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Created November 28, 2017 03:04
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Description of a terse script to deploy a BOSH director to AWS
# We abort the script as soon as we hit an error (as soon as a command exits
# with a non-zero exit status)
set -e
# `cunnie-deployments` is the checked-out GitHub repo that contains our BOSH
# manifests and our directors' `-state.json` files; it also contains this
# script (task script) and task definition.
pushd cunnie-deployments
# We attempt to deploy our BOSH director. We prepare a git commit message
# regardless whether our attempt succeeds or fails because we need to retain any
# change to the BOSH director's `-state.json` file. This is necessary in cases
# where a deploy proceeds far enough to create a broken director VM, for
# subsequent deploys must be able to destroy the broken director VM in order to
# free up its IP address so that the current deploy will succeed. The crucial
# information needed to destroy the broken director VM is its VM's ID, which is
# recorded in the `-state.json` file.
# Note that `set -e` does not trigger an abort if the command that returns a
# non-zero exit code is the subject of an `if` block, i.e. `if bosh create-env`;
# this gives us the breathing room to commit our results regardless of whether
# `bosh create-env` succeeded or failed
if bosh create-env ../bosh-deployment/bosh.yml \
-l <(echo "$DEPLOYMENTS_YML") \
-l <(curl \
-o $DEPLOYMENTS_DIR/../bosh-deployment/aws/cpi.yml \
-o $DEPLOYMENTS_DIR/../bosh-deployment/external-ip-with-registry-not-recommended.yml \
-o $DEPLOYMENTS_DIR/../bosh-deployment/jumpbox-user.yml \
-o etc/aws.yml \
-o etc/nginx.yml \
-o etc/ntp.yml \
-o etc/pdns.yml \
--var-errs \
--vars-store=creds.yml \
--var-file nono_io_crt=etc/ \
-v region=us-east-1 \
-v az=us-east-1a \
-v default_key_name=bosh_deployment_no_ecdsa \
-v default_security_groups=[bosh] \
-v subnet_id=subnet-1c90ef6b \
-v director_name=bosh-aws \
-v internal_cidr= \
-v internal_gw= \
-v internal_ip= \
-v external_ip=
# Do we need to commit anything? If a new director hasn't been deployed (most
# often because there's been no change to the manifest, releases, or stemcell),
# then we don't need to commit
if ! git diff --quiet HEAD --; then
# If we're in this block, then there has been a deployment. Let's set our
# git author to avoid git's `*** Please tell me who you are.` error.
git config --global "Concourse CI"
git config --global [email protected]
# We check out our branch's HEAD because Concourse's git-resource leaves us
# in `detached HEAD` state. ${DEPLOYMENTS_BRANCH} is typically set to
# `master`, but may be set to something else (usually while testing).
git add .
git commit -m"$GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE"
# We copy our repo with its new commit to a new directory. The Concourse job,
# after it finishes running this task, will push the new commit to GitHub.
# Note that `cp -R` works as well as `rsync`; we use `rsync` by force of
# habit.
rsync -aH cunnie-deployments/ cunnie-deployments-with-state/
# We exit with the return code of `bosh create-env`; if the deploy failed, then
# this Concourse task failed
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