header_value)
print '\t\t<!-- WARNING!! CRC32 of header: %X (INVALID) => Real: %X -->'%(crc32_header, crc32_header_value)
print '\t\t<!-- Current LBA: 0x%.8X -->'%currentlba
print '\t\t<!-- Backup LBA: 0x%.8X -->'%backuplba
print '\t\t<!-- First usable LBA for partitions: 0x%.8X -->'%first_use_lba_for_partitions
print '\t\t<!-- Last usable LBA for partitions: 0x%.8X -->'%last_use_lba_for_partitions
print '\t\t<!-- Disk GUID: %s -->'%str(disk_guid).upper()
print '\t\t<!-- Partition entries starting LBA: 0x%.8X -->'%part_entry_start_lba
print '\t\t<!-- Number of partition entries: %d -->'%num_of_part_entry
print '\t\t<!-- Size of partition entry: 0x%.8X -->'%size_of_part_entry
print '\t\t<!-- CRC32 of partition array: 0x%.8X -->'%crc32_of_partition_array
print '\t\t<parser_instructions>'
print '\t\t\t<!-- NOTE: entries here are used by the parser when generating output -->'
print '\t\t\t<!-- NOTE: each filename must be on it\'s own line as in variable=value-->'
print '\t\t\tWRITE_PROTECT_BOUNDARY_IN_KB = 32768'
print '\t\t</parser_instructions>\n'
print '\t\t<!-- NOTE: "physical_partition" are listed in order and apply to devices such as eMMC cards that have (for example) 3 physical partitions -->'
print '\t\t<!-- This is physical partition 0 -->'
print '\t\t<physical_partition>'
print '\t\t\t<!-- NOTE: Define information for each partition, which will be created in order listed here -->'
print '\t\t\t<!-- NOTE: Place all "readonly=true" partitions side by side for optimum space usage -->'
print '\t\t\t<!-- NOTE: If OPTIMIZE_READONLY_PARTITIONS=true, then partitions won\'t be in the order listed here -->'
print '\t\t\t<!-- they will instead be placed side by side at the beginning of the disk -->'
# get partition entry
def get_part_entry(fbuf, offset, size):
return struct.unpack(GUID_PARTITION_ENTRY_FORMAT, fbuf[offset:offset+size])
def get_part_table_area(f, gpt_header):
part_entry_start_lba = gpt_header[10]
first_use_lba_for_partitions = gpt_header[7]
fbuf = get_lba(f, part_entry_start_lba, first_use_lba_for_partitions - part_entry_start_lba)
return fbuf
def part_attribute(value):
if value == 0:
return 'System Partition'
elif value == 2:
return 'Legacy BIOS Bootable'
elif value == 60:
return 'Read-Only'
elif value == 62:
return 'Hidden'
elif value == 63:
return 'Do not automount'
return 'UNKNOWN'
def check_partition_guid_type(guid):
if guid == '024DEE41-33E7-11D3-9D69-0008C781F39F':
return 'MBR partition scheme', 'None'
elif guid == 'C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B':
return 'EFI System partition', 'None'
elif guid == '21686148-6449-6E6F-744E-656564454649':
return 'BIOS Boot partition', 'None'
# Windows
elif guid == 'E3C9E316-0B5C-4DB8-817D-F92DF00215AE':
return 'Microsoft Reserved Partition', 'Windows'
elif guid == 'EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7':
return 'Basic data partition / Linux filesystem data', 'Windows / Linux'
elif guid == '5808C8AA-7E8F-42E0-85D2-E1E90434CFB3':
return 'Logical Disk Manager metadata partition', 'Windows'
elif guid == 'AF9B60A0-1431-4F62-BC68-3311714A69AD':
return 'Logical Disk Manager data partition', 'Windows'
elif guid == 'DE94BBA4-06D1-4D40-A16A-BFD50179D6AC':
return 'Windows Recovery Environment', 'Windows'
elif guid == '37AFFC90-EF7D-4E96-91C3-2D7AE055B174':
return 'IBM General Parallel File System (GPFS) partition', 'Windows'
elif guid == 'DB97DBA9-0840-4BAE-97F0-FFB9A327C7E1':
return 'Cluster metadata partition', 'Windows'
elif guid == '75894C1E-3AEB-11D3-B7C1-7B03A0000000':
return 'Data partition', 'HP-UX'
elif guid == 'E2A1E728-32E3-11D6-A682-7B03A0000000':
return 'Service partition', 'HP-UX'
# Linux
elif guid == '0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4':
return 'Linux filesystem data', 'Linux'
elif guid == 'A19D880F-05FC-4D3B-A006-743F0F84911E':
return 'RAID partition', 'Linux'
elif guid == '0657FD6D-A4AB-43C4-84E5-0933C84B4F4F':
return 'Swao partition', 'Linux'
elif guid == 'E6D6D379-F507-44C2-A23C-238F2A3DF928':
return 'Logical Volume Manager (LVM) partition', 'Linux'
elif guid == '8DA63339-0007-60C0-C436-083AC8230908':
return 'Reserved', 'Linux'
# FreeBSD
elif guid == '83BD6B9D-7F41-11DC-BE0B-001560B84F0F':
return 'Boot partition', 'FreeBSD'
elif guid == '516E7CB4-6ECF-11D6-8FF8-00022D09712B':
return 'Data partition', 'FreeBSD'
elif guid == '516E7CB5-6ECF-11D6-8FF8-00022D09712B':
return 'Swap partition', 'FreeBSD'
elif guid == '516E7CB6-6ECF-11D6-8FF8-00022D09712B':
return 'Unix File System(UFS) partition', 'FreeBSD'
elif guid == '516E7CB8-6ECF-11D6-8FF8-00022D09712B':
return 'Vinum volume manager partition', 'FreeBSD'
elif guid == '516E7CB8-6ECF-11D6-8FF8-00022D09712B':
return 'ZFS partition', 'FreeBSD'
# Mac OS X
elif guid == '48465300-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC':
return 'Hierarchical File System Plus (HFS+) partition', 'Mac OS X'
elif guid == '55465300-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC':
return 'Apple UFS', 'Mac OS X'
elif guid == '6A898CC3-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631':
return 'ZFS / /usr partition', 'Mac OS X / Solaris'
elif guid == '52414944-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC':
return 'Apple RAID partition', 'Mac OS X'
elif guid == '52414944-5F4F-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC':
return 'Apple RAID partition, offline', 'Mac OS X'
elif guid == '426F6F74-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC':
return 'Apple Boot partition', 'Mac OS X'
elif guid == '4C616265-6C00-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC':
return 'Apple Label', 'Mac OS X'
elif guid == '5265636F-7665-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC':
return 'Apple TV Recovery partition', 'Mac OS X'
elif guid == '53746F72-6167-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC':
return 'Apple Core Storage (i.e. Lion FileVault) partition', 'Mac OS X'
# Solaris
elif guid == '6A82CB45-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631':
return 'Boot partition', 'Solaris'
elif guid == '6A85CF4D-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631':
return 'Root partition', 'Solaris'
elif guid == '6A87C46F-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631':
return 'Swap partition', 'Solaris'
elif guid == '6A8B642B-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631':
return 'Backup partition', 'Solaris'
#elif guid == '6A898CC3-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631':
# return '/usr partition', 'Solaris'
elif guid == '6A8EF2E9-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631':
return '/var partition', 'Solaris'
elif guid == '6A90BA39-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631':
return '/home partition', 'Solaris'
elif guid == '6A9283A5-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631':
return 'Alternate sector', 'Solaris'
elif guid == '6A945A3B-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631' or \
guid == '6A9630D1-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631' or \
guid == '6A980767-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631' or \
guid == '6A96237F-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631' or \
guid == '6A8D2AC7-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631':
return 'Reserved partition', 'Solaris'
# NetBSD
elif guid == '49F48D32-B10E-11DC-B99B-0019D1879648':
return 'Swap partition', 'NetBSD'
elif guid == '49F48D5A-B10E-11DC-B99B-0019D1879648':
return 'FFS partition', 'NetBSD'
elif guid == '49F48D82-B10E-11DC-B99B-0019D1879648':
return 'LFS partition', 'NetBSD'
elif guid == '49F48DAA-B10E-11DC-B99B-0019D1879648':
return 'RAID partition', 'NetBSD'
elif guid == '2DB519C4-B10F-11DC-B99B-0019D1879648':
return 'Concatenated partition', 'NetBSD'
elif guid == '2DB519EC-B10F-11DC-B99B-0019D1879648':
return 'Encrypted partition', 'NetBSD'
# Chrome OS
elif guid == 'FE3A2A5D-4F32-41A7-B725-ACCC3285A309':
return 'ChromeOS kernel', 'Chrome OS'
elif guid == '3CB8E202-3B7E-47DD-8A3C-7FF2A13CFCEC':
return 'ChromeOS rootfs', 'Chrome OS'
elif guid == '2E0A753D-9E48-43B0-8337-B15192CB1B5E':
return 'ChromeOS future use', 'Chrome OS'
# VMware ESX
elif guid == 'AA31E02A-400F-11DB-9590-000C2911D1B8':
return 'VMFS partition', 'VMware ESX'
elif guid == '9D275380-40AD-11DB-BF97-000C2911D1B8':
return 'vmkcore crash partition', 'VMware ESX'
# Midnight BSD
elif guid == '85D5E45E-237C-11E1-B4B3-E89A8F7FC3A7':
return 'Boot partition', 'MidnightBSD'
elif guid == '85D5E45A-237C-11E1-B4B3-E89A8F7FC3A7':
return 'Data partition', 'MidnightBSD'
elif guid == '85D5E45B-237C-11E1-B4B3-E89A8F7FC3A7':
return 'Swap partition', 'MidnightBSD'
elif guid == '0394Ef8B-237E-11E1-B4B3-E89A8F7FC3A7':
return 'Unix File System (UFS) partition', 'MidnightBSD'
elif guid == '85D5E45C-237C-11E1-B4B3-E89A8F7FC3A7':
return 'Vinum volume manager partition', 'MidnightBSD'
elif guid == '85D5E45D-237C-11E1-B4B3-E89A8F7FC3A7':
return 'ZFS partition', 'MidnightBSD'
# Qualcomm Boot GPT Partition IDs
elif guid == 'DEA0BA2C-CBDD-4805-B4F9-F428251C3E98':
return 'SBL1 partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '8C6B52AD-8A9E-4398-AD09-AE916E53AE2D':
return 'SBL2 partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '05E044DF-92F1-4325-B69E-374A82E97D6E':
return 'SBL3 partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '400FFDCD-22E0-47E7-9A23-F16ED9382388':
return 'APPSBL partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == 'A053AA7F-40B8-4B1C-BA08-2F68AC71A4F4':
return 'QSEE partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == 'E1A6A689-0C8D-4CC6-B4E8-55A4320FBD8A':
return 'QHEE partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '098DF793-D712-413D-9D4E-89D711772228':
return 'RPM partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == 'D4E0D938-B7FA-48C1-9D21-BC5ED5C4B203':
return 'WDOG debug partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '20A0C19C-286A-42FA-9CE7-F64C3226A794':
return 'DDR partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == 'A19F205F-CCD8-4B6D-8F1E-2D9BC24CFFB1':
return 'CDT partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '66C9B323-F7FC-48B6-BF96-6F32E335A428':
return 'RAM dump partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '303E6AC3-AF15-4C54-9E9B-D9A8FBECF401':
return 'SEC partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == 'C00EEF24-7709-43D6-9799-DD2B411E7A3C':
return 'PMIC config data partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '82ACC91F-357C-4A68-9C8F-689E1B1A23A1':
return 'MISC? partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '10A0C19C-516A-5444-5CE3-664C3226A794':
return 'LIMITS? partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '65ADDCF4-0C5C-4D9A-AC2D-D90B5CBFCD03':
return 'DEVINFO? partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == 'E6E98DA2-E22A-4D12-AB33-169E7DEAA507':
return 'APDP? partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == 'ED9E8101-05FA-46B7-82AA-8D58770D200B':
return 'MSADP? partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '11406F35-1173-4869-807B-27DF71802812':
return 'DPO? partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == 'DF24E5ED-8C96-4B86-B00B-79667DC6DE11':
return 'SPARE1? partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '6C95E238-E343-4BA8-B489-8681ED22AD0B':
return 'PERSIST? partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == 'EBBEADAF-22C9-E33B-8F5D-0E81686A68CB':
return 'MODEMST1 partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '0A288B1F-22C9-E33B-8F5D-0E81686A68CB':
return 'MODEMST2 partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == 'EBBEADAF-22C9-E33B-8F5D-0E81686A68CB':
return 'MODEMST1 partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '638FF8E2-22C9-E33B-8F5D-0E81686A68CB':
return 'FSG? partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '57B90A16-22C9-E33B-8F5D-0E81686A68CB':
return 'FSC? partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '2C86E742-745E-4FDD-BFD8-B6A7AC638772':
return 'SSD? partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == 'DE7D4029-0F5B-41C8-AE7E-F6C023A02B33':
return 'KEYSTORE? partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '323EF595-AF7A-4AFA-8060-97BE72841BB9':
return 'ENCRYPT? partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '45864011-CF89-46E6-A445-85262E065604':
return 'EKSST? partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '8ED8AE95-597F-4C8A-A5BD-A7FF8E4DFAA9':
return 'RCT partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '7C29D3AD-78B9-452E-9DEB-D098D542F092':
return 'SPARE2? partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '9D72D4E4-9958-42DA-AC26-BEA7A90B0434':
return 'RECOVERY? partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '4627AE27-CFEF-48A1-88FE-99C3509ADE26':
return 'raw_resources? partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '20117F86-E985-4357-B9EE-374BC1D8487D':
return 'BOOT partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '379D107E-229E-499D-AD4F-61F5BCF87BD4':
return 'SPARE3? partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '86A7CB80-84E1-408C-99AB-694F1A410FC7':
return 'FOTA? partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '0DEA65E5-A676-4CDF-823C-77568B577ED5':
return 'SPARE4? partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '97D7B011-54DA-4835-B3C4-917AD6E73D74':
return 'SYSTEM? partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '5594C694-C871-4B5F-90B1-690A6F68E0F7':
return 'CACHE? partition', 'Qualcomm'
elif guid == '1B81E7E6-F50D-419B-A739-2AEEF8DA3335':
return 'USERDATA? partition', 'Qualcomm'
# LG Advanced Flasher Partition
elif guid == '98523EC6-90FE-4C67-B50A-0FC59ED6F56D':
return 'LG Advanced Flasher partition', 'LG'
# else
return 'unknown partition', 'UNKNOWN'
# analysis partition table
def an_part_table(partition_table, gpt_header, fbuf):
md5 = hashlib.md5()
md5 = md5.hexdigest()
num_of_part_entry = gpt_header[11]
size_of_part_entry = gpt_header[12]
crc32_of_partition_array = gpt_header[13]
part_list = []
crc32_part_value = unsigned32(zlib.crc32(partition_table))
print '\n\t\t\t<!-- Partition table: -->'
print '\t\t\t\t<!-- MD5: %s -->'%md5
if crc32_part_value == crc32_of_partition_array:
print '\t\t\t\t<!-- CRC32 Check : %.8X (VALID) -->\n'%crc32_part_value
print '\t\t\t\t<!-- WARNING!! CRC32 Check : %.8X (INVALID) -->\n'%crc32_part_value
for part_entry_num in range(0, num_of_part_entry):
part_entry = get_part_entry(partition_table, size_of_part_entry*part_entry_num, size_of_part_entry)
# first LBA, last LBA
if part_entry[2] == 0 or part_entry[3] == 0:
count = 1
for part_entry in part_list:
part_type = check_partition_guid_type(str(uuid.UUID(bytes_le=part_entry[0])).upper())
part_guid = str(uuid.UUID(bytes_le=part_entry[1])).upper()
part_label = unicode(part_entry[5].replace('\0',''))
part_type = str(uuid.UUID(bytes_le=part_entry[0])).upper()
part_type_label = check_partition_guid_type(part_type)
part_bootable = 'false'
part_lba_first = part_entry[2]
part_lba_first_offset = (part_entry[2] * LBA_SIZE)
part_lba_last = part_entry[3]
part_lba_last_offset = (part_entry[3] * LBA_SIZE)
part_size = (((part_lba_last - part_lba_first) + 1) / 2)
print '\t\t\t<!-- #%02d -->' %count
print '\t\t\t<!-- First LBA: %s /' %part_lba_first,
print 'Disk Offset: %s -->' %part_lba_first_offset
print '\t\t\t<!-- Last LBA : %s /' %part_lba_last,
print 'Disk Offset: %s -->' %part_lba_last_offset
print '\t\t\t<!-- %s |' %part_type_label[0],
print '%s -->' %part_type_label[1]
print '\t\t\t<!-- GUID: %s -->' %part_guid
print '\t\t\t<partition',
print 'label="%s"' %part_label,
print 'size_in_kb="%d"' %part_size,
print 'type="%s"'%part_type,
print 'bootable="%s"' %part_bootable,
part_attr_tag = part_entry[4]
if part_attr_tag == 0:
print 'system="true"',
elif part_attr_tag == 60:
print 'readonly="true"',
elif part_attr_tag == 62:
print 'hidden="true"',
elif part_attr_tag == 63:
print 'automount="true"',
part_filename = ''
part_match = part_label
part_list_bak = ['rpm','sdi','hyp','sbl1','tz','pmic','aboot','raw_resources']
part_list_img = ['persist','laf','drm','sns','mpt','eri','system','cache','userdata']
for party in part_list_bak:
if party in part_match:
part_filename = '%s.mbn' %part_match.replace('bak','')
for party in part_list_img:
if party in part_match:
part_filename = '%s.img' %party
if part_match == str('modem'):
part_filename = 'NON-HLOS.bin'
elif part_match == str('DDR'):
part_filename = 'DDR.bin'
elif part_match == str('sec'):
part_filename = 'sec.dat'
elif part_match == 'aboot':
part_filename = 'emmc_appsboot.mbn'
print 'filename="%s"/>\n' %part_filename
count += 1
def usage(argv):
print '%s <DISK IMAGE>'%argv[0]
def main():
option, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '')
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
except IndexError:
f = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb')
except IOError:
print '[+] WARNING!! Can not open disk image.'
fbuf = ''
# Protected MBR
# You can use at
# Primary GPT header
gpt_header, crc32_header_value, gpt_buf = get_gpt_header(f, fbuf, PRIMARY_GPT_LBA)
an_gpt_header(gpt_header, crc32_header_value, gpt_buf)
# Partition entries
fbuf = get_part_table_area(f, gpt_header)
an_part_table(fbuf, gpt_header, fbuf)
## backup GPT header
# print ''
# try:
# gpt_header, crc32_header_value, gpt_buf = get_gpt_header(f, fbuf, gpt_header[6])
# an_gpt_header(gpt_header, crc32_header_value, gpt_buf)
# h = hashlib.md5()
# h.update(gpt_buf)
# print '\t\t\t<!-- [+] Backup GPT header md5: %s -->'%h.hexdigest()
# except struct.error:
# print '\t\t\t<!-- [+] WARNING!! Backup GPT header can not found. Check your disk image. -->'
# print '\t\t\t<!-- [+] WARNING!! Backup GPT header offset: 0x%.8X -->'%(gpt_header[6] * LBA_SIZE)
print '\t\t</physical_partition>'
print '\t</configuration>'
if __name__ == "__main__":
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royrony commented Oct 13, 2019

File "E:\GPT\", line 45, in get_lba*entry_number)
OverflowError: long too big to convert

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